posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:15 AM
Yes I do Deja Vu and I do quite often. It has been so prevalent in my life that it has greatly affected and my views on life and existence. Some Deja
Vu theoretically can happen when you eyes move at ever so slightly different speeds, resulting in the same feedback happening twice in your brain, or
a double image. I find biological reasons for phenomena like this more rational than metaphysical reasons, as I have a lot of weird phenomena I can't
explain. Strobing crescent moon "auras" before my intermittent migraines, visual snow, etc.
For Deja Vu however, it is different. I've had very mundane things happen to me in dreams that have happened in real life. I once dreamt a day in
high-school and woke up to have a part of that dream happen. I was just walking down a hall I didn't usually go down and said to myself "What if I
almost run into my friend Phil around the corner?" And then I ran into Phil around the corner. Then he said exactly what I thought he was going to say
and it was about a Tool album.
The next time it happened was in September when I broke my hand. I had Deja Vu about sitting in my chair just staring at a wall. Then I realized this
is exactly what happened in a dream a month ago, except in the dream I was transported to some far off field after staring at a wall with a broken
hand, but that is what happened. And of course there is the massive amount of Deja Vu I get where I swear I saw it in a dream, but wasn't sure
It makes me think about Nietzsche's idea of Eternal Recurrence, or the idea of Quantum immortality, or the idea of a cyclical universe that expands
and contract for eternity but only creating the same lives for everyone every time. What if we live the same life forever? What if we are to live the
same life every time but are supposed to do something different every time?
Or perhaps humans are just incredibly unoriginal and do the same things over and over, and the repetitions of our actions and reactions and our
habbits are what produce the Deja Vu, because we can't help but getting our selves into that situation.
Maybe dreaming is your brain preparing you sub-consciously for life and does so by making you dream every possible outcome and scenrio?
The metaphysical possibilities of Deja Vu are staggering and have huge implications. I hope it is just my eyes moving at different speeds.
on 15-3-2012 by SubPop79 because: (no reason given)