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Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches in Region"

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posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:02 PM
Last week I made a thread entitled Muslim Jihadists Vowing to “Eradicate Christianity”. In it I reported the attempt to eradicate Christianity in Nigeria, a predominantly Muslim nation. I was told by many that these were just radical Muslims in Nigeria and not a representation of Muslims around the world.

So how will these claims hold water when similar intentions are being proclaimed in the country that is home to Mecca, the holiest city in the religion of Islam?

As the birthplace of Muhammad and a site of the composition of the Quran, Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam and a pilgrimage to it known as the Hajj is obligatory upon all able Muslims.

I was shocked to find just such a story completely unreported on ATS.
This week, the grand mufti of Saudia Arabia came clean and announced that all churches in the region (the entire ME) should be “destroyed.”

According to several Arabic news sources, last Monday, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region."

The Grand Mufti made his assertion in response to a question posed by a delegation from Kuwait: a Kuwaiti parliament member recently called for the "removal" of churches (he later "clarified" by saying he merely meant that no churches should be built in Kuwait), and the delegation wanted to confirm Sharia's position on churches.

Accordingly, the Grand Mufti "stressed that Kuwait was a part of the Arabian Peninsula, and therefore it is necessary to destroy all churches in it."

This clown will likely be dismissed as just another hardliner but the reality is he is an influencial Muslim religious leader and this is nothing new. Grand muftis have held this belief throughout history because the great prophet of Islam himself proclaimed only Islam should be practiced in the region.

As with many grand muftis before him, the Sheikh based his proclamation on the famous tradition, or hadith, wherein the prophet of Islam declared on his deathbed that "There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula," which has always been interpreted to mean that only Islam can be practiced in the region.

What gives, ATS?? For a group of supposed conspiracy theorists, I’d have figured all of these actions would be throwing up red flags. Does anyone else see a trend here or does my tin foil hat need a reshaping??

What IS considered credible evidence around here that Muslims are taking out the infidels? Is Saudi Arabia sufficiently Muslim for you?? I wonder what the level of outrage would be on ATS if the US announced today that all mosques must be destroyed to preserve the prominent Christian religion??

Double standard?

edit on 16-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:35 PM
Religion: The very first weapon of mass destruction ever developed.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:36 PM
I was going to post something to the effect that this is just the beginning, but it wouldn't really make anyone think. Read the Quran and the history of Islam and you'll know without anyone telling you.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

I was going to post something to the effect that this is just the beginning, but it wouldn't really make anyone think. Read the Quran and the history of Islam and you'll know without anyone telling you.

What’s amazing is the evidence keeps pouring in daily and the deniers still deny.

If it was the US taking out Mosques the entire site would be bombarded with posts. It’s the lack of attention to this Muslim plan that is eating up Europe and the entire Middle East. I guess they will eventually succeed.

Islam must be Arabic for CRYPTONITE because nobody will touch it.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by boncho

Religion: The very first weapon of mass destruction ever developed.

You are correct that religion is at the root of most wars throughout history. This fact only lends credibility to the threat I’m pointing out, does it not?

The question is will some people’s distain for religion keep them from seeing what’s going on around them?

Apparently so!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Religion: The very first weapon of mass destruction ever developed.

Unfortunately,I will agree with the premise.

The problem is the religious leaders,and their interpretations of their respected holy scriptures.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:13 PM
the problem is not the religious leaders... but rather the religous documents they subscribe to.

no more religous documents; no more religious leaders; no more religious madness.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Hopefully If Saudi Arabia can manage the destruction of all christian houses of worship other countries can follow suit, and that dangerous cult can finaly be eradicated. Christianity seems to be on the rise in China though, thats cause for concern.

I applaud our Saudi allies however.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

The problem is the religious leaders,and their interpretations of their respected holy scriptures.

Absolutely…misinterpretation has always led to the extremism. Faith is the very nature of religion. Therefore, almost nothing is absolute and most things are left to interpretation.

