When it happens it will happen quickly. It will be an intentional and deliberate collapse of the economy. panic will quickly follow, then Obama will
institute Marshal law. America will be done. No more freedom and liberty, and no more rights.
They they will come for all you gun owners and confiscate all of your weapons, and kill you if you don't surrender them. Everyone will be told to stay
in their homes. There will be no survivalists. Then they wil track you by cell phone, by on star, and by other electronic devices that are now the
drug of the mind that people can't do without.
In short order there will be FEMA processing plants operating full time. You will be told to get into white school buses and will be taken to a center
for processing. You will be color coded after it is determined if you are sheeple or defiant. Everything you ever did online will be used to determine
if you are to be killed or spared for forced slavery for the very elite class which are not any political party as we now know it.
If you are to die you will be placed into a room that is the same color as you prison clothes. red for death, blue for re education, and green for
sheeple. The red die immediately, but the blues are physically conditioned through a process of forced starvation that will take months and maybe over
a year. You will either be green at the end or killed.
The method of death is by lethal injection. You are taken to a small room connected to the cell block room you lived in while being starved. You were
given no bed and no clothes while in your cell block which was simply a large room. Since I was a blue the room was also blue in color. You stayed
there naked and starved. When they finally take you into the small room you're glad because you will embrace the needle of peace that will end your
life. The nurses will give it to you in the arm or leg and it's over in seconds. Don't fear it because it means freedom from the constant pain.
After you die, they will take you into an area connected to the small room that leads to a conveyer that has FEMA coffins stacked on platforms. They
will pile your bodies into them, seal them and send them to an incineration plant elsewhere off site where all camps send the dead bodies.
I know all this because I suffered every bit of this in a dream, and also in a vision. I felt the starvation and the pain. And I was glad to get the
needle because I would not give in and swear allegiance to the state and deny belief in any god. Below is a couple of teasers for ya all. I found all
this after my experience in my dream and vision at the FEMA or otherwise known as CCA concentration camp. This does not begin to cover all the FEMA
stuff, the special presidential directives, and the like. But it's all true, and it will all happen very soon. There will be no place to run to. There
will be no escape. They will come for you and everyone. Especially if you are using technology that can be found using tracking and GPS. And you will
serve the elite class and deny your life or you will die for your freedom of thought. The choice is all yours to make. But don't do the survivalist
thing because it's a pure waste of time. Watch all of the videos below and disregard the debunker watch dogs on the ATS.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)