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The Hidden Masonic Agenda:Thru the Eyes of a Treasure Hunter

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:29 PM
The following information comes as a result of 26+ years of locating and deciphering the secret signs and symbols used by many groups of the Illuminati to "hide" their mines and treasure accumulation rooms.
In 1985, while living in Arizona, I began studying the secret signs and symbols of the Spaniard at hundreds of mine/treasure sites around Tucson. Spanish mines and treasure rooms exist by the thousands in Arizona, so it wasn't really that hard to find the same secret sign at several different sites and eventually decipher it. This is called cryptanalysis.....(cryptanalysis....where the sign means the same thing every time you find it being used).

After tiring of deciphering signs of the Spaniard I branched out into the Mormon treasure signs. To make this short...I found that the Mormons used the very same secret system as the Spaniard. But it didn't stop there, and within a few months it became very clear that there were other "chapters" of the Illuminati that used this same exact secret coding system. From the Mormons to the Pirates, to the Church (churches) and finally to the Masons.

When I moved from Arizona I almost cried, thinking that I was never going to find treasure rooms in the Midwest.
Boy, was I wrong!!! It wasn't long before I was onto several treasure accumulation rooms within my own County.
The first signs to be located were litterally carved into the courthouse in my home town, but within a few months I would find out that the very starting point for these secret treasure signs was at the local Masonic Lodge building, that it was these signs found on the Masonic Lodge that lead you to the first stop, which is the courthouse, just a block away from the lodge. (In the secret coding system there are anywhere from 7 to 13 different changes of distance and direction on any trail to any treasure room or mine). For those of you knowlegable about the Masons (The Illuminati) these numbers, 7 and 13 should jump out at you.

It is my hopes to have the video of these signs on the lodge and on the courthouse posted to You Tube in the very near future. But, in the meantime I know people wonder just what it is that the Masons were using/are using the monies from these treasure rooms on.

In order to understand this hidden agenda of the Masons, you must first understand the four "dynasty's" that all chapters of the Illuminati try to control. If they control these four dynasty's, they control the people.
Here are the four dynasty's that the Masons control IN YOUR TOWN (in no special order):

#1) The Religous Dynasty: One of thee, if not thee, most powerful dynasty's to control. You can control people through religion alone. The Masons say that they hate the Catholic Church. Hopefully, someone will post the You Tube video in this post, the one titled, "America Look The Pope Knows The Illuminati Handshake." I could write volumes more on the state of religion, and the American have been screwed by our preachers. Did you know that almost every "super preacher" is a Mason?? What Church was ALWAYS first in setting up shop in all towns?? By the way, it just came out recently that "The Crystal Cathedral" was sold to the Catholic Church.

#2) The Political Dynasty: If you control the Politicians then you control the laws and bills that get created and passed. Have we had any bad laws or bills passed lately???????? It blows my mind that every four years the Presidential elections come along, and we ALWAYS hear the truth about what is wrong with America, and that this or that politician, if elected, will make sure to fix this broken system. He gets elected and then it's back to politics as usual. Boy, I could go on and on but I won't. Just know that as far as the Masons are concerned, part of the money from their treasure rooms was used to buy the politicians and bring them into the Masonic Family (if he/she wasn't already a member).

#3) The Financial Dynasty: Most of the money from the Masonic treasure rooms went to "start a bank(s)." It takes a lot of money to start a bank, and the treasure rooms gave the Masons this money. Again, this also works on a global scale with other chapters of the Illuminati. Have you heard any GOOD news about the banking industry lately? Once again, the banker IS a member of the Masonic Family, EVEN TO THIS DAY.

#4) The Educational Dynasty: If you control the education, you CONTROL A PERSONS MIND. This one really isn't about the money from the Masonic treasure rooms going towards building schools, they put the school building part onto the taxpayers yet kept the control of the education for themselves.

There are other, smaller dynasty's that your local Masonic Lodge controls:

#5) The Police/Sheriff Department: The police control is more or less a way to make sure that a member of the Lodge can get pulled over or caught doing something illegal, yet nothing will be done. Ever heard of Diplomatic Immunity??? Your Police Chief is a Mason. So is your local Sheriff.

#6) Judges: This actually goes with Dynasty #2 but I want to stress to you the fact that your local judges, from Magistrate to Superior Court Judges, are all Masonic. GAURANTEED.