ATS does have members from around the world. I’m wondering why the majority completely ignore or dismiss the overt actions of Muslims who are imposing their religion on others globally but are quick to point out when a Christian sneezes? Why the blatant double standard for Muslims?

Many people talk about Zionists in Israel controlling the world but I’m beginning to think it’s the Mullahs and muftis running the show!

These Muslim religious leaders (and Muslims in general) get more cover on ATS than Obama and Ron Paul combined!!!!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

Hopefully If Saudi Arabia can manage the destruction of all christian houses of worship other countries can follow suit, and that dangerous cult can finaly be eradicated. Christianity seems to be on the rise in China though, thats cause for concern.

I applaud our Saudi allies however.

Thank you so much for your response.

You have singlehandedly proven my point about the double standard!

And Christians are running around the globe killing people in the name of Christianity WHERE today?? I didn’t think so!

edit on 16-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by seabag

Ummmm the United States Military, pretty much on a global level?
edit on 16-3-2012 by Ixtab because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:24 PM
If the haters of Christian religion would turn an eye toward Islam, they would change their tune about Christianity. It's bad enough I can't discuss Christian beliefs with most people I know without them getting upset or having an attitude, but forget discussing Islam.

I think that people like to put down the religion that have the most experience with or just lump them all together like they are the same. It's too bad I don't attend church (the Bible states that the sabbath day is Friday evening until Saturday evening, not Sunday) because I might (stress might) find a few people who really understand.

PC liberalism, cultural relativism, and the science/technology cult are really hard to deal with, like beating your head against a wall. Discussing politics or religion seems to always cause problems and is not worth doing most of the time.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by boncho
Religion: The very first weapon of mass destruction ever developed.

Unfortunately,I will agree with the premise.

The problem is the religious leaders,and their interpretations of their respected holy scriptures.

No the problem is Islam itself - and more to the point since that could be dealt with fairly easily - the bigger problem is cretins trapped within the liberal meme matrix who will bend themselves into indescribable moral and intellectual contortions so they they can deny the obvious truth!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

Ummmm the United States Military, pretty much on a global level?

Really? Well I was in the Military and I served with Christians, atheists, Muslims, agnostics, Jews, etc. They’d be shocked to know that being US citizens makes them all Christians!

That was ridiculous… anything else?

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by seabag

As ridiculous as lumping all muslims together with the militant fighters, jihadists, terrorists etc who just so happen to be of the same religion?

Thats essentialy what you did, so you know, probably want to watch your double standards there matey.

Thing is though, I dont particularly care much for Islam either really, and if any other country wanted to eliminate mosques, Im fine with that. I think stamping out religion is a good thing humanity.

And yes being a citizen of the United States does not make you a christian by default. Saying it did would be ridiculous, where do you get that idea from?

I did not say that, why are you?

edit on 16-3-2012 by Ixtab because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:46 PM
Just wait until the idiot Santorum gets his way... Go on, flame away.
Sure, it would be different. Better. Not at all like that. Christians are good, but Islamists are bad...usual guff.

Religious intolerance. Gotta love it. It's kept a lot of people busy for millennia.

When Christians bemoan the horrors of the laws of a non-Christian religion-run country, but feel very differently about living in a Christian led country and how wonderful that would be (or "is" according to those who don't read much), all is lost. If only religion were not a factor anywhere.

Didn't Shrub use the word "Crusade"? Didn't that upset a lot of non-Christians?
Of course not, you say. He was acting as a good Christian.
This Islamic cleric was acting as a 'good Muslim.' Following the teachings of his faith.
Why is it any different?
Because he's "not like you"?

How would you feel, living in your good Christian neighborhood, if a dozen Mosques were planned? Would you run down to the town hall meetings and scream about it? Or would you be optimistic about the possibility of a truly multi-cultural community? Would you embrace their contributions to the area?

Now, if the US were a "Christian Nation" and such things were made illegal, would you "uphold the law of the land"? Consider it your duty to god and country to get rid of these non-Christians?
Same thing, different country. Why cannot you accept the differences in the world without being afraid that people who don't look, act, or pray the same as you mean you harm?
I bet if this were in Israel you'd be saying, "Oh, well. It is a Jewish nation after all." After all, they 'kind of' worship the same god....

