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So your candidate is a "christian"? or is he anti-christ?

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:13 PM
The next time a Republican or anyone is running for election (or re-election) and they try to claim that Jesus Christ is their favorite philosopher or that Jesus Christ would endorse them, or that they are the "Jesus candidate" I think they should be forced to answer the following seven questions:

1. In the Bible, Jesus was an advocate for the poor. Do you intend to use your political office to be an advocate for the poor?

2. In the Bible, Jesus and his followers raised money and gave it to the poor. Do you intend to use your political office to raise money and give it to the poor?

3. In the Bible, Jesus healed the sick and the injured and never asked those he healed for any money in return. Will you use your political office to provide the same sort of free medical service for people?

4. In the Bible, Jesus fed large numbers of people (fishes and loaves) and never asked for any money in return. Do you intend to use your political office to provide free food for those in need?

5. In the Bible Jesus strongly condemned those who used religion as a way to make money and he punished them severely for doing so. Do you intend to use your political office to punish those who make a financial profit from religion?

6. In the Bible Jesus spoke up to protect a woman who had committed adultery and kept her from being harmed by those who thought she was somehow "unclean" or a "slut" or a "sinner". Have you ever spoke out in defense of women who were threatened by men that accused her of being a slut or a whore? And do you intend to use your political office to defend such women in any way?

7. Jesus's friends were all working class people, such as fishermen, carpenters and prostitutes. Are your friends all working class people?

If the political candidate cannot answer all seven questions with an honest "Yes", then he's a shameless liar for claiming that he's the "Jesus candidate" or that Jesus is his favorite philosopher and every newspaper, radio disc jockey, TV news show and blogger in America should publicly denounce him as such.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by AmericanPitBull

I am no fan of the bible in general, but the examples you gave of the way the early Christian church was supposed to have operated are shining examples of how a person should treat their fellow man. While it is certainly true that the candidates that claim to be Christians are arguably nothing like the man who's footsteps they are supposed to be walking in, I would never support a candidate who would attempt to use their office to do what you stated in the OP. For them to do so, they would need to take more from you and I, to give it to those in need. That should be our individual responsibility as good people (not only Christians), not that of the government. They already are failing to live up to the social programs they have in place, and have taken far too much from us already, while giving almost nothing back. That sounds a lot more like the Atheist regime of Communist Russia, not Jesus.

Edit to add: Whatever happened to "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime"?

I think that Jesus would shake his head in shame at both the Liberal and Conservative crowd. Neither of them live up to what he was trying to teach (if in fact he ever existed)...
edit on 18-3-2012 by Q:1984A:1776 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:25 PM
100% correct. And it is crystal clear.

Republicans use the "christian-religion-card", yet their ACTIONS represent NOTHING similar to what the Jesus character did and preached! In FACT, the ACTIONS of the republican party are the complete OPPOSITE!

The Democrats who do not use this religious card, display in their ACTIONS that, for the most part, are the MOST Jesus-like in character BY FAR.

[color=gold]Republicans truly make their Christian supporters look like complete hypocrites and FOOLS.

Dont think for a second that Those DEVILS wouldnt say that they love "Allah" and the "Prophet Mohammad" if the majority in this country were under the Islamic delusion instead of the Christian delusion.

ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS, WAKE UP folks!!!!
edit on 18-3-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by AmericanPitBull
The next time a Republican or anyone is running for election (or re-election) and they try to claim that Jesus Christ is their favorite philosopher or that Jesus Christ would endorse them, or that they are the "Jesus candidate" I think they should be forced to answer the following seven questions:

What a serious of poorly researched questions. While Jesus was an "advocate" for the poor to a degree, he never said give me money or give Cesar money so he can give it to the poor. He wanted people to help other people directly. Jesus healed the sick HIMSELF! He did not say surrender your money unto me that I may then provide the poor with managed care.
Jesus multiplied DONATED food. He did not put a sword to the boy's throat and say give me your food that I may distribute it to others, AND the boy who donated the food got back a hundredfold more than he donated. The state needs to stay out of the church. It is not the job of the state to regulate the church. If the state did regulate the church, what do you think would have happened to all the fringe religions when Christians actually ran this country? Jesus did not "speak up to protect the adulterous woman". Had someone truly without sin stepped forward to condemn her, she would have been stoned. You missed the entire point of that situation. Jesus was not friends with "working class people" per se. He was friends with SINNERS!

If the political candidate cannot answer all seven questions with an honest "Yes", then he's a shameless liar for claiming that he's the "Jesus candidate" or that Jesus is his favorite philosopher and every newspaper, radio disc jockey, TV news show and blogger in America should publicly denounce him as such.
Thanks for playing and trying to insert your liberal slant, but check your facts next time.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Jesus was an advocate for the poor. But he certainly didn't rob the rich to help the poor.

There is a difference between helping the poor, and giving them handouts for their entire lives.
There is a difference between taking everyone else's money and giving it to those that refuse to work.
There is a difference between making healthcare available for all and making it free for all.

The problem today is that "help" and "assistance" have become a replacement for hard work and accountability.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by AmericanPitBull

If the political candidate cannot answer all seven questions with an honest "Yes", then he's a shameless liar for claiming that he's the "Jesus candidate"

No...since the GOP party has turned into the GOD party (a while ago...), we see a symbiotic relationship with the church that has proven very useful for the both.

But, the Church, the Right AND the Left use the word of god to fulfill their own agendas, so it only makes sense that a 'jesus candidate' can't honestly answer all of the questions with a 'yes', as NONE of them can...This has been known for some time - as in centuries.

And though NONE of these questions are profound, what the hell is this..?:

Have you ever spoke out in defense of women who were threatened by men that accused her of being a slut or a whore? And do you intend to use your political office to defend such women in any way?

That question is so goddman asinine, that you should be caned...

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Q:1984A:1776
I think that Jesus would shake his head in shame at both the Liberal and Conservative crowd. Neither of them live up to what he was trying to teach (if in fact he ever existed

Pontius Pilate, Herod Agrippa and Tiberius Caesar were all historical characters that actually existed. Google the letters they exchanged between them and read what they had to say about Jesus, 'The Nazareen'.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 06:08 PM
OP, unfortunately your examples do not make the point that I think you were trying to make.

I think it's safe to say that Jesus would say to both politically parties


And that is one thing that most of us might agree on...and most of us should be saying.

Unfortunately we don't, and in fact, their lives mirror many of our own. I believe God - we're appointed leaders and He uses them to bring repentance and judgement.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 06:40 PM
So the point was that hard to get?
the questions reflect a left bias questioning a right bias. There are NO right answers for someone running for office. The point of the hyperbole in the questions was to highlight how far from christian both those wearing the mantle and those questioning them are. Even given the purposely crude nature of the questioning it is sad so few who claim His name follow His word. But that is irrelevant to governance both in questioning the candidate and in the candidates agenda.I personally try to fllow His word but it is not my criteria for chosing someone for a secular office in a country that specifically separates church and state. I am quite taken aback at how the "right" have taken up Dominionism and "old testament christianity" that really disregard Christ's words, and are trying to drag them into the political arena.
Let the fire flame now folks!

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by AmericanPitBull

I don't want answers to any of those questions from my candidate. Whether they're christian, catholic, muslim, jewish, buddhist, etc, I want them to keep it to themselves.

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