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I wish it was possible to know the truth about the Masons

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posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Pinocchio

We can tell them that until our throats go parched, but then they just accuse of us having evil trestleboards that will steal your voice, and then your soul. Ive read endless threads on this board of people being told the blunt, honest, boring truth about our organization, but it matters not. People will believe what they want, despite there being no evidence. After all, what my brothers daughters boyfriends dogwalkers uncles cousins toddler says, HAS to be true if it supports my absurd belief.

Hater's gonna hate, aight? =)

To those who reside in darkness, scouring the internets for people to hate and be suspicious of, go toward the light....and in this case, I mean sunlight. Srsly. Brave the evil chemtrails, which are my fault btw, look up into the evil masonic sun and take a breath, and find someone to help. After all, we only eat the babies of people who dwell in darkness.

So mote it be.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

What about those of us who work at the Grand level or in some instances General Grand level? I mean, you make our blood sacrifices sound like its something sinister.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by petrus4

i dont care if you take offence or not - but in my experience , most people who want to " know the truth about.......... "

be-it , masons , ufos , 9/11 etc etc

are not actually interested in ` the truth ` but in having thier belief validated by an " authority "

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 01:58 AM
I have a couple of underground, 'banned' pdf docs that explain the Masons. I would have to give you onion links to directly download them. U2U me if you're interested in what I have on the Masons. Remember, for my links to work, you must have a Tor browser.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Masons do not eat babies- they are much too fatty.

We eat toddlers.

Much less saturated fat.

Lucifer is on his diet kick again...

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Lodges have much differences to them.

Many different levels of understanding.

Most are not nefarious.

Some are.

The whole point is deniability.

So let's not play stupid.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 09:32 PM
The thing to remember about masonry is that there is the historical group....then there's the group that exists today.....the're not quite the same. Most masons are as ignorant of our past and purpose as those outside. We did not organize for pot luck dinners, and there was a time when strict oaths had life and death meaning as we could in fact be put to deaths by the tyrants in those times....As those tyrannies faded, much of the meaning faded....the traditions lived on but the origin and reasons become clouded.....Whether masonry is innocent or guilty I suppose depends on what you consider to be good values....To a tyrant and or police state we have always been criminals......certainly when masons started we were considered anything but innocent by the tyrants of that day both secular and religious...and if we played some small part in the demise of those tyrants I for one consider it a crime to be proud of. However today...well...... sort of like the Sons of the Revolution or other such groups we have become more of a symbol, and a memory of lost lessons....masonry has forgotten the fire in it's belly it once had...because it has appeared to no longer be required....the future may be something quite different....I'm sure we're on the list of groups to round up, by more then a few would be tyrants today. So perhaps we should remember how to function in that secret capacity.....history moves on....but it does not stay peaceful forever. There may be a time when Masonry must remember itself.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 10:43 AM
I have always envied the mason society I even went as much to email them and request a members pamphlet one time. it is a brotherhood. not society from what I gathered. my dad's uncle is a freemason and asked my dad to join, but he didn't tell me why he turned down the offer.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
Lodges have much differences to them.

Many different levels of understanding.

Most are not nefarious.

Some are.

The whole point is deniability.

So let's not play stupid.

in the interest of not playing or sounding stupid, could you please share which lodge is bad and why?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
Lodges have much differences to them.

Many different levels of understanding.

Most are not nefarious.

Some are.

The whole point is deniability.

So let's not play stupid.

Yup - exactly that! - it was first co-opted by the illuminati/jesuits to be used as a network of influence over the Protestant world a secret society within a secret society.

your everyday Mason is completely ignorant of the real occult meaning of their rituals and regalia and will never be admitted to the inner workings - The founding of the USA was a Masonic project through and through - for very different purposes than are publicly portrayed.

The illuminati types migrate in and out of organisations over the centuries - Masonry was invaluable to them over the past 200 yrs - nowadays probably not so much.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Yup - exactly that! - it was first co-opted by the illuminati/jesuits to be used as a network of influence over the Protestant world a secret society within a secret society.

Bonus points ofr actually understanding the true origins of the Illuminati and the jesuits....however their attempt to subvert masonry FAILED utterly, and they were properly recompensed.

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
your everyday Mason is completely ignorant of the real occult meaning of their rituals and regalia and will never be admitted to the inner workings - The founding of the USA was a Masonic project through and through - for very different purposes than are publicly portrayed.

The majority of masons may not know our full history, and they may not know some deeper meanings but not because they are ever held back from them, it's inly because they quit looking. Masonry gives you the tools but finding the answers is up to you.....also "occult"? I suppose that depends on which definition. However all the deepest meanings in our ritual are firmly based in the Abrahamic faiths, there is no deeper meaning Christ would not agree with, as his message is most central to all lessons we learn on how to live with our fellow man. The founding if the USA was NOT coincidence you are correct, and yes Masons played a major role long before Columbus sailed, or before Masonry was "above ground" however not all who did so were Masons...A study of whose who in influnce at the formation of the Royal Society and it's you most of the key people to answer such questions though....

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
The illuminati types migrate in and out of organisations over the centuries - Masonry was invaluable to them over the past 200 yrs - nowadays probably not so much.

