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Before sharing your pithy, antiChristian quips, please read

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Akragon doesn't know what it means to be a Christian. He believes anyone who says "IM A CHRISTIAN" is a follower of Christ

Come off it dude...

I said nothing like that... Your own people pull that little stunt...

Believe it or not, i don't consider myself christian because of people just like some of the members in this thread... NYT is not included in that group... btw

Thanks man, however I'm not better than my brothers in Christ. Perhaps I'm more mature in the faith? I dunno, I have my ugly days just like anyone else, in fact, probably more than anyone else.

Wow, please don't let the actions of us Christians keep you from accepting Christ. WE ARE NOT PERFECT, NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! (And the ones who claim to be ignore.) We're still sinners, we just happen to be repentant ones. We still mess up all the time even though we are justified in Christ.

edit on 15-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

Exactly. Never expect a living mortal to exhibit perfection. This happened once, about 2012 years ago.
Christian duty is to help ensure the message lives on, despite countless attacks by the accuser. It's not our job to live blameless. We aspire, and the Holy Spirit within guides us to this end, but we are FAR from perfect. The closer you get to God, the more you see how your own sin seperates you from Him. Enter: Grace

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by KJV1611
reply to post by NOTurTypical

I am not going to argue with you as I can see you clearly are a Christian. But I would like to address a few of your opinions on me. First of all, I believe modern Christians are sending people to Hell by the bushel by not preaching and teaching about the HATE, FEAR, and ANGER of God just as much as they talk about the love, peace, and mercy of God. For you can't have one set of attributes without the others mirroring them. There is not love without something being hated.

Second, modern weak, pansy Christians are giving lost folk the wrong impression of God by saying God loves everyone.....He doesn't. God, right now, does not love one person on this planet that isn't a born again believer in His Son Jesus Christ. There is no alternative. That means all lost people, are enemies and will go to Hell when they die. Stop telling people God loves them without also telling them WHY and HOW HE loves them! He loved them in the form of His Son dying for them. That is all. That means.....if people don't believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ...then God hates them. Period. What? You think He would cast you into Hell "crying" saying I love you! No, He casts people into Hell laughing at them BECAUSE HE HATES THEM. READ MAN< READ!!!

Proverbs 1:24-30
24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
26 I also will LAUGH at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

Matthew 25:41
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, YE CURSED, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under FOOT the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

I could go on all night. You have to show people there error by giving them something they WANT TO BE SAVED
FROM!!! And Hell is just as good as ANY excuse I know to be saved from. Repent sinners....because God hates you. This was the Message of Billy Sunday, Johnathan Edwards, Bob Jones Sr, and hundreds more. We MUST go back to the old paths....but I fear it is too late. God will spue modern Christians out of His mouth in disgust. Rev 3:16 Repent people....and believe the Gospel.
edit on 15-3-2012 by KJV1611 because: i can

There is no Truth in you. You are exhibiting the characteristics of antichristian doctine. Do not speak in blatant, hate-driven error about Truth. God IS love.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Akragon doesn't know what it means to be a Christian. He believes anyone who says "IM A CHRISTIAN" is a follower of Christ

Come off it dude...

I said nothing like that... Your own people pull that little stunt...

Believe it or not, i don't consider myself christian because of people just like some of the members in this thread... NYT is not included in that group... btw

edit on 15-3-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

Yet you are claiming Mormons are a denomination of Christianity... When infact they are clearly a Cult. By that logic I would not be surprised if next you claim Scientologists are as well.

The fact that you feel the need to protest against every single thing I claim shows your bias against me because of my faith. So ask yourself why anyone should take your posts seriously if have a clear prejudice against Christians? We could be telling the truth, but you don't care... your aim is to argue for the sake of arguing...

I suspect I am not the only one that has noticed this about you.
edit on 15-3-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

I claim mormons are a sect of Christianity because its a fact... Try taking a look at any booklet in "religious studies" from any university... Mormonism is considered a Christian sect... and it doesn't matter if you like it or not, its a simple fact.