I spoke with a Master Mason a month or so ago (on the phone). I contronted him with this information about these treasure rooms in Shelby County, Iowa, and around Harlan, Iowa. At first he tried to lie his way out of it (typical for a Mason) but as we talked he realized that I wasn't being misled by his B.S. He is a great guy, and I was very polite to him. At first he told me he was a 3rd degree, but later admitted to being 32nd. He also admitted the Masons ensure the success of their own members (this is also where these treasure rooms come in handy). Also admitted that the higher degree Masons meet seperately (not at the Lodge) from the "rest" and discuss "people." Course, I already knew these things.

One more thing the Masons will be doing. You've no doubt heard about these concentration camps? Guess who "has your name" on the list of people going to a re-education camp? I'm not worried about these camps, I'll be marked for "Immediate Elimination."

There are Masons in EVERY town/city across America, no matter how small the town may be. The Masons are the "busiest bees" and have the highest numbers of members of all chapters of the Illuminati. They have to have huge numbers, they are the ones that have to control every dynasty in every town. You can only imagine how much money this takes to pull off....and this is where the treasure rooms come in. If your town is a County Seat, and if you have, or had, railroad tracks running to your town, then you probably have a few treasure rooms nearby. Railroads????? How do they fir into this topic?????? I'll tell you in the next post.

I know that some Master Mason from this site will call the Master Mason that I write about in this topic. When you do talk to Bob, tell him that when we talked on the phone last month that I forgot to tell him that I have the rock map that leads to the treasure room at the Brickyard Orchard. I found it next to Point 3#, the tree at the fairgrounds. Bob is, from what I've heard, in charge of the fairgrounds. Funny that the fairgrounds just happened to be the location of the third point on the treasure trail.

Have a great day, Ladies and Gentlemen.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 06:02 PM

Do you have any photos of the symbolism, etc?
edit on 3/14/2012 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 06:08 PM
SO what do you do when you find these treasure rooms? PLunder, or is it a catch and release type of thing? I would love to go treasure hunting and find things like you and nicolas cage. But seriously i hope you do post vids of the symbols as i'm curious to what they look like.

no sarcasm intended. just having fun. I enjoy the idea of hidden treasure.
edit on 14-3-2012 by InfoRobinHood because: clarification

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by dign4it

So what yer sayin is that ... Freemasons control everything and everyone in every town in America.

To hide Spanish treasure....

I hate to be the one to say it but .. "Pics or it didn't happen"

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 08:36 PM
I want hand drawn maps, pictures, phone records, taped conversations, and names... or it didn't happen. Deny my Ignorance, please.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 08:44 PM
The non masons on this board make our fraternity sound so mysterious and exciting!

I sometimes wish their convoluted perceptions were real. At lodge, instead of eating dinner with the brothers and proceeding with business (such as our efforts to do good in the community), we could plotting and sharing secrets on taking over the universe.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by dign4it

Do you have pictures of these treasure signs?

#1: We don't say we hate the Catholic Church, in fact you have it flipped. Can you name which "super preachers" are Masons and cite your source?

#2: Could you name any politicians who are also Mason? I can, but I want to see you move beyond mere generalized, vague statements and to specific, concrete evidence.

#3: Who is?

#4: Can you prove this?

#5: LOL. You do have me laughing at this one. My dad is retiring as 2nd in command and the Chief is not a Mason. The current Sheriff of my county is a Mason, but he was a Mason long before he ran for office. In fact, my dad plans on running against him this Fall and has a good chance of winning. I can name only a few people who are cops and Freemasons in my area.

#6: I know of just a couple of Judges who are Masons, the rest are not. Again, being a cops son I knew most of the magistrates and for a while delivered their papers to them. None of them were Freemasons.

Most non-Masons trying to expose us usually have an "inside source".

You are fairly delusional.
edit on 15-3-2012 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by dign4it

it may help you in figuring out your puzzle, but the mormon church was founded by a man who was first a freemason. He used much of the symbolism learned from masonry within his church. I don't know much more than that about the mormons, but that bit may help.

Oh, and "the chair is against the wall"

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by network dude
Oh, and "the chair is against the wall"

"John has a long mustache, John has a long mustache."

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:41 PM
I thank each and everyone of you for your replies. I am scrambling to get the video onto You Tube at this very moment, hope to have it posted here also.

I have many pics of these treasure signs, so I'll see about getting some posted. In the meantime, here's a run-down of four of the most important treasure signs that you will find in-the-field, on paper maps, on rock maps, in company logo's, etc..

