posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 03:50 PM
I'm sorry for your diagnosis and the seizures as well. They are definitely no fun at all. My younger brother began having grand mal tonic clonic
seizures when he was a teen. The neurologist said there was a possibility that he may grow out of them as he got older, but now he is nearly 30 and
still has them if he goes off his meds for very long. I had one grand mal at the age of about 28 (now I'm almost 34) but haven't had another since
and have never taken meds for them, as the neurologist could not give a diagnosis of epilepsy for just one seizure.
You might check into your family history with regard to epilepsy. Once my brother was diagnosed, my grandmother came forward and told us that all 3
of her brothers had been diagnosed as having epilepsy. No one had ever mentioned it before due to the stigma attached to it
Also, read up on the things that will lower your seizure threshhold. This includes things like certain medicines (even some over the counter stuff so
be careful!), booze, lack of sleep, stress, etc... Basically, anything that taxes your nervous system can possibly provoke a seizure, so take good
care of yourself!
I think attitude can go a long ways with epilepsy. My brother hates it, hates the meds, won't take the meds, then he has seizures and gets hurt
really badly sometimes. For me, the seizure was a major wakeup call that I needed to slow life down a bit and look after myself better. So I
listened to what my body was telling me and adapted to a healthier lifestyle.
Hopefully, you have a good doctor taking care of you and family/friends who care and are supportive. If you ever want to talk about it, feel free to
send me a message. Wishing you the best