Now Scientologists on the other hand are a joke... All they want is to sell their material... i've been to one of their "churches"... went through one of their seminars just for kicks... its called brainwashing

Heres the best part...

I've never cared if ANYONE takes ANYTHING i say seriously... as a matter of fact its almost my trademark on these forums... "believe whatever you like... I couldn't care less"

I have no prejudice against anyone... i take issue with obvious errors in peoples understanding of scripture... And my issues with you stem from your threads... NOT from your religion.

Though unlike you and people like you... i don't promote hate... or intolerance...

I don't hate anything or anyone including you...

That my friend, is why people take me seriously... And why most ignore you...

People are free to judge me as they feel necessary... it doesn't affect me in the least

edit on 15-3-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Well apparently that is the only "qualifying mark" either way...

But it isn't. Jesus warned of the wolves in sheep's clothing. Do you realize what that means? That means the wolves will walk, talk, and act like Christians. And Jesus says that the truth about them will be manifest in their "fruit", NOT their memorized answers to specific questions.

How many so called "christians" on these forums dance around what was actually taught by Jesus...

TONS!!! And myself included, I mess up all the time in my walk with Christ. If I were to grade myself, I'd say I present a BAD EXAMPLE of a Christian to the world more often than I provide a good example of one. That's fine, but we are expected to grow in Him, to get off the milk and into spiritual meat and potatoes. And I'll freely admit when I fail, it's an occasion to practice humility as I see it.

Thankfully, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we seek forgiveness.

and yet still call themselves Christian?

I know, I know. Hitler claimed to be a Christian, and thought he was a very moral person because he rarely used curse words. So unlike those Jewish swine who are dropping F-bombs left and right as their teeth were pulled to melt and make bullets, he himself was righteous because he held a tight reign on his tongue. Go figure that one out.

Some even believe that the 613 laws of Moses still apply...

Same spirit of legalism Paul was dealing with in his letter to the Galatians. Some folks ignore books of the Bible that don't go along with their theology. They do not adapt themselves to align with the Word, they adapt the Word to align with themselves.

and those that i've seen on these forums consider themselves "hardcore" christians.

They could just be immature in the faith, they could also be a fully mature wolf in sheep's clothing. I dunno, but I don't look at bad examples, if we could all do it perfectly we'd not need any pastoral letters from Paul, James, John, Peter or Jude. It's very hard to look at a person's "fruit" on the internet, so I try to stay out of the "true-Christian/fake-Christian" argument online.

Funny thing is i made that thread and the people that i was trying to bait didn't even show...

Not sure what you're referring to.

RevGen just said that Roman Catholics arn't christian... That doesn't even make sense!!

I'm staying out of that one.

You say someone isn't christian, then someone says you're not christian... and so on... and so on.

It's irrelevant what either of us say in that situation. it matters what the Bible has to say about us, whether we are in the faith or not. What fruit we should expect to see, etc. But remember, Paul wrote 1 Corinthians and called them brothers, saved, justified, and filled with the Spirit and yet they were getting trashed on the communion wine, suing each other, and having communal sex!! Paul basically says, "Okay guys, time to take off your Jesus diapers and time to pull up your Christian pants."

Or in other words, stop doing that sinful stuff and press on to spiritual maturity.

The biggest issue with Christianity is that theres 34k different flavors... mormons are one of those flavors... like it or not.

Well, most of those "flavors' deal with the role of women in the church, the type of music, instruments or not, and whether they sing Hymns or Psalms or contemporary praise and worship music. Generally most of those flavors have to deal not with the principles of Christianity but the methodology of it.

And no, Mormons are not Christians. They do not even have a similar Christology as Christians do.

edit on 15-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Akragon doesn't know what it means to be a Christian. He believes anyone who says "IM A CHRISTIAN" is a follower of Christ

Come off it dude...

