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Aside from the 188 day predictions, did anyone feel an energy shift?

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posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:35 PM
I did not feel anything, personally, but my very good friend did.

She gets to work very early in the morning. I got a text from her at 4:26AM this morning that read " Something's not right. Silent bug sounds, no bird or animal sounds, no breeze, no human sounds. I feel very uncomfortable".

So, I looked up the time that the earthquake took place, and it was not 20 minutes after she said she started feeling uncomfortable. She said it almost felt like she was in a vortex of sorts.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:48 PM
I meditated this morning and I fell asleep later and I then had this very vivid dream where I was sleeping in my bed and remote-viewed my mother coming home and then I started feeling dizzy and my head was spinning three times when I would talk and then it continued until I started to feel very sick and it eventually got so fast that I woke up and wasn't sure whether I had dreamed about it or not because it was very real and I still felt a bit dizzy after waking up. I don't know if it was the earthquake, but it never happened to me before and I know that dream was special. I also checked the time when the big earthquake happened and it was about the same time as my dream. Coincidence or not? Was it something else? I have no idea, but I find it interesting.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by PassedKarma

hi ,l came across your post by accident :maybe

your son -head aches -epilepsy,l suffer the same ,auras
any way you said you try to help with diet....
this has helped me also
but what really has helped me is a chinese herb combination called
"happy wanderer pill"
l find myself pretty sensitive to every thingl take into my body, l build up toxic heat ,
which turns in head aches ,auras ,epilepsy ,sick stomach.......migraines
any way these pills have helped me greatly,l hope l have been of help!

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