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What's ATS turning into?!

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posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by paradox

I agre with your rant...whenever there is a thread posted with the words..."proof" "evidence" and etc. its a dead giveaway for a rambling theory of least thats what it has become. I am all for speculation...theories and such but when they discount actual science and keep going even when confronted with it can be maddening.

Here is one of my favorite quotes...not from ATS but its only a matter of time before it slides in this direction...and it has already with some....

"if we can go to the moon, why dont we go to the sun? im sure we would find lots of interesting things. we could go in the winter or during the nightime, when the sun isnt very hot"

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
I think the quality filter was removed somewhere along the line to appeal to a wider audience.. ATS has become a buisness after all.. Which is great for the owners, not so good for the rest of us.

Well said. The bigger the garbage pile, the better it seems. Also, all the more difficult to dig through it to find the real quality posts.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Hawking

And what of us that do try to do something about it? I have put together a number of well researched, properly cited threads. These take hours just to write. So what's the motivation to do more when they simply get ignored by their target audience in favor of a thread summarizing last week's episode of Ancient Aliens? All these threads get me are support from the people who already thought they way I do and even more people claiming I'm a shill and disinfo agent. While at the same time there are others out there getting heaps of praise and being called open-minded for simply towing the line created by some fringe author. And that's what many threads have come to these days. They are simply a repetition of one author's ideas and because the OP believes those claims to be the truth they refuse to see any other possibilities. That's not being open minded. That's being a sheeple. So tell me where's the motivation to create well researched threads when at best I'm ignored, at worst insulted, while the sheeple dominate the boards?

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by paradox

I completely agree with you. I am getting really sick and tired of these threads. The funny part is that i kinda joined this thread after reading up on old threads and back then nearly all members seemed to be able to discuss such topics logically, while now it seems to have become a religion/blind belief for large part of the members here.
Even if you can show them how they are completely wrong, most will still keep believing and never admit it.

Though to be honest.. I don't think it is just this forum though. I have a feeling that modern reality tv crap and pseudo-scientific "documentaries" are a big part of this trend. Today you have basically such topics even covered by channels that once aired actual documentaries and scientific shows. I see this mentality increasing everywhere these days.

edit on 16-3-2012 by juleol because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by NeoVain
reply to post by paradox

Seriously guys, a lot of you are screwing this place up big time. Back when I first joined, this website was about intelligently discussing topics, learning from them, and moving on. Now it's turned into "ALIENS WILL INVADE NEXT MONTH" and other BS like that. Seriously, take a look at this thread for example.

Thank you for bringing further attention to my prediction, i notice i am still getting stars and flags on it, maybe i have you to thank for that

Btw, why don´t you start contribute something positive for a change?

NeoVain = Troll.

edit on 3/16/12 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by mikem
It would be nice to see post get bumped up and be in order of how many stars they have so the relevent post would be at the forfront..

I have a hell of a time flipping through page after page of crap most the time I read the first two then flip to the last to read the conclusion... I know I'm missing good post... its just not worth it anymore

The sad part is that all the crap would be modded up then. Since it seems like people like the OP are now in minority if you look at which threads/posts get most stars and flags.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by bladerunner44
I am with you. I used to try to point out the fallacy of many of the dumbest threads and attempt to infuse facts to counter stupidity. No sale. So now I come here for the entertainment value, or to stare in disbelief at the absurdity. it restores my faith in the utter ignorance of our species. I now mostly post negative shots at the most idiotic posts. It's amusing when they get riled up at me, or when the uber clown mods remove my posts and assess childish demerits to my posts. I fully expect to be banned at some point in the future and that would be a badge of honor. ATS has lost it's reason for being.

I am becoming more and more like that as well.. Since I have pretty much given up to use logic with these people.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by paradox

Yes, I half agree with you, there are far too many people replying with just one line statements and if they just look in the reply box you can see the directions for posting, and some of the odd stuff is getting hot topic attention while others are going unnoticed.

Oh, well what can you do? ATS is still a very good web-site to learn what the lamestream media don't wish to tell you. See you around the board.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by 1loserel2

Oh, well what can you do? ATS is still a very good web-site to learn what the lamestream media don't wish to tell you.

However, it's thinking like that that produces these awful threads and makes them popular. Many people on here have stopped doing legitimate research and assume that if something follows the status quo it's a lie and if it represents an alternative or fringe theory it's right. In other words people are becoming sheeple to the fringe. Just look at any thread involving NASA. Even after all the Elenin nonsense people still claim that NASA lies about everything. Yet who was the one that consistently said Elenin would pose no threat? NASA. Who were the ones claiming Elenin was going to kill us all? Fringe authors and thinkers like Richard Hoagland.

The way I see it is that ATS is stumbling because its members have got this dichotomy in their heads where alternative is equivalent to truth while mainstream is equivalent to lies. As a result they are leaving critical thinking by the door and are instead making judgments regarding something simply based on its source.

Regardless of whether something is mainstream or fringe it has an agenda. Generally that agenda is money. Whether you're a mainstream reporter or a fringe author your livelihood depends on appealing to a certain demographic. We shouldn't support something just because it says something we want to believe. We should support something because it presents a logical argument that is supported by other sources and those other sources actually says what the author says they say. Sure it's a lot of work, but that's the whole purpose behind ATS. It provides a community that is willing to work together to do this work and discover the veracity of these extraordinary claims. The thing is though that ATS has moved away from this. Now we have a person present a theory and then a flame war erupts between believers and skeptics. ATS was different because its members worked together regardless of ideology to discover the truth. Now however it is just like every other site out there where members divide themselves and vehemently attack those who don't agree with them.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by schuyler

Originally posted by schuyler

ATS is the sum of its posters' contributions.
For the most part, yes, but that is not entirely true.