I said nothing like that... Your own people pull that little stunt...

Believe it or not, i don't consider myself christian because of people just like some of the members in this thread... NYT is not included in that group... btw

edit on 15-3-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

Yet you are claiming Mormons are a denomination of Christianity... When infact they are clearly a Cult. By that logic I would not be surprised if next you claim Scientologists are as well.

The fact that you feel the need to protest against every single thing I say shows your bias against me because of my faith. So ask yourself why anyone should take your posts seriously if have a clear prejudice against Christians? We could be telling the truth, but you don't care... your aim is to argue for the sake of arguing...

I suspect I am not the only one that has noticed this about you ether.
edit on 15-3-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Yes, I agree. I also agree very much with your views on mormon cults. And other things you mentioned. Thank you for bringing Truth to our thread.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Exactly. Never expect a living mortal to exhibit perfection. This happened once, about 2012 years ago.
Christian duty is to help ensure the message lives on, despite countless attacks by the accuser. It's not our job to live blameless. We aspire, and the Holy Spirit within guides us to this end, but we are FAR from perfect. The closer you get to God, the more you see how your own sin seperates you from Him. Enter: Grace

AMEN!!! One of the signs of spiritual maturity is the realization that we are completely depraved. The more mature a Christian gets the more Holy Christ becomes to us and the more repulsive that person in the mirror looks.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by KJV1611
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Christians don't save people, God does. We just plant seeds, and God will still save His elect despite all our garbage preaching and theology.

Brother, God's righteousness attracts no one, we hide from it. His mercy and grace is what attracts us to Him. His kindness leads us to repentance, not His wrath. And secondly bro, people who don't believe God exists could not care less if he is angry or not. Look at ourselves, did we give a crap about what God thought before He saved us? No we didn't, we were too busy being our own god to have time for another one who wanted to be our god. ("I do what I want, when I want, and for as long as I want.")

I really don't want to debate talking points....I want you to comment on the SCRIPTURE I post and not leave them off when you quote me. GOD is angry.....and it is up to us Christians to tell people about Gods FIERCE anger and wrath..and HOW THEY CAN ESCAPE it through Jesus Christ. If you only tell them a half sided story, no wonder they want get saved.

And yes, it is our job to WIN souls to Christ
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the MINISTRY OF reconciliation;

Sounds like you and many others here need a lesson on how to talk to people about salvation. They must know they are useless, wicked, HELL bound sinners and God Himself will throw them into Hell if they do not come to God through His Son.

God, once again, does not love this world. You are blind if you think He does.
James 4:4
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the FRIENDSHIP of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Now deal with my scripture I post, and not your talking points. Lets DISCUSS the SCRIPTURE, not spoon fed talking points some non denominational coward "teacher" would preach.

edit on 15-3-2012 by KJV1611 because: i can

Your desire to limit coversation to scripture would be fine if you didn't use it to promote hateful, erroneous lies.
I love scripture. I recall Christ granting the Holy Spirit. Those who have it, immediately recognize it in others, as it speaks only Truth.
I see no Holiness in your judgemental agenda. We are NOT judges, OR meant to call others 'disgusting'. You seem to intentionally warp Truth, and the Word, although I suspect a greater evil drives your words. I will pray again for you.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by KJV1611

I really don't want to debate talking points....I want you to comment on the SCRIPTURE I post and not leave them off when you quote me.

Alright then, I suppose we could just beat each other up by bouncing random verses off each other, that's prolly never been tried before.

P.S. I alluded to 7 verses from the Bible in that reply you claimed was devoid of scripture.

edit on 15-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Akragon

No its not a fact at all, far from it. Just because they have managed to infiltrate some parts of society does not add anymore validity to there claims. Cults have a habit of doing that. They are not a "Christian Sect" they are a Cult, plain and simple. Just because they profess to believe in some things of the Bible doesn't make them anymore a Christian than lets say, a Muslim.