(For those of you who desire printed books on this secret system of signs and symbols, look up "Charles Kenworthy". Chuck wrote five (5) books on this secret system, as well as some of the signs. These books are "geared" towards the Spanish mines and treasure rooms, but as I stated in my post, the Masons MOST DEFINITELY used this same system.)

The Eagle: When found in the field you look over the left wing of the Eagle and draw a "visual line" upwards, where you will find the next sign or possibly the treasure itself (all tunnels/shafts to treasure rooms and mines are covered/concealed). Look at a picture of the will see an Eagle over the doors (opening).

The Bell: the Bell represents an opening, or tunnel. It will be found at many treasure sites.

666: found mainly on paper maps, this designates that the tunnel/shaft is death trapped.

The Owl: The Owl is a symbol for a treasure accumulation room. As with all secret treasure symbols, there are many "variations" of a particular symbol. In the case of the Owl, there are a few variations that, if you see these variations in the field or on a map, then know that you are still being led to a treasure room. These owl variations include: the number "13". This relates to the Owl of Minerva, and the "M" in Minerva is the 13th letter in the alphabet. The number "50". This 50 comes from the accumulative value of each letter in "Owl." The "O" equals 15, the "W" equals 23, and so on. Company logo's will also contain these secret symbols if that company is owned by a member of the Illuminati/Masons. Take Coor's, for example. Look at one of their beer cans. You will see the Mountains on the can, with a line under the Mountains. Turn this can sideways and you will see the number "13". I could go on and on all day with logo's that expose that company of being a part of the secret society.

These are just three major signs, there are more. Again, I will see what I can do about getting some pics posted.

To the Masons who question this information I say this: If you are TRULY 32nd degree then you know that what I say is true. Don't feel bad about pretending to laugh at this information (I know that this is a typical Masonic response in trying to discredit someone who exposes you). I definitely laugh when I hear the Masons say that they are "just a bunch of good ol' boys having fun." I also laugh when they start talking about Soloman's Temple and other biblical "connections" to their group. After all, Satan copies Christ in every way, so why should the Masonic members be any different than their spritual father. (I'm not talking about the lower degree members, they haven't been totally exposed to the true Masonic agenda yet)

As for naming politicians who are Masons, it would be faster and easier to name the ones who aren't Masons.

To be sure, there seems to be an exodus from the Masonic Lodges if the members are waking up.

To anyone who wants to take a deeper look into how far the Masons will go to keep their agenda secret, then research "The William Morgan Affair" affair that led to "The Anti-Masonic Party." Research both of these and you will find that people, even in the early 1880's were tired of the Masonic control that was taking place. And, the truth be told, the people were tired of the Masons long before the Morgan Affair, but it took the Morgan Affair to finally get them off the butts and try to do something about them.
Since this Morgan Affair, the agenda of the Masons has been "reserved" and taught to only the higher degrees.
edit on 15-3-2012 by dign4it because: don't want to piss anyone off too much

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by dign4it
To the Masons who question this information I say this: If you are TRULY 32nd degree then you know that what I say is true.

What is the relevance of the Scottish Rite to your Original Post?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:04 PM
Don't blame Masons for your obsessions.

TV is full of BS about EVIL MASONS and their agenda. My brothers are sincerely nice people who have treated me with nothing but dignity and respect. I have been poor and shiftingly homeless for 5 years, I never had to pay for dues or a meal. They accept me, because in my heart is a higher power and I believe in love for humankind. Masons make good men better. For the love of "G" God, Good, and Gnosis.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by dign4it
To the Masons who question this information I say this: If you are TRULY 32nd degree then you know that what I say is true.

1) The 32nd degree isn't the catch all degree in Freemasonry; it is a part of the Scottish Rite, a branch of Freemasonry. 2) I am a 32nd and if you read my post I called your bluff and you still haven't proven anything. 3) You haven't posted anything pertinent or truthful in regards to Freemasonry.

Originally posted by dign4it
I also laugh when they start talking about Soloman's Temple and other biblical "connections" to their group.

Well, I laugh at the pathetic attempt to label us "satanic" as well as the use of "low level" vs "high level" when most who use these terms are fairly ignorant on the Masonic subject. I doubt you could explain our hierarchy and structure accurately.

Originally posted by dign4it
As for naming politicians who are Masons, it would be faster and easier to name the ones who aren't Masons.

Then do it.

