posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:39 AM
In the world today we have War, Famine, Drought, Terrorism, Hate, Fear, Death, AIDS, and Natural Disaster. If I were a fundamentalist Christian, I
could say we are in the End of Days. But, I�m not, but that doesn�t let me stop thinking about the end of the world, or at least civilization as we
know it. You look at the John Titor musings, the Aztec Calendar, the fatalism of International Terrorism, the rise of International Corporations that
cross Government domains and act above boundaries, and the general apathy to all of it, and I wonder�
What is the most likely path of the world in the next 50 years? Will it all end or will it just continue as is? Will an unseen meteor just end it all
in a flash some autumn day? Will the Yellowstone Supervolcano wipe out North America and change global climate forever? Will the U.S. continue to
exist, or will outside forces rend it apart or nuke it away? As an ancillary, will western culture continue?
Personally, I see the world not at all like it is now. I see technology slowing drastically over the next 50 years due to government controls on
industry and a lack of innovation, sort of a Reverse Industrial Revolution.
I see a lowering of U.S. quality in general achievement due to reduced educational standards and school quality. A drastic quality of life reduction
with massive tax increases due to an expansion of the welfare state (a side effect of the diminished education system) and the Baby Boomer Bulge
hitting retirement.
I see the Fortress America type situation, with the U.S. going isolationist as a backlash to the world response to the War on Terror. We will do JUST
enough to keep our homeland safe (airborne anti-missile lasers and a missile shield) and grow to ignore the problems of the rest of the world. The
borders will close. The U.S. will do most of it�s business WITHIN its borders, and will be generally self sufficient. And, as a crazy thought, I see
the United Nations moving its headquarters to Europe as a response.
I see the rise of a fundamentalist Islamic Superpower in the Middle East with the consolidation of several countries through war (The Bush plan of
Islamic Democracy fails because of a lack of support from the western powers).
I see a Socialist China expanding their pseudo-capitalist plans through expansion into new markets, and an expansion of products in their own massive
market. They will be THE superpower of the 21st century.
I see Africa just as it is now, poor and full of strife. AIDS will be the single greatest killer in Africa, followed closely by war and
racial/religious differences.
Europe? Not really sure, but I see them growing increasingly socialist and restrictive, especially after continued Terror hits. A general U.S. bashing
and a promise of non-intervention against Terrorist states and Organizations will then quell Terror in Europe. This is what forces the U.S. into
Fortress America.
Taiwan and South Korea will cease to exist, taken over by their neighbors.
I can see all of this happening, as long as a major natural disaster does not happen. A pole shift is due anytime, though�.