Mormonism is a joke as much as Scientology is... There is no truth to be found in ether of them. Mormons maybe nice people, but that doesn't mean what they believe in is true. They may profess to believe in Christ, but that is not the standard to whether a person is a Christian or not. Even Satan and demons believe in Christ, so do Muslims.

You may think I am being extreme by calling Mormons a cult, but it is what they are. All you have to do is look through there own literature to see that they are not believing in what the bible actually says.

Joseph Smith is NOT a prophet of God. Christ did NOT call Joseph Smith to restore the Church of Christ on earth. They may profess to believe in Christ, worship Christ, and taught to have faith in Christ. I certainly won't deny that. But when the Mormon Church was founded in 1830 so many ministers of other faiths have insisted it was a cult from day one!

I urge you to take a look at the Mormon Research Ministry There is a huge difference between Mormonism and biblical Christianity.

I've never cared if ANYONE takes ANYTHING i say seriously... as a matter of fact its almost my trademark on these forums... "believe whatever you like... I couldn't care less"

So you are just a troll here to be nothing more than a nuisance? Ok thanks for confirming what I already thought.
edit on 15-3-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Akragon doesn't know what it means to be a Christian. He believes anyone who says "IM A CHRISTIAN" is a follower of Christ

Come off it dude...

I said nothing like that... Your own people pull that little stunt...

Believe it or not, i don't consider myself christian because of people just like some of the members in this thread... NYT is not included in that group... btw

edit on 15-3-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

Yet you are claiming Mormons are a denomination of Christianity... When infact they are clearly a Cult. By that logic I would not be surprised if next you claim Scientologists are as well.

The fact that you feel the need to protest against every single thing I claim shows your bias against me because of my faith. So ask yourself why anyone should take your posts seriously if have a clear prejudice against Christians? We could be telling the truth, but you don't care... your aim is to argue for the sake of arguing...

I suspect I am not the only one that has noticed this about you.
edit on 15-3-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

I claim mormons are a sect of Christianity because its a fact... Try taking a look at any booklet in "religious studies" from any university... Mormonism is considered a Christian sect... and it doesn't matter if you like it or not, its a simple fact.

Now Scientologists on the other hand are a joke... All they want is to sell their material... i've been to one of their "churches"... went through one of their seminars just for kicks... its called brainwashing

Heres the best part...

I've never cared if ANYONE takes ANYTHING i say seriously... as a matter of fact its almost my trademark on these forums... "believe whatever you like... I couldn't care less"

I have no prejudice against anyone... i take issue with obvious errors in peoples understanding of scripture... And my issues with you stem from your threads... NOT from your religion.

Though unlike you and people like you... i don't promote hate... or intolerance...

I don't hate anything or anyone including you...

That my friend, is why people take me seriously... And why most ignore you...

People are free to judge me as they feel necessary... it doesn't affect me in the least

edit on 15-3-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

Wth man. You don't promote hate or intolerance...and then say why you and others ignore someone. I take him a lot more seriously than a cheshire cat that is 'telling it like it is' and 'just kidding' at the same time.

He didn't say anything hateful; he called you out, and was right.

And your insistence that mormons are christian...did you read op?? You didn't get op point, then you crack jokes without rectifying your foolishness, right before making an inaccurate claim and then accuse someone of something that you DO by accusing them!!

I still love you, lol. Geez though.
Mormons USE aspects of Christianity as a foothold for cult behaviour.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:17 PM

reply to post by KJV1611

Now deal with my scripture I post, and not your talking points.

Look, I'm trying to be patient with you because you're a brother in the Lord, and I like you and usually enjoy your posts and put stars on them. But lets clarify one thing right here, right now. You sir are NOT my Lord, you are NOT my wife, and you are NOT my employer. You have no right to boss me around like a child. I'll deal with your posts as I see fit, and your attitude is making me want to write this convo off altogether.

