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How can you abduct your own baby unless all humans belong to the state

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:20 AM
Just as the headline says I cannot understand how a mother walking out of a hospital with her baby can be called an abduction . If a hospital tries to seperate a mother from her baby , then that maybe could b called an abduction .

I am seeing way too much interferance of other bodies and instutions in the parenting of mothers and fathers today .

Police are searching for a one-day-old baby who was taken by her mother from a hospital in Taree on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. Emily Wotherspoon, 26, walked out of Manning Base Hospital with her daughter shortly before 12:30pm (AEDT). Doctors have told police the infant will need urgent medical care within 48 hours. The girl's mother is described as 170 centimetres tall, with a light brown complexion and long dark hair. Police have asked anyone with information on the baby or mother to call triple-0.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:36 AM
I really do feel your frustration. It's a difficult one. But the baby needs urgent medical care, (or so they say). Perhaps the problem here is the wording of the article. It teaches that parents ARE second to the state in the care of our own children. Like it goes without saying, like we've sleep-walked into the nanny-state. I hate the nanny state.

Your son's too fat, we'll take him away.
You smacked your daughter, we'll take her away.
Your house stinks and it's untidy, we're taking all your children away.

It's all going a bit too far so a lot of parents must be feeling the threat in one way or another. An obese family not far from me have had their kids taken away, because they're fat. There are hundreds of very fat kids in care. Why aren't they all slim and fit now that they're being looked after 'properly'?

Of course we know what "proper" care does to a lot of kids. The horror stories are in the news every other day. They end up spoiled, uneducated, drug-taking, abused, prostitutes, in and out of jail. They end up sleeping on floors in random friends' flats when the care is over. I don't mean every one of them but a much higher number than there should be when the "experts" take over the "care."

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Anusuia

Originally posted by Anusuia

........I cannot understand how a mother walking out of a hospital with her baby can be called an abduction .........

Doctors have told police the infant will need urgent medical care within 48 hours.

That article doesn't give much detail, but there are numerous possibilities.

There must be a reason that they feel the baby will undoubtedly need urgent medical care, soon. If the baby is was born with some sort of illness, or serious medical condition, and needed to be under constant medical supervision, then she is putting it at risk, by taking it from the hospital.

What if the baby was born addicted to Heroin, would you say that Heroin-Junkie mother should be able to take her baby out of the hospital?

There just aren't enough details in that article, for you to be pissed off about it.


Originally posted by wigit

Perhaps the problem here is the wording of the article. It teaches that parents ARE second to the state in the care of our own children. Like it goes without saying, like we've sleep-walked into the nanny-state. I hate the nanny state.

Your son's too fat, we'll take him away.
You smacked your daughter, we'll take her away.
Your house stinks and it's untidy, we're taking all your children away.
That's quite a leap you made there.

There is a high probability that she went to the hospital to have the baby, by her own will. She most likely voluntarily 'checked in' to the hospital, which reasonably gives the hospital the right to have the final decision regarding whether or not it is safe for the baby to 'check out'.

If they were to just say, "Meh, ok, I guess you can go." and then the baby dies, they may end up with a large lawsuit on their hands. Reporting it as an abduction, due to the fact that the baby was taken out of the hospital, without the Dr.'s approval, is the most logical thing they could do. It is not only about the health of the baby, but they are also taking a precaution, protecting themselves from a possible BS lawsuit.

edit on 3/15/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:55 AM
maternity units can be a bit of a security zone due to people trying to abduct babies/swap theirs for another one who they think looks cuter so theres alot of checking to ensure that someone can't just walk in/out with a baby so perhaps its technically an abduction as the child has been taken out of the hospital without its checks to ensure that the woman has taken her baby not someone elses

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Doctors have told police the infant will need urgent medical care within 48 hours.

So what do you suggest, that a mother should be allowed to endanger the life of her baby in this way? I dont think so, and this was indeed an abduction.

Babies belong to nobody, they are not property. Parents are caregivers, not owners at all.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

I know they are slim on detail , but its as the first reply stated the article heading gives the impression that the sytate knows best and you cant leave the hospital without their permission .

I bet that poor new mom is really reaked out by something they are doing to her in there .

I was given a really hard time from doctors in hospital when I had my first . They try to scare you into submitting to their idea of what you need . I really had to fight hard just to keep the baby in my womb for a long enough gestation period .

