I have seen the video,hes obviously off his head on drugs.
This is what I believe so far.
First off, I was suspicious of the charity group straight away,the Kony 2012 video seemed to be too obviously manipulative, and something about it
put me off. Then it went onto call for military involvment in Africa. MMM ,,,
I thought psi op... (Use mass media to see if we can manipulate the facebook,youtube crowd) kinda like war of the worlds broadcast in the radio age,
an experiment?
Then I learned after googling this "Invisible Children" that it is a dodgy charity, only gives 30 percent of the millions it makes to help the kids.
And of course its commmon knowledge now Kony has been gone from Uganda for 6 years. (not taking into account trying to make it cool and the right ting
to do,,military action ala binladen navy seal type assasination type # in another countries)
Then I seen some of the videos this guy makes,(look them up) his group seems like a scientology cult, his videos seem like self indulgent tripe,thats
where most of his money goes,check out his all singing dancing "promos for Uganda". They look like a cross between an episode of Glee and a
scientology recruitment video.
So , in summing up,I think alot of people saw him for the phony he is,and had doubts about his charities goals.I also think he is a cog in the
You cant deny he is very camp, possibly gay and maybe this has been this thrown in his face? to keep him under control, black mail him,
Watch this link and see the cryptic way this guy describes him "as a father and he took many risks", He has been around the world and "done many
things" and now he is being taken "care of"
I dont know how to embed so if someone had the time I'd appreciate it.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Angrybadger because: fixed spelling error,