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Hard Evidence for Simulation Hypothesis Uncovered! COMPUTER CODE Discovered Hidden in Superstring Eq

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Ajax84

A while ago, Philip K. Dick wrote a book about the very same idea, where people from the future have their consciousness stocked in computers, that run simulations of the past world. That's "Ubik".

The current socio-political situation worldwide, that is close to become revolutionary, makes it so that reality, ALL of reality, is deteriorating in an accelerated fashion, and this could potentially mean an entire shutdown of the system, or reboot... That prophecy about December 2012 suddenly makes sense, in this perspective...

Anyways that video isn't so good, as I'd would have liked to actually see the equations and drawings of what that professor is talking about.
edit on 10/4/12 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM
Check out this mind blowing video about how we could already be past the Omega Point (a singularity where the universe collapses into "one" literally) and living in an "ancestor simulation". The way Sam Harris describes it is very fascinating.

Why the Omega Point has almost certainly already occurred, and you are most likely a Sim simulated from the end of time.

Another one:

This video gives a brief summary of Nick Bostrom's "Simulation Hypothesis". On the surface, Bostrom's simulation hypothesis is an example of a skeptical hypothesis, a proposal concerning the nature of reality put forward to question beliefs, and as such, there is a long history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion. However, Bostrom has argued that there are empirical reasons why the 'Simulation Hypothesis' might be valid. He suggests that if it is possible to simulate entire inhabited planets or even entire universes on a computer, and that such simulated people can be fully conscious, then the sheer number of such simulations likely to be produced by any sufficiently advanced civilization (taken together with his Strong Self-Sampling Assumption) makes it extremely likely that we are in fact currently living in such a simulation.

Bostrom contends that at least one of the following statements is overwhelmingly likely to be true:

No civilization will reach a level of technological maturity capable of producing simulated realities.

No civilization reaching aforementioned technological status will produce a significant number of simulated realities, for any of a number of reasons, such as diversion of computational processing power for other tasks, ethical considerations of holding entities captive in simulated realities, etc.
Any entities with our general set of experiences are almost certainly living in a simulation.

The audio is from an episode of a "Red Ice Creations" Podcast with Jim Elvidge: an expert in complex computational systems, with over 20 years of research in cosmology, quantum mechanics, philosophy, anomalies, and futurism. He is the author of "The Universe-Solved!"

Within 30 years, we will be able to create virtual environments indistinguishable from our reality. Within a few more decades, even physical realities will be manufactured. And we are marching toward an inevitable merge with machines. What's more, it is actually impossible to tell whether or not we have already reached that point.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:05 PM
HMPH! I don't wanna be a SIM...(scowls and folds arms across chest) And I want a better program this one sucks...I want a virtual world where I am beautiful and rich and everyone worships me! (stomps off)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 08:38 AM
Check this out.

"An ultimate simulation needs an ultimate computer, and the new science of digitalism says that the universe itself is the ultimate computer — actually the only computer. Further, it says, all the computation of the human world, especially our puny little PCs, merely piggybacks on cycles of the great computer. Weaving together the esoteric teachings of quantum physics with the latest theories in computer science, pioneering digital thinkers are outlining a way of understanding all of physics as a form of computation."

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
HMPH! I don't wanna be a SIM...(scowls and folds arms across chest) And I want a better program this one sucks...I want a virtual world where I am beautiful and rich and everyone worships me! (stomps off)

That's the only difference with this simulation. There are no cheat codes

On a more serious note, I would love to hear this guy interviewed on Coast to Coast AM. Do it Noory! DO IT!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Strange coincidence. I was listening to an old Coast to Coast AM archived show last night on my iPod when somebody called in and mentioned the physicist Werner Heisenberg. The caller went on to say how Heisenberg developed a theory 87 years ago in which he stated that the lives we live are merely an illusion. This intrigued me because I had just seen this thread a few days before, so this morning I did some research.

In 1925, a Theoretical Physicist named Dr. Werner Heisenberg developed a theory that has come to be known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This theory states that an observer influences the outcome of events simply by observing them. In other words, it is only if we expect to see a sub-atomic particle in a specific location that it will exist there. Light becomes matter when it is being observed.

In 1968, Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., became a member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is now Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Oregon, as well as the author of Quantum Mechanics, a university textbook that is used in countries all over the world. If we close our eyes, does the world still exist even though we are not conscious of it? According to Dr. Goswami and a growing number of other physicists around the world, the answer is ‘No’.

Science has identified all of God’s laws, with one exception – the Law of Mind. This law states that the holographic memory of the human genome enables our DNA bio-computer to form images of bio-structures, holographically. It states that the Universe is a mental creation of all of humanity – that is, the collective human consciousness. Our reality, then, is the projection of the collective consciousness onto a specific range of frequencies that is made in such a way that everyone sharing the experience accepts that same experience – as real.

This is quite incredible, considering that this theory was developed 87 years ago. This is nothing new. People probably didn't pay much attention to his theory back then because he didn't have the technology to back up and prove his claims. However, it's a whole new ballgame now because the groundbreaking technology that can prove this is imminent. The article gets more and more interesting as it goes on:

Some nervous systems operate much faster than ours; others are much slower. A snail’s neurons pick up signals from the external world so slowly that it cannot perceive of events that take place in less than three seconds. If a snail was focusing its eyes on an apple, and someone quickly reached out and snatched that apple away, the snail would not see their hand. So it would seem to it as though the apple had suddenly disappeared.

