posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:54 PM
My brother recently got a text message from some random number out of our area code, area code 469 to be exact. The message is as follows:
"Please look up bilderberg group, you must look it up on google has been compromised. Please forward text to everyone you know. The
world MUST be informed if humanity is to survive."
The message came from 4698263627.
My question: Is anyone else getting these messages? Why would someone send this message? I am aware of the bilderberg group, therefore not worried
about researching it. It's just strange he would get this message randomly.
My opinion, tomorrow March 21st is going to be earth shattering, probably. I have seen forums stating banksters bailing out, politicians going on
vacations, pope retiring, the alignment of the planets is taken place March 21st, and if you take the numbers from March 21 2012, and add them
together (3+2+1+2+0+1+2) it equals 11, which is how these cabal members work.
Does anyone have any input on any of this? I doubt anything is going to happen, but everything is pointing towards something big happening. There was
also a forum where "someone" was called by a special forces guy who had heard from a prison guard in the country that something big was happening
between march 13 and march 25th. There was a posting today stating that the earth will tilt its axis due to some mass object hurling towards the sun
or earth. I will post links.
So let me know, without calling me nuts, I assure you I am sane, just awake. Thanks!
If you do more digging you'll see alot of references to March 21st and March 22nd. Be ready, of course, to survive.
Happy week!!