Your mixing your groups any case the philosophy of the Illuminati lives on...more could be said about political groups in England there....however the group that was the Illuminati was quite effectively dismantled, it never gained the power masonry had in those days when masonry was still very political active....and I pray that whenever and wherever such would by tyrants raise their little heads they shall be dealt with likewise in the future, though i'm not sure if masonry is up to the challange on it's own as it is now......but the masons have not at all been useful to them, rather they have been at odds and the ones fighting them every step.....The historical Illuminati sought a collectivist tyranny, Masonry has always, and always will so long as it keeps it's ritual intact be on the side of individualism, and free men, and oppose tyranny of every mannor.......You must be a free man to enter, and while we may band together in brotherhood and to help our communities, free men we stay.....the basis of so many of our rules is to protect our diversity of thought, the Illuminati, and those that model themselves after them are easier to spot they crush diversity of thought and views every chance they get, while Masons have always protected the right to free and diverse thought. Look at the philosophies, it's all you need to know to see whose sided with which world view. Any modern form of the Illuminati would try to crush free thought....(the modern PC movement for example) The heirs of the ancient masons would be any group that bands together to fight for diversity of thought and willing to defend those of different views so long as it supports freedom of thinking, and an individuals right to worship freely per their conscience....follow the philosophies....

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:20 AM
Does Freemason use this kind of expression when dealing with Members around a Cowan???

Wrist = Rest
Thumb = Them, Dumb, Damn
Eye = I
Nose = Nose
Mustache = Must Have
Goatee = Go To
Snotty snort with thumb pressed against nostril = Not Dumb
Stomach = Is Too Much (What Adam failed to say... "There are two things I have to learn?!? That Is Too Much!"
Groin Phallus = Grand Father
Phallus = Father
Cough[ing] = Cousin
Brows = Bros as in Brothers
Bite = Beat (w/Thumb pressed up against tooth = Beat Them)
Ankle = Uncle
Hand = Aunt
Knees = Niece
Mouth = Mother
Knee + Foot = Nephew

I can't remember all of it, but if you see my point... reply to the question... TY TC TTYS...


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:38 AM
My uncle is a Mason, probably the nicest, least evil guy i know. He spends most of his time tending his allotment.

The only secret i'd be interested to ween from him is that of his compost....a secret recipe of his own that produces award winning huge veg!

He must be one of the "lower level" ones.


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by CX

Your uncle, God Bless His soul, probably knows the mystery that has had me baffled for the last 5 years...
You see... I stumbled upon an idea that most, especially your uncle, find quite common.
This idea is: "The Greatest Ultimate Hustler!"
Howso??? Well... The Great White Man stunned the world when he actually got someone to buy a bag of poo...
Who in the world ever devised such a scheme and actually gotten away with it... ????

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by CX
He must be one of the "lower level" ones.


we all are.

Only the most strict basement dweller with high bandwidth knows what the "higher ups" know.

We will have to be content with being low level masons.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Pinocchio
reply to post by CX

Your uncle, God Bless His soul, probably knows the mystery that has had me baffled for the last 5 years...
You see... I stumbled upon an idea that most, especially your uncle, find quite common.
This idea is: "The Greatest Ultimate Hustler!"
Howso??? Well... The Great White Man stunned the world when he actually got someone to buy a bag of poo...
Who in the world ever devised such a scheme and actually gotten away with it... ????

the same guy who took water (free from the tap) and put in into a plastic bottle then charged 1$ each.

I only wish I would have thought of it.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by CX
He must be one of the "lower level" ones.


we all are.

Only the most strict basement dweller with high bandwidth knows what the "higher ups" know.

We will have to be content with being low level masons.

Moreso than content... In my experience I come to understand that such a "Higher Level" soul is no longer allowed the privileges and basic rights as would us more simple folk(s)...
Such demands come with a great responsibility and although they're greatly attended to, we find that in the end there really truly is no grand thank you or a moments rest or any of the pleasures we call leisure in their lives.
So... they entrust you to live it out that it can be said their work was not in vain...

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:11 PM
There is a surefire way to find out....join!

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Pinocchio
Does Freemason use this kind of expression when dealing with Members around a Cowan???

Wrist = Rest
Thumb = Them, Dumb, Damn
Eye = I
Nose = Nose
Mustache = Must Have
Goatee = Go To
Snotty snort with thumb pressed against nostril = Not Dumb
Stomach = Is Too Much (What Adam failed to say... "There are two things I have to learn?!? That Is Too Much!"
Groin Phallus = Grand Father
Phallus = Father
Cough[ing] = Cousin
Brows = Bros as in Brothers
Bite = Beat (w/Thumb pressed up against tooth = Beat Them)
Ankle = Uncle
Hand = Aunt
Knees = Niece
Mouth = Mother
Knee + Foot = Nephew

I can't remember all of it, but if you see my point... reply to the question... TY TC TTYS...

I am kind of in awe....

This is why I love ATS, I may stare at this for days trying to wrap myself around the mind behind it, and how it is constructed....... I may need to frame it......just one more reason I love diversity of thought, including can't make it up.......

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