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We won the war. We achieved our objectives. Why are we still in Iraq?

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posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 11:48 AM
We defeated Iraq's Military.
We removed Saddam and the leadership of Iraq.
We eliminated any chance of WMD.
We destroyed or removed any terrorist training camps.

Why are our armed forces still dieng in Iraq and what is their mission?

Also when you answer explain why it is our troops who are sworn to support and defend the United States should be dieng for Iraqi freedom/peace/stability etc...

I betcha not one soldier there thought when they volunteered and swore in that that were swearing in to die for Iraqi Freedom. If those same soldeirs we given a choice to stay and help Iraq or go home I bet not one would vote to stay. Not one. Volunteer force? I think not.

Lets get outa there now.

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Xeven]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 11:59 AM
Remaining goals in Iraq:

- Halliburton is still out to make a profit (rich get richer)
- Another 8 Billion will be lost in the oil for food program (twice)
- Not done breeding/creating new terrorists (al-qaeda says thanks)
- Globalization rules (dubya says so)
- Israel (whos your daddy)
- Nov 2nd elections to pass (bush fails war he loses re-election)
- If Kerry wins the mess will be placed in his hands
- American people's security is still at risk (Iraqi boy with stick & nail)

Plenty of remaining war goals, cant ya'll see that?

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:04 PM
1. Not exactly hard
2. See Above.
3. Err, So its changed from "eliminating WMD's to "eliminating the chance". Good line.
4. There were none in the first place, but there are now.

You don't just cut and run, when you invade a country and destroy its system then you have the obligation to build a new system that has the support of the people.

This is what happens when you have a plan to win a war but not win the peace.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:11 PM
We haven't won anything. In fact, the only thing we've really done, is remove Saddam. "Winning" is impossible, when Bush doesn't even know who the enemy is, even though he declared the "mission complete" a long time ago.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Bush is one of those guys who comes in at 8:30am, leaves for lunch at 9:00am, comes back at 4:30pm and leaves at 5:00pm.

He's never completed anything of substance his WHOLE life. He has the attention span of gnat and the intelligence of a mosquito.

He's the idiot, probably pressured by Cheney and Rumsfeld to RUSH into this 'Disaster Waiting to Happen' we call Iraq.
How can we expect this poor fool to stay engaged long enough to secure or at least stablize a country?

And judging by Xeven, whom i presume is one of his ardent supporters and intellectual equals, how will we finish the job there any better than in Afghanistan?

If George Weasel Bush were your prospective employee would you ever hire someone who has no attention span, doesn't focus on anything, has a totally inarticulate mind, and is 'hearing voices from God'?

You Know, sometimes you just have to let an employee go.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 03:55 PM
Your forces are still there because:
1)If you leave, there will be a civil war in iraq. The Kurds will try to establish a nation, the radical muslims want to turn iraq into iran� etc etc
2)By calling your best allies "old europe" and ignoring international law, you are now almost without UN support. So no one can take over as it happend in Afghanistan.

Nevertheless you should pull back now and give full power the the new iraq Governement.Then the freedom fighters will most likely loose acceptance in the population because they'd target iraqis.
If the Al Sadre People are getting too much of a Problem, the UN can send Pakistanis or the like. There are chanches that they are not seen as crusaders.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 04:16 PM
Historically, the so-called "mop-up operations" have been long and bloody, just less intense than the major battle to take control of real estate. If you can still find one, ask any veteran of the Pacific campaigns. There were many hostile engagements long after the battle was declared over. This is the nature of war. It has never been any different.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:11 PM

How can we expect this poor fool to stay engaged long enough to secure or at least stablize a country?

Bush is the one insisting that we stay there and finish the job. He has not said we should pack up the troops and bring them home. We've been in Iraq for over a year and Bush has said we will stay as long as it takes. I'm not sure I understand where you are coming from.


posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:59 PM
We have already abandoned fallujah. It is a law unto itself.

In the CIA's most recent report

The classified document, known as a National Intelligence Estimate, predicted three possible scenarios ranging from a tenuous stability to political fragmentation and CIVIL WAR.
George W. Bush 'whitewashed' it this way

"The CIA laid out several scenarios that said life could be lousy, life could be OK, life could be better," Bush said.
tenuous stability = better?
political fragmentation = OK?

The man is totally out of touch!

How long after his corporate cronies find out there is no way of making any profits in Iraq do you think we will stay there?
Try this: We hang around to shepard through some makeshift election in January, declare victory and leave, bullets flying at our backs. Or more likely we'll just forget about Iraq when he invades IRAN.

In the meantime downplay how bad things are there to the gulible here.

It is difficult to hold HOT soup with your hands.

Here REPUBLICANS are starting to criticize Bush on Iraq:

Serious Republicans just couldn't bring themselves to mince words over the weekend.
"We're in deep trouble in Iraq," Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said on CBS News' Face the Nation.

Looking at the $18 billion in restoration assistance that has been appropriated and the $1 billion that has been spent, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in an appearance on ABC News' This Week, blamed "incompetence in the administration."

He [Hagel] suggested "some recalibration of policy."

We have NOT finished the job in Afghanistan. But we FORGOT about it and went ahead and invaded Iraq. You think the job now NOT finished in Iraq will be 'remembered' if we invade IRAN?
This administration leaves a trail of destruction and UNFINISHED business behind it like the slime of a slug and enough enemies to blanket the GLOBE.

edit spelling

[edit on 22-9-2004 by slank]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by slank
Bush is one of those guys who comes in at 8:30am, leaves for lunch at 9:00am, comes back at 4:30pm and leaves at 5:00pm.

He's never completed anything of substance his WHOLE life. He has the attention span of gnat and the intelligence of a mosquito.

