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Sweatshop Horror Exposed

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:47 AM
I opened up the paper this morning and came across a disturbing article.

SWEATSHOP workers were yesterday revealed to face beatings and humiliation as they churn out clothes for BHS — on slave wages of just TEN PENCE an hour.

This is absolutely unnaceptable, that BHS (British Home Stores) use those kind of factories for manufacturing their products.

It gets worse....

Grieving workers are SACKED if they dare to try to take time off to attend family funerals.

So after the beatings and humiliation, they also cheat your wage. Unbelievable.

Brutal officials who impose compulsory overtime regularly CHEAT exhausted workers out of much of their paltry pay.

So, whilst some of us enjoy and moan about our jobs and our conditions, others are living in literal hell.

The High Street chain — whose knitwear sells for between £15 and £35 — boasts a code of conduct stating: "When customers buy our goods we want them to be confident that they have been produced under acceptable conditions."

Apparently BHS uses a supplier who uses factories for BHS?

Last night a shocked spokeswoman for BHS revealed: "We are investigating urgently with the supplier who has used one of these factories for BHS production. "It appears that there have been a number of violations of our code."

"It appears that there have been a number of violations of our code"?
That and, oh say, HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!

The Man Responsible For His Company?
He owns Arcadia Group.

Arcadia Group also owns Burton, Top Shop and Dorothy Perkins.

The profits are staggering. Should they pay back compensation?

Profits last year were £190.4million.

What a joke!!!

The 10p pay means it would take 320 hours for a worker to earn enough for a £32 "multi-stitch" jumper from BHS's popular Olive and Olivia range.

Charles Kernaghan, director of respected US watchdog the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, declared: "The factories are operated like minimum security prisons."

Did you read that? "Like minimum security prisons".

So next time you stroll in BHS thinking "ooooh, I'm shopping at the great British Home Stores", remember that it's not great, it's terrible, there's nothing homely about it and they're not stores, they're in fact SLAVE LABOR CAMPS

BHS ain't getting a penny from me. I hope more people do the same.
Lets wake up people, half the stuff you got on are made by blood, sweat and tears from innocent people including children.
So next time when you buy your kids their pijamas in BHS or any Arcadia Group owned store, make sure you tell your kids the truth now, (I know you won't).

Boycott slave labor made products.
Full News Article - The Sun

edit on 14-3-2012 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:49 AM
Meh, as long as I can keep buying a pair of jeans for under a fiver im happy.

Annoyingly what gets me, If I try to buy a slave Im somehow a sick criminal but if corprorations buy them its ok???

Kinda sucks.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Ixtab

Annoyingly what gets me, If I try to buy a slave Im somehow a sick criminal but if corprorations buy them its ok???

The irony of it all eh?

These kind of corporations that have become super wealthy using slave labor should now pay back compensation, big time.

It's a shame that it has to be this way only because some tyrants want to increase their wealth in the least possible time.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I've worked in worse places than that....atleast they get paid, unlike workfare workers for tesco's.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

See the thing is though man, we are kinda screwed financialy.

What with the economy already goin down the pan, if we were to actualy stop relying on slave labour production prices would sky rocket.

ipads wouldnt cost a few hundred bucks anymore they would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars a pop, coffee, chocolate, fruits, leather, just about every component we use in finished products would cost hundreds of times what they do now.

The planet as a whole would have to radicaly change in order to prevent this Dickensian style work ethic we have imposed over the world.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:21 PM
The only thing that comes to my mind time and time again is "we're wearing the misery of children on our body".

I remember a few times I've had conversations about life and people and politics with friends or family and a lot of them seem to think that third world countries are like that because they have evil leaders running the country.

This is not the case. The real issue here is that the rich are rich because the poor are poor.
Third world countries are never going to break free because people on this side of the fence are keeping it that way.
It's not in the interest of the super mega wealthy to let third world countries rise up and take their freedoms back because then their whole sharade will end.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by DBCooper71

atleast they get paid

Nice comment

edit on 14-3-2012 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

ipads wouldnt cost a few hundred bucks anymore they would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars a pop, coffee, chocolate, fruits, leather, just about every component we use in finished products would cost hundreds of times what they do now.

