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BEIJING Exterminating Tens of Thousands of Tibetans, Replacing Whole Villages with Chinese

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:53 PM
OMG there is some sort of rumor about a coup in Beijing but it is likely only a timely decoy/distraction from what is going down in Tibet recently, see leaked vid

you won't see it on the news as the media is suppressing China's genocide of the Tibet people to showcase the imminent IRAN false flag, and not covering much of the worldwide protests (ie, @ UN) that are happening while entire villages of Tibetans are still being killed off and the inhabitants replaced with Chinese occupants/municipalities.

For those who don't know the situation in the past decade... In 2001, 13,000 prisoners from Tibet & Xinjiang were paraded through Beijing and then publicly executed.

as far as the resistance, sadly it is in the form of suicide protests.
a farmer, and multiple women were among the 30 latest self-immolators in Tibet while thousands of other Tibetans protest, Beijing, China only condemns it all.

Sonam Dhargyal, 44yo farmer & father of three, set himself on fire in Rebkong region of eastern Tibet, in the latest gesture of defiance to protest Chinese government policies on Tibet, joining the ranks of some 30 other self-immolators in the past year, including monks and more recently, women:

What would Gandhi say? And why aren't we USA & NATO lending a strong helping hand to the Tibetans, stopping the oppression and genocide the way we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria??

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:56 PM
Self immolation is something I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around. The turmoil one has to be going through and the loyalty they have to have to their cause.....

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

What would Gandhi say? And why aren't we USA & NATO lending a strong helping hand to the Tibetans, stopping the oppression and genocide the way we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria??

Because the Chinese won't go down easy and the US will have a REAL fight on their hands.

Can't have the possibility of losing a war even if 1,000's of people are being abused for real instead of the propaganda usually created to justify invasions of smaller Countries.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by

Buddhist monks capable of performing such an act have achieved a level of control over the brain as to the point where they do not experience pain like us simpletons, my friend.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:10 PM

so yea so we only take on humanitary causes when we are sure we won't get hurt and that we will get something out of it for oursevles?

gee, how courageous and altruistic!


hmm hey did anyone see the movie Forbidden Kingdom? haven't yet, wonder if its any good..

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:11 PM
Is this related to the Beijing coup thread because it's kinda odd this came out at the same time as the Tibet fiasco

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:12 PM
This is terrible if its true. The people of Tibet are wonderful easygoing people who want peace. I've met a great share of them throughout my life and would give the shirt off my back for anyone from Tibet.

I sure hope this is propaganda and not a real situation.

Another reason that we probably wouldn't be helping them if its true is because Tibet isn't a "OIL" Producing country. So it is possible there is real troubles there with china. The US government has no Interests to protect there. Terrible news to hear.

edit on 20-3-2012 by Pegasus2000 because: Added content

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
Is this related to the Beijing coup thread because it's kinda odd this came out at the same time as the Tibet fiasco

i linked to facts about the Tibetan genocide.

the Beijing coup thread links to a rumor link on another website.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:15 PM
Dont you think any publicy executed people would be shown on the (chinese) news or people would talk about it?
What would be the point of publicly executing anyone - if it was not publicised. It hasn't been. Where do you get your info from? Youtube? haha

I have no doubt that there are some things going on in tee bet but before you make any judgements on that, you have to understand the political differences from one country to another and not only that, the different culture - which is very different.

Really, there is so much fear-mongering going on and it seems to me to be a way to divide people/countries rather than to unite them.

Racism is an ugly projection wherever (China or USA or any other country) it comes from.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:20 PM
There are various sources but they are extremely GRAPHIC depictions of some of the thousands of "public" executions.. of course they are public when so many are being executed at the same time they all witness themselves as a group, at least..

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:29 PM
While I believe the bbc is the biggest propaganda platform in the world I also kmow how bad the cinese are, tianamen sq still remains fixed in my memory.

Not that its relevant to this thread but the chinese dont give monkies about what happens inside the US as long it doesnt affect them. America amd the west have no right to dictate to china when we are no better at the momemt.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
Buddhist monks capable of performing such an act have achieved a level of control over the brain as to the point where they do not experience pain like us simpletons, my friend.

44 year old FARMER of 3 children... NOT Bhuddist Monk. Your propaganda sickens me

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Because the Chinese won't go down easy and the US will have a REAL fight on their hands.
Can't have the possibility of losing a war even if 1,000's of people are being abused for real instead of the propaganda usually created to justify invasions of smaller Countries.