The all knowing doctor wanted to whip her out pre maturely . This is why I doubt the hospitals little tale of how the baby needs urgent care . More likely the mother did not sign out so they call it an abduction .
Their are some very nasty , bossy ladies working on hospital desks as my ex found out when he wanted to leave his hospital bed for a day out . They virtually told him if he leaves he cant come back , and this was after and really bad accident . But he was OK at that point .

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:06 AM
What do you think a birth certifricate is for

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Exactly there are not enough details here . So why did the news headline make it so sensational as an Abduction ? without detail. Its all in the impression that gives off and thats what my issue is here .

They imply that a mother is not the rightfull caregiver to her baby . We will proberly never get the follow up headline that finds mother and baby well and safe at home and signed out all ligit like and that all is well.
edit on 15-3-2012 by Anusuia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
What do you think a birth certifricate is for

I know . We are a unit traded on the stock exchange . But at least we have to try and assert our rightfull state as a non tradable soul

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:15 AM
With the tiny amount of details given, I am going to take a wild guess. Perhaps the baby is terminally ill, the hospital tells the mom we got to perform this that and the other painful procedure, and even after all that, it has a 1/100 chance to live. Mom decides, no, I do not want my baby put through all that for just a slim chance and splits?

Hospital gets mad, because they want the money for the procedures, gets the state involved to kidnap the baby back. Seems as likely a situation as any at this point.
edit on Thu, 15 Mar 2012 04:16:09 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by wigit

You have pretty much addressed the real issue here . And yes urgent medical care should be sent out as a call for help from the public to locate mother and child rather than insulting everyone with such accusatory demeaning headlines .

Mothers are in a very delicate state after giving birth and all her natural instincts to protect her child come into full force .

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
With the tiny amount of details given, I am going to take a wild guess. Perhaps the baby is terminally ill, the hospital tells the mom we got to perform this that and the other painful procedure, and even after all that, it has a 1/100 chance to live. Mom decides, no, I do not want my baby put through all that for just a slim chance and splits?

Hospital gets mad, because they want the money for the procedures, gets the state involved to kidnap the baby back. Seems as likely a situation as any at this point.
edit on Thu, 15 Mar 2012 04:16:09 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

I like that story . Maybe you should sent the real creative writing article to the stupid News outlet .

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Anusuia
reply to post by BrokenCircles

......So why did the news headline make it so sensational as an Abduction ? without detail. Its all in the impression that gives off and thats what my issue is here .

They imply that a mother is not the rightfull caregiver to her baby .......
That's not the way I see it. You seem to be looking at this, as if it were the same thing as the 'government' going into someone's home, and taking their child away from them. Those are not even close to the same thing though.

[color=90FCF9]Most likely, this is a woman who willfully 'checked herself in' to the hospital, placing herself under a Doctors' care, thus handing over to them the temporary responsibility for the well-being of herself, and of her 'soon to be' newborn child. All hospitals have strict rules that must be followed, and for a multitude of reasons.

There are many different possibilities as to why they did not feel that the baby was ready to leave the hospital. Maybe it was born with some sort of life-threatening illness.

OR, maybe the mother had dangerous drugs in her system, at the time of the birth, and before.

Or even worse, maybe the baby was born with drugs in her system.

However, the actual reasoning for why the Doctor would not yet release the child, is somewhat irrelevant. Of the few details that we know, one thing is for certain: [color=90FCF9]The Dr. and/or the Hospital, was not ready to release the baby from being under their care.

The mother then took this one-day old infant, whom was still under the Dr.s care, and walked on down the road. (according to the video, she was not in a vehicle).

Look at it this way (hypothetical):
Let's say she walked out the door.
The hospital made no attempt to stop her.
The hospital didn't report it to the police.
Tonight, while at home in a crib, the infant dies.
She may turn right around and sue the hospital for the death of her baby, and could possibly win the case.

It has happened numerous times in the past→ Stupid people, doing stupid things, getting themselves hurt, but end up winning a big lawsuit later on down the road. Or maybe just a settlement out of court. Stupid people are the main reason for many silly rules and regulations. Those silly rules and regulations have been put in place, simply to reduce the possibility of others exploiting large companies/businesses/hospitals/etc. etc. etc.

By signing in to the Hospital, you're giving them all responsibilities. Until they release you, you are under their care. When you sign in, you are giving them that right, which they keep, until they decide that it is ok for you to be released.

edit on 3/15/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Didnt read the article, just answering the question of your post title -

No, we do not own our babies, the are owned by the government of the country where you were born. Thats why Child Protection Services can remove any child at any time from its parents.

