posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 02:35 AM
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Many of these noises have Been dismissed as sonic booms from planes..
It's a global issue though. We had an example last year either side of the Atlantic in the U.S. On the east coast and in the UK simultaneously.
The example above was actually the mid atlantic ridge adjusting and creating a thunder clap effect.
So what is it? It's a noise associated with extreme tectonic plate movement. This shouldn't be normal! But is actually the norm now.
Planet x's gravitational effects are the root cause. Another example is the recent New Zealand quake we had recently, which caused..
•GPS station moved by many meters
•Land to rise out of the sea by considerable meters
•'earthquake lights! Also appeared (and are now even acknowledged by the media and not just Zetatalk who seemed to have got that ball rolling)
•There was also tsunami
•Indo Australian plate is a combination of plates combined into one, so the NZ event knocked on to Indonesia way and there was also a ship wreck
that mysteriously moved from the sea bed..after discussions with like minds and authorities on the subject, I can say the shipwrecks disappeared as
the plates moved-very significant!
So my advice to you is to move
west coast I.e. LA, San Fran, San Diego will be wiped off the map soon by the sea (months likely, act
now). Las Vegas may be in the line of Yellowstone so bear that in mind (it will also blow). Stay west of the Mississippi by perhaps 150-200 miles as
when the new madrid goes all bridges will break across the Mississippi which in itself will be disastrous! But we're talking worse!
that's just a helping hand, take this info seriously! We don't have long.Best of luck