He's the idiot, probably pressured by Cheney and Rumsfeld to RUSH into this 'Disaster Waiting to Happen' we call Iraq.
How can we expect this poor fool to stay engaged long enough to secure or at least stablize a country?

And judging by Xeven, whom i presume is one of his ardent supporters and intellectual equals, how will we finish the job there any better than in Afghanistan?

If George Weasel Bush were your prospective employee would you ever hire someone who has no attention span, doesn't focus on anything, has a totally inarticulate mind, and is 'hearing voices from God'?

You Know, sometimes you just have to let an employee go.


[edit on 22-9-2004 by bushblows]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Jemison

Bush is the one insisting that we stay there and finish the job. He has not said we should pack up the troops and bring them home. We've been in Iraq for over a year and Bush has said we will stay as long as it takes. I'm not sure I understand where you are coming from.


What else is he going to say 2 months from an election? That he was wrong the whole time, let's get the hell out of there?

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by slank
We have NOT finished the job in Afghanistan. But we FORGOT about it and went ahead and invaded Iraq. You think the job now NOT finished in Iraq will be 'remembered' if we invade IRAN?
This administration leaves a trail of destruction and UNFINISHED business behind it like the slime of a slug and enough enemies to blanket the GLOBE.

Exactly! When Bush decided to attack Iraq, he also decided not to fight an effective war on the real terrorists.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:11 AM
The above remaining goals not withstanding, hehe....

STABILITY - A remaining goal is to have stability in Iraq, where life can get back to normal. With towns in the hands of insurgents, this has not yet been acheived.

NEW GOVERNMENT - A government must be put into place that can acheive and maintain the aforementioned stability. It must also be solid enough to satisfy the main 3 groups (Sunni, Shiite, Kurd) vying for control, as well as remain friendly to the US. This is perhaps the tallest order one can imagine...

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Xeven
Also when you answer explain why it is our troops who are sworn to support and defend the United States should be dieng for Iraqi freedom/peace/stability etc...

The US destroyed the government in Iraq, and is now occupying it until a new governement can be established. Leaving right now would be sheer stupidity. Both Germany and Japan had troops commited to their occupations, Iraq is no different.

If those same soldeirs we given a choice to stay and help Iraq or go home I bet not one would vote to stay. Not one.

I know people in the military. I don't know a single one that doesn't want to be in iraq right now.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:24 AM
I am in the U.S. Army and have friends in Afghanistan and Iraq who have extended their deployment because they feel they are doing what is right. I volunteered to go to both places. I am heading to Afghanistan in a few weeks to install computer networks in their public schools. I am going to stay as long as I am needed to make sure these people get what they need and deserve.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by FNG_J]

[edit on 4-10-2004 by FNG_J]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I know people in the military. I don't know a single one that doesn't want to be in iraq right now.

How many? Two, three....out of how many over there? I fail to see why you even brought this up. Even if you knew 50 soldiers over there, it still wouldn't even be close to an accurate representation of all of them. There are many of soldiers who don't want to be there right now. There are also many who don't agree with what they're doing.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Damned

Originally posted by Nygdan
I know people in the military. I don't know a single one that doesn't want to be in iraq right now.

How many? Two, three....out of how many over there? I fail to see why you even brought this up. Even if you knew 50 soldiers over there, it still wouldn't even be close to an accurate representation of all of them. There are many of soldiers who don't want to be there right now. There are also many who don't agree with what they're doing.

And there are many more, like yourself, who sit at home and think you know what they think and want. I spent time over there, my borther is over there now, and I didnt meet one soldier that wanted to "run away" like you so dearly beleive.

Sure, some are scared, they don't want to die, and they miss their families and homes, and some dissapprove of the reasons we went there, but I met not one single soldier that was willing to leave iraq in shambles.

Armchair Warrior, go sit down infront of your TV and stop pretending you know something you obviously know very little about.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by FNG_J
I am in the U.S. Army and have friends in Afghanistan and Iraq who have extended their deployment because they feel they are doing what is right. I volunteered to go to both places. I am heading to Afghanistan in a few weeks to install computer networks in their public schools. I am going to stay as long as I am needed to make sure these people get what they need and deserve.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by FNG_J]

[edit on 4-10-2004 by FNG_J]

I would like to compliment you Sir.

I am going to stay as long as I am needed to make sure these people get what they need and deserve.

That truley is a wonderful attitude and something you don't get to hear much.

I wish you good luck in Afghanistan.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by Kriz_4]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 11:00 AM
We have friends in Iraq that were "extended" when they should be retaring, we have friends that had die in Iraq, we have friends that came back from Iraq and one thing so far none of them agree with Iraq and what is going in there, but as Marines they go were the "Comanding in Chief" send them and they have no say so in the matter, but they can vote.

By the way my husband is a Retaired Marine and works in a military base, just in case I am being acussed of no providing the truth.

The only reason we are in iraq is because Iraq has oil and US companies want it.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
And there are many more, like yourself, who sit at home and think you know what they think and want. I spent time over there, my borther is over there now, and I didnt meet one soldier that wanted to "run away" like you so dearly beleive.

Sure, some are scared, they don't want to die, and they miss their families and homes, and some dissapprove of the reasons we went there, but I met not one single soldier that was willing to leave iraq in shambles.

Armchair Warrior, go sit down infront of your TV and stop pretending you know something you obviously know very little about.

What's your point? I said there are many who don't believe in what they're doing, and many who don't want to be there. In other words, they don't agree with attacking Iraq. Of course they're not going to go AWOL. That assumes you'll be spending major time in prison, does it not? I suggest you stop insulting me, and spend your time on more constructive things. I wasn't even replying to you.
You're ignorant if you think people want to be fighting a war anywhere.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by Damned]

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