posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:21 AM
1. Convince people over a century that the theory of evolution is fact. Implement mandatory free public schooling, control the textbook content,
remove God and teach evolution as fact.
2. Saturate all forms of popular media with science fiction, introduce "Ancient Aliens" on the Illuminati/Freemason "History Channel", convince
enough people that "aliens" were our creators.
3. Once humans ingest the theory that they "evolved" from either goo or "evolved" from lower life forms, the logical conclusion is that "if it
happened here, it happened elsewhere in the universe."
What do you get? People who reject God as Creator who will then think of "aliens" as our creators and saviours.
4. Enter in Apollyon, the destroyer.
Revelation 9:11 "They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon."
Who is he?
Jude 1:6 "6And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these he has kept in darkness, bound with
everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day." Yes, he was a fallen angel kept in the Abyss, the bottomless pit until the time of the end.
Apollyon and his chums "the locusts" are released to descend to Earth, to a populace already convinced that they are real "extraterrestrials" and
their creators. A populace suffering under the grand delusion of evolution and it's resulting belief in life elsewhere.
How is he released from the Abyss?
"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the
Abyss." An angel let's them out.
Any indication today that the leaders are symbolising this?
James Cameron, the STAR director, is preparing to descend into the Abyss, the Challenger Deep, the deepest known point under the ocean at almost 11km.
As a 33 degree Freemason, Mr Cameron is well aware of it's "Illuminated message".
5. Are there other "space buddies" that come?
John of Revelation saw creatures that looked like frogs to him. They were spoken into existence (created) by the false prophet, the beast (Apollyon)
and their leader Satan. Pull up an image of a grey alien... Wide spaced eyes, holes for nostrils, slit mouth, bulbous fingertips, spindly limbs,
leathery dark skin, hairless. These are "grey aliens" seen in a vision 2,000 years ago. They are created beings from right here on Earth, inhabited
by demons.
6. Daniel saw a little horn, the 11th, rising up as the king and leader of the final end time kingdom before the return of Christ Jesus. The horn had
the eyes of a man. The Hebrew word "ayin" is actually singular "eye" so the correct interpretation "had an eye, the eye of a man". The Hebrew
word "qeren" translated as horn From qaran; a horn (as projecting); by implication, a flask, cornet; by resembl. An elephant's tooth (i.e. Ivory),
a corner (of the altar), A PEAK (of a mountain), A RAY (of light); figuratively, power. so we have the Illuminati symbol of a peak, with rays of light
and an eye.
7. And why is God going to allow the world to believe such a deception? Because they didn't love the Truth, because they loved the darkness.
Scripture states that everyone who stands in awe in amazement and worship of these creatures are those who are perishing.
God is Truth. The Way and Light came to us 2000 years ago to save His flock and their descendants, who right now are under the spell of darkness, not
being able to see what is going on. Do you love the real Truth or is this whole deception more meaningful to you than the One True Creator? The simple
message is that God provides Light so that those who love Him may see.
But most will reject the salvation of God because they preferred to live out their lifetime and not look to the beyond - eternity. Sadly, the HOPES
that the idea of "extraterrestrials" promise to mankind - such as immortality, knowledge of the universe, creation, true spiritual knowledge etc -
are the very things that only our Creator, I AM WHO I AM, offers to those who seek Him. You have a choice - seek Him with a humble heart that is ready
to walk into the Light, or remain in your false love of created things given to you by the same ones who caused the last judgement.
OP, they've convinced you already through artifacts of no known origin, images of the sun coming to us from NASA, an Illuminati controlled entity,
and artifacts on Soho. It's all a deception. Now it's up to you to contemplate why you believe them instead of getting your answers from God