Originally posted by dign4it
To be sure, there seems to be an exodus from the Masonic Lodges if the members are waking up.

Where are you getting this?

Originally posted by dign4it
To anyone who wants to take a deeper look into how far the Masons will go to keep their agenda secret, then research "The William Morgan Affair" affair that led to "The Anti-Masonic Party."

It's never been proven who was behind it, but Freemasonry took the brunt of the bad public opinion. Plus, everyone tries to say "Captain" Morgan was going to publish some big "expose" on Masonry and yet there were already books out that stated the exact same thing he was going to print. He was bringing nothing new to the table.

Originally posted by dign4it
Research both of these and you will find that people, even in the early 1880's were tired of the Masonic control that was taking place.

Actually this is an inaccurate, simplistic portrayal of what happened in consequence to the Morgan Affair.
edit on 15-3-2012 by KSigMason because: Spelling

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by dign4it

So, tell us about all the treasure you have discovered! We want to hear about how your skills have led to your successes. Unless, or...., could it be that all these "treasure rooms" were already abandoned. Dam. What a terrible coincidence.

Or, more likely, you just found some mundane symbolism. Yes, Masonic symbols are on courthouses and schools. That is no secret, I have been to many cornerstone ceremonies myself, and one that I helped lay is now the same school my two boys attend! Conspiracies abound.

I spoke with a Master Mason a month or so ago (on the phone). I contronted him with this information about these treasure rooms in Shelby County, Iowa, and around Harlan, Iowa. At first he tried to lie his way out of it (typical for a Mason) but as we talked he realized that I wasn't being misled by his B.S. He is a great guy, and I was very polite to him. At first he told me he was a 3rd degree, but later admitted to being 32nd. He also admitted the Masons ensure the success of their own members (this is also where these treasure rooms come in handy). Also admitted that the higher degree Masons meet seperately (not at the Lodge) from the "rest" and discuss "people." Course, I already knew these things.

Actually it would be quite concerning to find a Mason that regularly lies, and if you will please point me in the direction of these lying Masons I will be glad to initiate Masonic charges and have them removed from the fraternity as that would violate everything we stand for.

Also, one can only be a "3rd Degree Mason," so that part is true, but one can also attain the "32nd Degree" in the Scottish Rite, which is an appendent body of Masonry and which often meets "seperately" from the Lodge. No conspiracy there, just logistics, but of course you "already know" these things.

And yes, Masons do hope to see success of their own members, and they might seek out ways to help with that success. It starts with friendship, brotherly love, and charity, and it extends to camarderie, and as people become close it hopefully extends to doing business with one's friends and trusted colleagues, which might even lead to some economic success, if the person has a desire and means for such a thing. Seeing as how I am a state employee, there isn't really any way for a brother Mason to "ensure my success" as you have put it. Now, if I had a local business, I'm sure many Masons would do business with me, because they know and respect and trust me. No conspiracy there.

Back to the drawing (or trestle) board for you! You're going to have to do a little better than this to convince me of any connections. Although, I also grew up in the Midwest, and I can take you to many of Jesse and Frank James' old hideouts, and I can show you bullet holes left over from a Bonnie and Clyde shootout, and I can introduce you to people that have discovered mason jars full of silver dollars buried by the James boys! Do you suppose they intentionally used "Mason" jars?

edit on 15-3-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by network dude
Oh, and "the chair is against the wall"

"John has a long mustache, John has a long mustache."

Jack, Jack has a long mustache. I guess the hops and barley have rotted the long term memory part of your brain.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:39 AM
Thanks for bringing up the Minerva bit. I looked her up. According to Wikipedia ''the Romans celebrated her festival from March 19 to March 23''. Nice bit of information since next week the stock market will be trading from March 19 to March 23.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 07:45 AM
Again, thanks to everyone who has replied to this post, especially the Masons, who are now in a mad rush to discredit this information. I expected nothing more, nothing less from you. While I respect your right to add your two cents, I also know to never argue with Satan, or his children. For those of you wanting to understand the truth as to just how satanic the Masons are...research "Albert Pike the Mason." Read some of his books, quotes.

Concerning the Mormon Church....yes, Joseph Smith (Mormon founder) was a Mason. But, he was actually killed before the group made it to what is now Salt Lake City, Utah. Then Brigham Young took over, who was also a Mason.