Now, please take a few deep breaths, and come back and discuss these things like an adult.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

I am honored to call you brother. You speak clearly in terms of Truth, and exhibit the mannerism of what I refer to in op by mentioning 'true Christianity'.

By default, then, I can likely shuffle through myriad threads in which you are gangraped by liars and insult. We expect this, however, and I struggle in vain to respond properly. He's working on me, obviously. A lot. I'm afraid to say when I answered the front door, and saw Christ, I was QUITE a mess.

I think He likes the challenge.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

But when the Mormon Church was founded in 1830 so many ministers of other faiths have insisted it was a cult from day one!

It's the largest Christian cult in the world as a matter of fact.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

understood. Now "please" deal with the scripture I posed and lets not put this off any longer. God hates people. I have over 30 verses to prove this. God ONLY loves people THROUGH His Son Jesus Christ. If people don't accept Jesus Christ then they are not loved by God.

Could a God who loved you throw you into Hell like Jesus Said HE WOULD do over and over again at least 30 times in the Gospels? But a God who hated you could.......fear and repentance are the things lacking in our churches today....

Guess what Jesus preached on more than love? He preached on Hell fire and repentance 5 times as much as love. If we are to really be Christians.....preach like He preached....or don't even play Christianity. That goes for everyone.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
reply to post by NOTurTypical

I am honored to call you brother. You speak clearly in terms of Truth, and exhibit the mannerism of what I refer to in op by mentioning 'true Christianity'.

By default, then, I can likely shuffle through myriad threads in which you are gangraped by liars and insult. We expect this, however, and I struggle in vain to respond properly. He's working on me, obviously. A lot. I'm afraid to say when I answered the front door, and saw Christ, I was QUITE a mess.

I think He likes the challenge.

Wood. Stubble. Hay.

But I appreciate your nice words of encouragement. =D I can't take credit for anything, I didn't teach myself. Here is one of my favorite quips:

"I'm thankful He chose me before the foundation of the world, if He saw me now He'd change His mind."

Haha, love that one.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

You are relatively new here so unfortunatly you haven't read some of the stuff this guy posts...

First, when did i ignore anyone?

I take him a lot more seriously than a cheshire cat that is 'telling it like it is' and 'just kidding' at the same time.

And secondly... IF you believe that my Avatar has anything to do with my knowledge of scripture... Im just going to have to laugh at that...

He didn't say anything hateful; he called you out, and was right.

Im not here to argue about mormonism... they're a sect of Christianity... that is a fact... IF you don't like it... take it up with them...

And your insistence that mormons are christian...did you read op?? You didn't get op point, then you crack jokes without rectifying your foolishness, right before making an inaccurate claim and then accuse someone of something that you DO by accusing them!!

What jokes? WTH are you talking about?

I said mormonism is a sect of Christianity... it doesn't completely apply to what most consider Christianity but Christian none the less...

chris·ti·an·i·ty - Noun: 1.The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth,

And the person you're talking about just claimed that Catholics are not Christians as well.... Once you've been here for a while you learn what certian people are about... Clearly you haven't quite got that figured out yet... it will come with time....

Mormons USE aspects of Christianity as a foothold for cult behaviour.

Call it whatever you want... the fact still remains.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by KJV1611
reply to post by NOTurTypical

understood. Now "please" deal with the scripture I posed and lets not put this off any longer. God hates people. I have over 30 verses to prove this. God ONLY loves people THROUGH His Son Jesus Christ. If people don't accept Jesus Christ then they are not loved by God.

You're not sincere. You don't think you've done anything wrong.

May I ask you a question? How many people after hearing you tell them how much God hates them and will laugh when he sends them to hell, have repented immediately and asked you how to be saved? What about my original question? I feel it deserves an honest Biblical answer:

"How can you know if the person you hate today won't accept Christ tomorrow?"

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Im not here to argue about mormonism... they're a sect of Christianity... that is a fact...

Akragon, no they are not. They are a "Christian cult" not a "Christian sect".