In the same way, quantum flashes of Light are millions of times too rapid for our own nervous system to register. So our eyes see solid objects seamlessly and continuously in Time and Space in the same way that they see the frames in a filmstrip as they are played back.

In every second of film, there are 24 still frames that flash by. There are also 24 gaps of darkness as each frame quickly disappears from view and is replaced by another. But, because our brains cannot perceive of 48 movements per second, the illusion of a movie is created. If you speed this up exponentially, what is created is an illusion that we call ‘life.’

The entire article can be found here.

Werner Heisenberg (Wikipedia)

On his deathbed, Heisenberg was quoted as saying "I see now that physics is of no importance, that the world is illusion."
edit on 13-4-2012 by Xaphan because: Forgot to add some material.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:19 PM
That Werner Heisenberg info is facinating,the last paragraph its like a lightbulb kind of moment.

I guess it would be possible to somehow train the mind to see through the illusion and particles etc..

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by paperface
That Werner Heisenberg info is facinating,the last paragraph its like a lightbulb kind of moment.

I guess it would be possible to somehow train the mind to see through the illusion and particles etc..

Just a thought... maybe this is what meditation does to a small degree? Also, it makes me wonder if this is what drugs do. When people take hallucinogenic drugs such as '___', Psilocybin mushrooms, '___', Mescaline (Peyote), Ayahuasca etc, maybe these drugs are just distorting the way we perceive reality by enabling our brains to decode parts of this code that we aren't normally supposed to see?

Originally posted by QuestionsEverything
I wonder if anyone has tried programming this code into a supercomputer and running it to see what pops up.

Yes. This was the result

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 04:40 AM
My simplest opinion, and respect to the research - We are not in a simulation, but we are being lied to and decieved into thinking and making believe we are in one more and more every passing day. It’s the hand of madness and confusion.

I’m looking at this from a phsycological perspective that says:

MedModMixAugVir Reality;

Mediated(where you can still distinguish clearly between what is real and what is not) Reality, Modulated(unitized - ones and zeroes, divided reality) Reality,
Mixed(more than one, multiple realities) Reality,
Augmented(altered) Reality and
Virtual (Unreal) Reality…

But I add one more step here, Simulated Reality at which point you can not distinguish between what is in fact real and what is not. Phsycologically, this is what is happening to the human race. At some point everybody is going to ask themselves…Am I sane and is this real? Like when you sit in a crowd at a magic show, bedazzled and amazed at the illusionist to the point where you are not sure whether he can do real magic or wether it was just a trick up his sleeve…you know what I mean?

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by MathMax
My simplest opinion, and respect to the research - We are not in a simulation, but we are being lied to and decieved into thinking and making believe we are in one more and more every passing day.

By whom? And what would be the point of using this to deceive the masses?

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:44 AM
this is amazing news

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by MathMax
My simplest opinion, and respect to the research - We are not in a simulation, but we are being lied to and decieved into thinking and making believe we are in one more and more every passing day.

By whom? And what would be the point of using this to deceive the masses?
TPTB - World domination

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Ajax84

The dudes questioning him are so skeptical that they sound rude as hell. xD

Very good discovery by this man!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Xaphan

No cheat codes? Maybe there are:

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:33 PM
Everyone seems to love the idea of The Matrix, but would you want to be unplugged? i wouldnt want to live in the Zion place in the movie, it looks like a backwards step. As for the spoon thing, use your hand to bend it, your still using ones and zero's to do it.

If we are some sim somewhere, wouldnt someone/something be watching us right now become self aware of the situation.

I read this thread lastnight and this morning and i have been trying to get my head around all of it but i keep running into more and more questions, its doing my head in. You can talk about one point that keeps leading into more.

If we are a sim where is it run from and how.

Maybe this is all just future talk. Im going to have a beer, god bless you all for your part in helping to open and expand all our minds.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:48 AM
different threads, different universes.... as if this one right here is just as important as any other one. NO.

The timeline we are in right now, the ONLY one, is ours. Please think about this:

The MSM are throwing around theories on how we are NOT the only ones and this is not the only time-space. The whole idea here could be for us not to take reality serious. A kind of programming or DEprogramming if you like.

Me, I take my world, and my wife and daughter, very serious. Maybe in another timeline they would be some other guy's woman, but these are mine.

I am with them in my reality AND in my fantasy.

Sorry but I am about to shout:


I hope someone can translate this for me: letting others steal your fantasy in this reality is bad. What other reality? This one? Or this one? I'm here, and my dream stays HERE.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Ajax84

really interesting set of videos-

such ideas can be interpreted different ways as to the design of this life and the singularity that holds it together-

makes the mind ponder

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Brett

If we are some sim somewhere, wouldnt someone/something be watching us right now become self aware of the situation.

some have described it as god waking from thee's slumber-that only through our own conscious awareness, does our true self awaken/become/emanate forth-

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Keetla

Except nobody is actually saying that our lives in this reality aren't important. I've heard several physicists discussing this theory, and not one of them has ever implied any such thing. Where are you getting this from?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Ajax84

I do not know enough about this area to actually say anything intelligent but

Okay, can someone explain in dummy terms how this relates to our conscious being the result of a simulated reality?

Thanks in advance!

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