Folks, the history of The Mormons is another perfect example as to how far the Masons will go in keeping their agenda secret......and to get a look into what I'm talking about, do your own research on : "The Mountain Meadows Massacre." This was a tragic incident where John D. Lee, a "brother" to Brigham Young (also a Mason) got a group of Mormons (Masons) and they dressed up like Indians and attacked a wagon train that was passing through Utah on its way to California....a wagon train that started out in Alabama ( if I remember correctly). After a few days of stalemate, the "Indians" made a deal with the people of the wagon train....give up and they will be given safe passage. The people of the wagon train, being out of water, etc., gave up their weapons. Within a short time of giving up all of the men were killed, as were most of the women and many children. Their bodies were left to rot at The Meadows.

About the children that survived, they, along with the posessions of the parties with the wagon train, were divided up, starting with the highest ranking Mason and going on down to the lowest ranking Mason. John Lee, being the highest ranking Mason, took the best of the posessions and gave them to Brigham Young. Now all they had left to divide up was the children. That, too, was done in short time.

John D. Lee was with the wagon that was transporting some the kids. One of these kids, a small boy, had been wounded during the massacre and was crying out loud due to the pain. If I remember right, it was John D.Lee who stopped the wagon, got out and grabbed the small boy and, in the words of a little girl who witnessed this incident: grabbed the boy by the ankles and, using the him like a baseball bat, began to bash the boys head into the steel rim of the wagon wheel until his brains flew out.

In another incident at John D. Lee's house, a little girl from the wagon train was at the breakfast table when one of John's wives (John D. Lee had several wives) came into the kitchen. The little girl stated "That's my Mommy's dress" (referring to the dress that the wife had on). John D. Lee immediately got up and took the little girl out into an orchard and blew her brains out with a gun.

It should also be noted that, during the time that Joseph Smith was with his people, that in every location where they built a Church, that Church would be "commemerated" at mid-night. Sounds a lot like when our politicians pass a highly-controversial bill, or a pay raise...!!!!!

As time passed in Salt Lake City more and more non-Mormons began to move into the area. As these non-Mormons began to grow in number, so did the cry for justice in the Mountain Meadows Massacre case. Eventually, John D. Lee was the only one convicted. His Masonic friend, Brigham Young, left him high and dry, and, no doubt in my mind, made John the scapegoat for an event orchestrated by Young.

John D. spent some time in jail before he was shot for the acts commited at Mountain Meadows, he spent enough time to write a book about his life with the Mormons. Being the level of Mason that he was, Mr. Lee enjoyed the best of the best, and he started out with Joseph Smith very near the beginning of this "religion," so John Lee had a lot to write about. I strongly urge anyone wanting to know more about the inner workings of the Masons to read this book. John Lee talks of the secret signs used by the Masons, and other shenanigans of this group that claims to be so pure and honest and "up to nothing secret". Do a web search for "John D. Lee" and his book will come up. You will probably find it in your library like I did. There are other books about this "Massacre by the Masons" but be careful, it's obvious that some of them are an attempt to cover-up the truth.

One final note about Mountain Meadows. The Piute Indians in the area of Mountain Meadows actually witnessed this massacre. They saw how the Masons were dressed up as Indians, and they KNEW that the Piute tribe would be blaimed for this horrific event (yes, that was the Masonic plan, kill the people of the wagon train and blame it on innocent people). The Piutes did the only thing that could do....they "got out of town."

Have a great day, Ladies and Gentlemen.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by dign4it
Again, thanks to everyone who has replied to this post, especially the Masons, who are now in a mad rush to discredit this information.

I believe you. I found several treasure rooms and have gotten rather wealthy from the plunder I recovered.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by dign4it

Even if all these stories about one particular Mason (Lee) are true, why would you then believe the written works of someone who is obviously a complete psychopath? It would be like characterizing all Muslims based on nothing but the (mythological or otherwise) testimony of Osama Bin Laden.

A Mason (Muslim) was crazy and murdered children, therefore all Masons (Muslims) are evil!


posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by dign4it
Again, thanks to everyone who has replied to this post, especially the Masons, who are now in a mad rush to discredit this information.

I believe you. I found several treasure rooms and have gotten rather wealthy from the plunder I recovered.

It is your Masonic duty to share this booty with your brethren! PM for my acct information and address. Let me know if I need to bring a truck for the gold, or if a sturdy box will be good enough. I need to know if we are talking about some original Revere Silverware, or lostAtahualpa Incan Gold, when we say "treasure," this way I can make appropriate plans!

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