Do you understand the fundamental difference? Did you watch either of the two videos by Dr. Ron Carlson? Because I suggest you do so in earnest, listening to him teach you about cults is like sitting in a Physics class with Einstein as the professor.

chris·ti·an·i·ty - Noun: 1.The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth,

Then it's settled. Mormons are not Christian by your own definition above. They certainly don't believe in the same 'person' of Christ (Christology) as Christianity affirms. They say He is a created being and a "spirit brother" of lucifer. They don't use the teachings of Jesus either. They say the cross and His shed blood is absurdity (Soeteriology), yet Christ said it was for "this hour" that He came. Jesus said God is One, yet Mormons believe in millions/trillions of gods (Theology).

They don't teach that Jesus is God come down in human flesh, they teach that Jesus was born a man and became God by His own efforts. That's not Christ's teaching, that teaching is a re-packaging of that old lie from the garden.. "Ye can be as the gods."

edit on 15-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Akragon

I can't sgment quotes onu my tablet.

We're both right, because we're making two different points: It IS considered and classified 'Christian', yes. I'm saying that it teaches counterintuitive principles. They're actually mentioned above. I made it a point in op to avoid 'judging' these seperate sects, as that wasn't my point, and you can see from pages 1-3 I STILL had to deal with it.
That being said, my opinion is that mormonism is an extension of luciferianism. Two families I love very much were torn apart by that #ing liar (oops? Nah.). I refrained from addressing this initially, for obvious reasons.

The cheshire comment was meant to be cute and harmless-sorry.

No, I don't know what he posted in the past, but that's ok. Im worried about the present. I'm new, yes, but I ALREADY have said things I am embarassed about. I wouldn't want them shoved in my face as basis for a different arguement, and neither would you. Forgive my tone if it seems abrasive-I don't mean to appear that way.
Stuck where I am, in desperate isolation, its nice to have any intelligent conversation.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by Akragon

Im not here to argue about mormonism... they're a sect of Christianity... that is a fact...

Akragon, no they are not. They are a "Christian cult" not a "Christian sect".

Do you understand the fundamental difference? Did you watch either of the two videos by Dr. Ron Carlson? Because I suggest you do so in earnest, listening to him teach you about cults is like sitting in a Physics class with Einstein as the professor.

chris·ti·an·i·ty - Noun: 1.The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth,

Then it's settled. Mormons are not Christian by your own definition above. They certainly don't believe in the same 'person' of Christ (Christology) as Christianity does. They say He is a created being and a "spirit brother" of lucifer. They don't use the teachings of Jesus either. They say the cross and His shed blood is absurdity, yet Christ said it was for "this hour" that He came. Jesus said God is One, yet Mormons believe in millions/trillions of gods.

They don't teach that Jesus is God come down in human flesh, they teach that Jesus was born a man and became God by His own efforts.

edit on 15-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

I can't get my bf to see this. We don't talk anymore because of it. The worst part: he last went to mormon church abut 15 years ago, and the ONLY THING HE REMEMBERS, the only message he gained, is that Christ is unecessary. He won't listen to a word I say now, and blames Jesus for us no longer talking. Yet...YET h3 listens to Christian rock ALL day-he sings it! He swears he's 'right with God' without Christ.

It is here that I shamefully admit, to my chagrin, to my soul-wrenching embarrassment, that I gave up on him. I avoid him now, and keep hearing 'pearls before swine' when I think about him.

*clenches fists* I don't ...know..I don't know what to do.

HE DOESN'T EVEN PRACTICE MORMON FAITH! He holds on to that ONE #ing part they BURNED into his head: 'Jesus is unecessary'.

YOU TELL ME, people, does that sound like a #ing cult or not? I think it does.

Pardon the F bombs. I happen to feel a lot regarding this topic.

ETA:FWIW 'bf' means best friend
edit on 15-3-2012 by threewhiteeyes because: (no reason given)

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