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‘Good Christian’ Show Attacks Christians 72 Times in 2 Episodes

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:30 AM
‘Good Christian’ Show Attacks Christians 72 Times in 2 Episodes

The GCB (formerly titled Good Christian Bitches and then Good Christian Belles)
debuted March 4th and with two episodes,
has racked up a total of 72 seemingly anti-Christian "references".

There might be some advertising repercussions.

Published: 3/12/2012 4:50 PM ET -- MRC

“Hell Hath No Fury,” the second episode in ABC’s unholy mess “GCB,” was even worse than the pilot. Despite the vain and meager PR attempts by its Jesus-touting stars, the show's true agenda of degrading Christianity, conservatives, and Texans shines as bright as the light of Heaven with a total of 72 attacks on the Christian faith in a mere two episodes.

“GCB’s” sin-filled debut left audiences and advertisers questioning Disney-owned ABC’s credibility. Because of the show’s blatant assault on a particular audience, Kraft pulled its Philadelphia Cream Cheese ad from the programming faster than Kristen Chenoweth could don one of her hideous “Southern” costumes.

A company spokesperson for Kraft said, “We have received a few complaints from consumers and their opinions about our advertising are important to us. We have recently decided to redirect our advertising to other programs." ......

’GCB‘ - tawdry and offensive content ?

GCB[1][2] (formerly titled Good Christian Bitches and then Good Christian Belles) is an American comedy-drama television series created and written by Robert Harling, produced by Darren Star, and starring Kristin Chenoweth, Leslie Bibb, Jennifer Aspen, Miriam Shor, Marisol Nichols and Annie Potts. The series is based on the book Good Christian Bitches by Kim Gatlin.

The series debuted on ABC as a midseason replacement in the 2011–12 television season,[3] on Sunday, March 4, 2012, at 10:00 pm Eastern/9:00 pm Central.
GCB wikipedia

GCB Confessions

What if this show was suggesting
anti-Islamic themes,

or anti-Semitic ?

To each his own.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:59 AM
I'm a Muslim and I think that show is a disgrace to the Christianity I know, It's an attack and insult to every Christian. Even though I don't believe in the corrupt Bible, I do believe in the Original that was revealed to Jesus (peace be upon him). If my Christian friends are really intended to keep their religion clean from corruption they should make actions against that show.

I'm just saying that they're lucky that they didn't rename the show "Good Muslim Bitches", because our religion is the dearest to us and we will do anything to prevent shows like that spread untruth about whatever is said about our religion.

This New Age of freedom is going to far when it's attacking religions, sects, races and humanity and calling it "freedom of speech", maybe I'll take the "freedom of express" to attack in the manner that's needed. You can't call it "free" if you're to insult, oppress and harm others.

I'm only saying this because I hate it when ignorant people attack religion just because they've failed in this life and the next. If you're jobless and tired of your life then you should know that you're on the wrong track. You haven't been made by God just to eat, sleep and die. You've been made for a purpose, so serve it. If you don't know what it is, search for it, stop looking at the stars and waiting for a sign to tell you what to do, because then it would be to late wouldn't it?

Peace, Brother

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by ImaMuslim

I see you are rather new to the site; welcome. It is refreshing to read sane posts today, as they seem so rare. Too many people are impregnated with the spirit of error and sin to see the nastiness which is this show. Many will attempt to defend it on grounds of ‘freedom of (insert anything at random here)’. They may succeed in the public courts, but not in the court of ethics and morality.

You and I are of different, often conflicting faiths, yet I agree wholeheartedly with your post (save the corrupt Bible part). Today, people honestly believe that so long as something is done with consent and physically harms no others directly then it is okay, if not a general good. I, along with any sane person, do not function on such a level. This show is unarguably bad, nasty, and intentionally offensive.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Historically the waters of truth are tested first by volleying a joke.

Once enough people laugh, the power of the subject being laughed at is gone. Richard Pryor tore down many a barricade with a good belly laugh. He made us laugh at ourselves and see our ridiculousness. I could list other examples, but you get the drift.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I haven't personally watched the show, but I did watch commercials about it...

Maybe, it is a disrespectful slap in the face to the religion, but maybe the show is just showing how a lot of "Christians" live their lives. I look it as a blessing in disguise, especially for Christians.

I think if you are a Christian and watching this show, and it pains you to watch it, because deep in your mind, you can relate to the characters and their flaws, it should be a big SIGN for you to turn away from what the world thinks how Christians should be and what Jesus intended for us, us as in true believers, to be.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:37 PM
One, I am a Christian. Two, I am an American.

I say bash Christianity all you want. Free speech. No censorship.

The People have the power to make this a hit or a miss. Turn off the TV if you don't like the program. No more show. It's really that simple.

I will say this: I do agree that if the show bashed Muslims, or bashed blacks, or Hispanics, instead of white Christians, it would never have aired in the first place.

I will never support censorship in any form. As long as we have the right to watch what we want to watch, I just don't see the argument. It's not as if it's government sponsored programming and there is nothing else available to watch but this show.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by DelayedChristmas
reply to post by xuenchen

I haven't personally watched the show, but I did watch commercials about it...

Maybe, it is a disrespectful slap in the face to the religion, but maybe the show is just showing how a lot of "Christians" live their lives. I look it as a blessing in disguise, especially for Christians.

I think if you are a Christian and watching this show, and it pains you to watch it, because deep in your mind, you can relate to the characters and their flaws, it should be a big SIGN for you to turn away from what the world thinks how Christians should be and what Jesus intended for us, us as in true believers, to be.

I think Christians have been too tolerant. I am always fond of the story in the old testament about a half Egyptian/half Israeli that liked to mock the Israeli in their face about their religion. Such a happy ending.

This is what tolerance get's you. People think it is a "good thing" when your values, beliefs and everything you stand for are degraded so the bigot, err atheist crowd can point, laugh and get their jollies off like they are reenacting a KKK rally.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 04:02 AM
Religion is full of hypocrites anyways so these types of things shouldnt come as shocking really.

Wonder what century we'll be in when folks wake up and realize that religion, ESPECIALLY the big 3 despicable trash Abrahamic faiths, is nothing more than a man-made MOCKERY of any true higher power.
edit on 17-3-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

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