posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 06:43 PM
Sometimes, there is not an evolutionary advantage to specific traits, but other traits associated with them.
Counting pi to thousands of digits, was not the result of a random mutation, and kept by natural selection. Instead, the way our brains work(designed
for survival), that just happens to have that ability to count pi, did arise out of natural selection. Memory, Short Term, Long Term, association
tendancies, abstract processing, all the stuff that leads to this are indeed evolutionary advantages.
Just like, there's no evolutionary advantage to plants for being green. However, chlorophyll is green, and there's an obvious advantage to having
Hypothetically, if there were a creator, I'm sure he didn't decide to make it so that some of us could do that on purpose. It'd still be the same
case of him building a good system, with that ability to happen just a side result.
Even if, there were no "Evolutionary Advantage" to this, despite the fact that there are. That wouldn't support creation. Something with no reason
to evolve, would also have no reason to be created that way. So, it'd hurt the argument for a creator just as much, if not more, by showing something
that wouldn't of been created that way. At least evolution has the defense of being imperfect and a variable of randomness, a creator would have no
reason. Any reason a creator would see fit that we can't see, would also amount to an Evolutionary Advantage we can't see either.
A real example of something that's not an Advantage. Would be like the blind spot in the center of all our eyes. No Intelligent Designer one would
create like that. However, a Blind(Pun) Watchmaker may make mistakes along those lines.