So used to seeing phage critical of people for there attempt at earthquake theories posting number after number of them as frivolous and proving
nothing. Glad to see his theory coming to fruition looks like after today his 232 (+/- 1) seems to have some backing behind it. Now for the follow up
I wanna know what the force may be behind it, please dwelve further so we can further be enlightend.
I'm just razzing ya cause I always see how ya post in the threads on the predictions and how you have shown over and over if ya wanna crunch numbers
you can make em show what ever you wish to have a captive audience see. Still gotta say pretty hilarious that you were and have been spot on LoL
SideNote, we might have to start calling you mitchell coombs 232 days and counting you have been warned LoL
Don't forget a facebook page, a youtube channel LOL Still props though gonna wait and see till 232 days from now, if the cycle repeats I might
open one up and piggie back your royalties until you search me out in a lawsuit for intelectual property theft J/K LoL
Still in 232 days if the ground shakes again your our next ATS prophet of doooom!!!!