When you are born, you are given a birth certificate and later a SIN number. These are your corporate numbers, effectively your "model number" as you are now a product of the corporation of the country you were born in.

Google - Freeman on the land, sovereign person, natural law, etc

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:56 PM
If we do not want women to abort fetuses because we want that baby to have life, why is it okay for women to take newborns from the hospital if the doctor says that the baby needs urgent medical care? Is it that once they baby is out of the womb, then the rights of the mother to her child are more important than the right of the baby to live? That mother could have been insane, that mother could have been a heroin junkie, that mother could have been taking the baby from much needed treatment such as a blood transfusion because the mother's religion is against it. At a certain point, the rights of the mother do NOT trump the rights of the baby. If the baby is in danger, a parent has no right to be that child's primary caregiver if that parent refuses to do what is necessary to keep the baby alive.
edit on 3/15/2012 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/15/2012 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:20 PM
A few things wrong with that video/report.

1. "New South Wales Police have issued a child alert for a 1 day old MISSING baby...." (emphasis added)

How can the baby be missing when it's with it's mother?

2. "...was abducted from Taree hospital by her own Mother..."

This is only "criminal" if the child had already been registered, which of course, gives the government ownership of the child. Being one day old, this is highly unlikely to have happened.

3. ".. medical experts say the girl MAY need urgent medical attention..." (emphasis added)

LOL "medical experts" ? What, have they already consulted a scientific panel to discuss the circumstances!?
and MAY need URGENT medical attention? Well, it's a newborn so it obviously will need care but to SPECULATE that this is some kind of emergency is pure hogwash meant to polarize the audience into seeing this woman as some kind of threat/monster etc.
Ever heard of a mid-wife ??


Nice "mug shot" photo of the mother too.

She gave birth to a child and a day later decided to leave with it. Oh nooooooooo.... she's a terrorist! Run to your local walmart and call Big Sis!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:43 PM
In all the Western countries, children "real" legal parent is the State. The actor on location acting on the behalf of the State in the upbringing of those children are the parents deemed legal to act on behalf of the State.

These points are generally captured in Latin in the legal code, however the description I just gave is what the terminology means.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by HIWATT
A few things wrong with that video/report.

1. "New South Wales Police have issued a child alert for a 1 day old MISSING baby...." (emphasis added)

How can the baby be missing when it's with it's mother?

2. "...was abducted from Taree hospital by her own Mother..."

This is only "criminal" if the child had already been registered, which of course, gives the government ownership of the child. Being one day old, this is highly unlikely to have happened.

3. ".. medical experts say the girl MAY need urgent medical attention..." (emphasis added)

LOL "medical experts" ? What, have they already consulted a scientific panel to discuss the circumstances!?
and MAY need URGENT medical attention? Well, it's a newborn so it obviously will need care but to SPECULATE that this is some kind of emergency is pure hogwash meant to polarize the audience into seeing this woman as some kind of threat/monster etc.
Ever heard of a mid-wife ??


Nice "mug shot" photo of the mother too.

She gave birth to a child and a day later decided to leave with it. Oh nooooooooo.... she's a terrorist! Run to your local walmart and call Big Sis!!!
Thanks for that more sane analysis of the situation . I have run into this fear system with the birth of my own child so I am a bit suspicious of their language and YOU pinpointed it correctly .

Its true , babies are not registerd usually in the first or second day of birth . People are afraid to thinkfor themselves , so believe what the news says and yes , who are these "experts " they already have on side .

You dont get that type of care so quickly , es[ecially in Taree !!!

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by HIWATT

3. ".. medical experts say the girl MAY need urgent medical attention..." (emphasis added)

LOL "medical experts" ? What, have they already consulted a scientific panel to discuss the circumstances!?
and MAY need URGENT medical attention? Well, it's a newborn so it obviously will need care but to SPECULATE that this is some kind of emergency is pure hogwash meant to polarize the audience into seeing this woman as some kind of threat/monster etc.
Ever heard of a mid-wife ??

According to the Manning River Times, the baby was in the special care nursery, not regular nursery.

So, there's no speculation, the baby was in the special care nursery for a reason.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

If they want the mum to come forward then they really need to stop using threatning language . The words Mom Abducts baby is threatening language . Its obviously not helping the bay or the mother . They need to reach out in a more compassionate way if they want a chance for a good result .

Her description indicates a simple girl .

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