You want to go to help the Tibetans against China starting a possible war with them? Do you know how many lives would be lost in a war?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by DaRAGE

What do you mean propaganda? I was referring to the monks.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:35 PM
We have no right to dictate to China, but that is a non-issue as we are not dictating to them.

So the issue at hand regarding dictating, is why are we dictating elsewhere - do we have a "right" to be dictating in Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria - where we ARE dictating?

As for awereness about TIBETAN GENOCIDE I pointed out the UN protests are not being covered, yet Iran is being showcased. If UN is not against of all things, GENOCIDE of all crimes against humanity, then what good is it?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
reply to post by DaRAGE

What do you mean propaganda? I was referring to the monks.

Thought you were calling the Farmer with 3 children a Bhuddist monk... If that's not the case I retract my previous statement.
edit on 20-3-2012 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by qmantoo
Dont you think any publicy executed people would be shown on the (chinese) news or people would talk about it?
What would be the point of publicly executing anyone - if it was not publicised. It hasn't been. Where do you get your info from? Youtube? haha

I have no doubt that there are some things going on in tee bet but before you make any judgements on that, you have to understand the political differences from one country to another and not only that, the different culture - which is very different.

Really, there is so much fear-mongering going on and it seems to me to be a way to divide people/countries rather than to unite them.

Racism is an ugly projection wherever (China or USA or any other country) it comes from.

Well here is another source. I am sure you won't like wikipedia any better then youtube, but I also will include the articles they used for references as well. I guess you can say executions and execution vans used to kill people and harvest their organs is just really culturally acceptable and we shouldn't judge, but I would say it's not humanly acceptable, just my opinion though.

And I would say one reason they may not publicly show all the executions going on, because they don't want the hassle from the international community.

Chinese execution Van

USA Today Execution van article

Asia Times Article

Taipei Times article
edit on 20-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

And I know that these articles are not about this particular incident but if you do read them, they do show that china is busy executing a lot of people locally for crimes and many of those executions are not broadcast across the rest of the country and in their media, so not really surprising that they would have a news blackout on tibetian executions which would stir up even more of a international outcry.
edit on 20-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: addition

edit on 20-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by
Self immolation is something I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around. The turmoil one has to be going through and the loyalty they have to have to their cause.....

Well i started this thread hours ago and it was boggling me all evening too, that dilemma.

What would you do, what would I do, what would any of us do if we were TIBETAN right now experiencing the tremendous pressure and oppression of the Chinese army everyday? What if we are the head of a household, we are losing most of our extended family to mass executions, as every month week day goes by. They have already siezed our house and all property and we are prisoners living under atrocious conditions in the likes of a concentration camp. Those of us with children, if we self-immolate, won't our children have it even harder with us gone? Or it doesn't because they have only days or weeks left till executed next, like ourselves.

Indeed we can only imagine how bad the situation can get when we are cold, starving, homeless, beaten, raped, torchered, and everyone around us is being killed off and we are eventually next..

Suicide in such instance may be seen as ending the suffering as well as at the same making a statement of protest when its the only means of protest left.

As for the bigger picture, GENOCIDE it has been going on and INCREASING in recent years and months, and indeed has gotten less publicized for multiple reasons on both East & West political sides to suit their own images. Nevertheless, here is some more leaked footage from much earlier on (2008) where Tibets are "hunted like rabbits in their burrows"

How can a human do this to another human, how can governments worldwide succeed in exterminating hundred of thousands of people within less than a decade and how many lives does that tally up to by a century or so after which often a government is replaced by another the bloody cycle only to repeat the torcher suffering & massacres over and over yet again?

edit on 20-3-2012 by BiggerPicture because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by

I remember there were some self immolations (of US citizens) against the War in Vietnam...

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:35 AM

Hunger strike DAY 29 in front of the UN - how many days can you go without eating anything?

Look at how Chinese are treating Tibetans - worse than dogs - well those that are not among the dozens of thousands that have already been executed. We are all the same how can they do this to fellow humans? Just because China has conquered Tibet, it gives them no right. Or does it?

Many Tibetan monks are among the protests, and hundreds have been arrested or executed. How could China stoop to imperial USA level and be be so heartless & ruthless?

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