Outdated tribal rubbish. Bigotry.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

As ridiculous as lumping all muslims together with the militant fighters, jihadists, terrorists etc who just so happen to be of the same religion? Thats essentialy what you did, so you know, probably want to watch your double standards there matey.

No, what you said was much more ridiculous. Militant fighters, jihadists, terrorists, etc ARE all Muslim. The US has people of ALL religions and so does the US military. The US military even has practicing wiccans…they’d be killed in a Muslim country.

Try and follow along…

Thing is though, I dont particularly care much for Islam either really, and if any other country wanted to eliminate mosques, Im fine with that. I think stamping out religion is a good thing humanity.

I disagree with stamping out religions. I don’t have a problem with Muslims per say. I do have a problem with radical Muslims taking over the world and forcing Sharia on everyone. The sad thing is, many Muslim leaders ARE radicals.

And yes being a citizen of the United States does not make you a christian by default. Saying it did would be ridiculous, where do you get that idea from? I did not say that, why are you?

I asked for an example of Christians killing people in the name of Christianity and you said :

Ummmm the United States Military

edit on 16-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Badgered1
Just wait until the idiot Santorum gets his way... Go on, flame away.
Sure, it would be different. Better. Not at all like that. Christians are good, but Islamists are bad...usual guff.

Religious intolerance. Gotta love it. It's kept a lot of people busy for millennia.

When Christians bemoan the horrors of the laws of a non-Christian religion-run country, but feel very differently about living in a Christian led country and how wonderful that would be (or "is" according to those who don't read much), all is lost. If only religion were not a factor anywhere.

Didn't Shrub use the word "Crusade"? Didn't that upset a lot of non-Christians?
Of course not, you say. He was acting as a good Christian.
This Islamic cleric was acting as a 'good Muslim.' Following the teachings of his faith.
Why is it any different?
Because he's "not like you"?

How would you feel, living in your good Christian neighborhood, if a dozen Mosques were planned? Would you run down to the town hall meetings and scream about it? Or would you be optimistic about the possibility of a truly multi-cultural community? Would you embrace their contributions to the area?

Now, if the US were a "Christian Nation" and such things were made illegal, would you "uphold the law of the land"? Consider it your duty to god and country to get rid of these non-Christians?
Same thing, different country. Why cannot you accept the differences in the world without being afraid that people who don't look, act, or pray the same as you mean you harm?
I bet if this were in Israel you'd be saying, "Oh, well. It is a Jewish nation after all." After all, they 'kind of' worship the same god....

Outdated tribal rubbish. Bigotry.

Ok - great you have recognised that Christianity is outmoded rubbish - but if you think that pretending to 'tolerate' Islam is a nifty way of 'rubbing the Christian noses in it' - you are making a HUGE miscalculation!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by seabag

This is an article from the Guardian concerning George Bush and his time in office the article is entitled

"God Told Me to End The Tyranny In Iraq"

From the at time Commander in Chief of the United States

Here is a good source for you too read also concerning the history of the United State military.

I could go on and on and on you know, Reagen, now there was a guy especialy fanatical, if ever at a time did America have a good old fashioned Christian Crusade it was under that guy, He was a total crack pot, complete fanatic, real end of days sort of stuff. Guy was a maniac, but most religious extremists are you know.

I just do not understand what so hard to comprehend.

Christians can be fanatics aswel, its not just brown people who are completely crazy.

edit on 16-3-2012 by Ixtab because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:10 PM

I was going to read your other post, "Muslim Jihadists Vowing to “Eradicate Christianity”, but being in agreement with the title, I thought, "Nothing new about that statement". With this post I feel you have brought this to light with a good example.

Also, let's not forget that most of the 911 terrorists were Muslims from Saudi Arabia. I guess it really shouldn't have surprised me when the Osama's family was allowed to fly out of the country when no one else was allowed to fly and the government used 911 as an excuse to attack counties other than Saudi Arabia.

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