And people like Fat Cat Green won't be able to stack the pounds by the millions.
That's the real issue.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:48 PM
so people will make a big deal about this, and all that will happen, is the company will find another s**t hole of a country with probably a cheaper workforce, and then move they're business there instead. then what will happen too these people......probably starve too death....but hey, atleast you won't feel guilty about buying your cheap products.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by DBCooper71

so people will make a big deal about this, and all that will happen, is the company will find another s**t hole of a country with probably a cheaper workforce, and then move they're business there instead. then what will happen too these people......probably starve too death....but hey, atleast you won't feel guilty about buying your cheap products.

A big deal?
Don't you think it's a big deal?

The company will find another country (interesting words you chose for economically poorer countries, shows your class) and do the same of course.
But, the word is out and less people will shop there and that's the sort of chain reaction that's needed.
I can't believe you actually support this on the basis that people will starve to death.....

One thing is paying people less and expecting more, another thing is torturing them, mentally and physically, whilst reaping maximum rewards.

No mate, you're way off key.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Yip all true, but our economy would essentialy collapse, the only reason we enjoy the lifestyle we do is on account of the fact our government have enslaved a great number of people and there nations into supporting us. Its always been this way. And failing some sort of global cataclysm/dark age scenario it will continue to be this way until two things happen.

Robots not humans take over menial labour/manufacturing roles the world over.


Money ceases to exist.

Until then were screwed and totaly and utterly complicit in this machine that influences every facet of our life.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Ixtab
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Yip all true, but our economy would essentialy collapse, the only reason we enjoy the lifestyle we do is on account of the fact our government have enslaved a great number of people and there nations into supporting us. Its always been this way. And failing some sort of global cataclysm/dark age scenario it will continue to be this way until two things happen.

Robots not humans take over menial labour/manufacturing roles the world over.


Money ceases to exist.

Until then were screwed and totaly and utterly complicit in this machine that influences every facet of our life.

So very true.

The fact that we're discussing this now is a reminder that the word is out.
And that's important.
Some one has to pay. No one will pay. But some one should.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

A big deal? Don't you think it's a big deal?

Not really, not when we have slave labour here in my own country, like women and children trafficked here too work as domestic slaves or prostitues....I persume the workers there have a choice whether they work there or not.

The company will find another country (interesting words you chose for economically poorer countries, shows your class) and do the same of course.

Well s**t hole conjures up the image I was trying too get across...does it not....also I'm just a peasant so i'm not expected too have any class.

But, the word is out and less people will shop there and that's the sort of chain reaction that's needed

I don't think so, I think the first line of ixtab comment pretty much sums up the publics feelings about this ....i could be wrong though, you'll have too check BHS's profits next year too see if its made an impact.

I can't believe you actually support this on the basis that people will starve to death.....

I don't support it at all, in fact I think british home stores should hire british workers, but thats a different issue.

edit on 14-3-2012 by DBCooper71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

Not if the company stopped destroying humanity to line their pockets.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

History pretty much indicates that sentiment is a total pipe dream entertained soley by pretentious studenty types the naive and well wishers who have detached themselves so far from reality they actualy think change can happen if we buy enough kittens and become vegan.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Sweatshops will never disappear because there are a lot of poor people around especially in Asia. When I started working I was paid US$40 a month in two installments. When New Year comes around you'd be happy to be able to get to work two shifts in a stretch from 7.00am to 7.00pm just so you have the money for the New Year. That is why there are now so many FDIs (foreign direct investment) in Asia. Production cost is kept low so the product can be profitably/competitively marketed. It is not like they are forcing you to work for them but if you don't want to, there will be hundreds waiting in line for that job. Its a sad situation but there is nothing anyone can do because even children would have to try to help out. One more thing I'd like to point out is Asian kids do better in schools in the US because they are of letting their parents down. They think of the the sacrifices and high hopes of those at home so they have to strife harder and try to get out of the rut.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Ixtab

Ok, so there aren't companies who aren't using sweatshops while making record profits?


So Coach, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger are in the red?

edit on 15-3-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

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