A more accurate statement might be:
[color=5CFFB8]ATS is the sum of its posters' contributions..... Well, at least those that the Mods have allowed to remain posted.

reply to post by paradox

Originally posted by paradox

130+ flags and look at all those stars. All for displaying ignorance (the very thing this website was meant to DENY, hence the slogan)..
Most Mods will not allow the denying of ignorance. Yes, it is the slogan, but that is where it stops. Often, it goes no further than that.

Sadly, the simple act of ignoring ignorance, is just not good enough. It is the gullible, whom need assistance. If many are not spoon-fed with daily doses of common sense, they will then help to not only continue, but also contribute, and raise the amounts of ignorance that are splattered all around us.

The slogan may be to [color=A3FF82]Deny Ignorance, but the actions are more often focused on
[color=5CFFB8]Denying the Denial of Ignorance. Most Mods will remove a post that is [color=A3FF82]Denying Ignorance, because it is "off-topic".

edit on 3/16/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

There is no fair exchange happening anymore. Most people who believe such threads like alien invasion one will not even respond to people who insert some logic into the thread. They will ignore them and keep going on about the topic even though there is nothing to back up the wild claims.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by paradox

It's funny a long and I mean a long time ago 13 years or so now I used to be on a Hoagland (yeah I know) sponsored site and left it frustrated with the arrogance, rudeness and just plain stupidity.
I never joined another so called “conspiracy” site until I joined ATS I lurked for an incredibly long time but I saw the need for a bit of balance here so I joined.

Now that said I think there are things which science cannot yet full quantify or explain. I believe in healing powers, 3rd eye, telepathy, prophetic dreams and some other silly nonsense because I also believe in spooky action at a distance, quantum theory, string theory, and the Big Bang so why not.

But I do like facts and reproducible evidence, so I remain ever skeptical. But I do keep an open mind and I believe too many on both ends (Skeptics, Believers) do not!

Skeptics deny their ignorance of the metaphysical far more often than Believers, and become too closed minded. And when this happens science does not explore the unknown. How can we believe in particles that have an effect on other particles from vast distances but not in telepathy? We breathe in molecules that saw the time of the pyramids or the Dinosaurs as matter is never broken down according to Einstein, yet not in past lives (could they possibly affect our DNA or Memory?).

So I will let pass the strangeness that happens on this board because who knows maybe something will come of it as long as there is HEALTHY debate...but unfortunately there is only rude monkeys throwing science and metaphysical poo on both sides of the arguement.
edit on 16-3-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by paradox

ETA: I am removing my flag
edit on 16-3-2012 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)


You're totally killing the love vibrations, bro

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by NeoVain

The number of stars and flags does not make it any less retarded.

Also, spreading ignorance is not contributing something 'positive' so how about I follow your lead. When you decide to contribute positively, I will as well

I am denying your ignorance!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by paradox
reply to post by NeoVain

The number of stars and flags does not make it any less retarded.

Also, spreading ignorance is not contributing something 'positive' so how about I follow your lead. When you decide to contribute positively, I will as well

I am denying your ignorance!

Do you even know what ignorance means? You choose to deny viewpoints to interpret evidence unless they have a stamp of approval from the mainstream media. Choosing to ignore viewpoints for any reason is to wallow in ignorance. Denying ignorance means to explore all possibilities, not denying anyone of them as plausible until proven/disproven.

And what makes a theory more credible? More evidence.
edit on 16-3-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

Yes I do know what ignorance means. Here is what is ignorant about your thread:

1. You are stating as a fact that aliens will 'attack' from the sun.
2. You are stating that there is a triangle on the sun, when there is/has never been one.
3. You are stating the 'triangle' is a 'star gate' (wtf?)
4. You are stating that the 'artifacts' in your OP video are 'carbon dated' while providing no evidence

I could go on and on with the list of assumptions you are playing off as fact.
That is ignorance my friend! I will continue denying it.

And this is not a triangle no matter how much you want to pretend it is!

Take care

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Do you even know what ignorance means?
Does mistaking a proton shower around the sun for an invading alien fleet count as ignorance?

ig·no·rance (gnr-ns)
The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.

ignorance [ˈɪgnərəns]
lack of knowledge, information, or education; the state of being ignorant


The fault unknown is as a thought unacted —William Shakespeare
Ignorance is a form of incompetence —Natsume Söseki
Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone —Oscar Wilde
Ignorance like a fire does burn —Bayard Taylor
Modernized from “Like a fire doth burn.”

Ignorant as dirt —Karl Shapiro
A man’s ignorance is as much his private property, and as precious in his own eyes, as his family Bible —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
A man with little learning is like the frog who thinks its puddle a great sea —Burmese proverb
There are a great multitude of individuals who are like blind mules, anxious enough to kick, but can’t tell where —Josh Billings

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by paradox

I believe i see your problem now. You have not looked at enough different pictures.

This is the triangle most of us see.

But don´t just look at this pic, look at other pics from the day befores and behind, and you will see the full picture when different coronal holes open up. Coinsidence?

Look at this site, type in dates as this 20120312-20120314

choose E284 as an example and click search. Allow it to load. you will see it better. Now look at other wavelengts and you will even get a sense for how deep it is, not hitting the photospere or magnetosphere, but residing just above them.
edit on 16-3-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

There is no triangle. You are drawing lines that have no meaning.

I don't get how you're coming to the conclusion you're coming to. It makes no sense.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by paradox
reply to post by NeoVain

There is no triangle. You are drawing lines that have no meaning.

I don't get how you're coming to the conclusion you're coming to. It makes no sense.

Keep denying, it will only bring more clairty to the matter for at least some followers in this thread if they follow my instuctions. Keep it up!

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