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Donald trumps Sons hunting photos

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
Hunting once had a purpose and in some cultures and locales it still does. But not for this Trump kid. He's a remorseless spoiled child and these poor animals are paying the price for his selfish indulgence.

reply to post by jibeho

FYI: It's the 21st century.
edit on 14/3/2012 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

So, its pile on Trump just because he's a Trump. Pile on the entire Big Game Safari Industry Please. No one gave a rats bum until these pics of Trump's kid showed up. Typical.

Complain to the UN if you don't like it. Until its illegal, he's free to hunt and free to pay handsomely for it.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by noonebutme
Hunting for survival is one thing and I have no issue with that.

Hunting animals for fun with high powered rifles from hundreds of yards away? Complete and utter cowardice.

Anyone can kill an animal with a rifle - killing like that takes little true skill. If you're a "real" hunter, sneak up on the animal and "touch it" with your hand. If you can do that, then I have respect for you as a hunter.

edit on 14-3-2012 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

Let me know when you sneak up on a 14 point Buck, wrestle him to the ground and break its neck with your bare hands.

Shooting a single lethal shot at great distance takes more skill than you can imagine. Just ask a sniper. Until its outlawed its a legal sport. Simple. You don't have to like it but no need to condemn those who practice it legally either.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:32 PM
Meh, not my cuppa but to each his own. I like to hunt but I stick with fowl and eat what I take.

This practice actually finances the conservation efforts in Africa but the animal rights people won't hear it so why bother.

Some people collect dolls, some play computer games, some smoke, some drink, etc., to pursue happiness is very much a personal issue.

They are legal hunts.

They have very effective and brutal I might add counter-poaching programs there. They shoot first and ask questions later. I've spent a lot of time in Africa with the Army - these tourism/hunting events are a big boon to the economies.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by lacrimaererum

human beings have been cloned 100%. it's just a matter on how advanced the technology is.

dolly the sheep was cloned 15 years ago.

if a human cloning program was started at or near that time, after perfecting the technique on animals, the first human clone should be about that age.

or it is possible they just cloned a human then never allowed it to reach maturity.

or maybe its just impossible to clone a human, and this information is being suppressed because it further proves the existence of God.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:46 PM
You guys bashing the Trumps are just a little ridiculous dontcha think? Killing is a basic, genetically ingrained trait that all humans are born with. We have to kill to survive, our bodies need the protein, and it provides sustenance both mentally and physically. If you can go out and hunt and kill then you have some of the basic skills for survival. (which boost your moral and confidence, btw) I would much rather these brothers be out hunting animals legally, then to have people just killing humans to satisfy that feral instinct of killing. This is an outlet that actually makes our society safer, if a guy wants to blow off some steam and kill an animal, I say go for it, as long as it is legal and done with the utmost caution and respect for the animal that you are slaughtering. I would have a problem with poachers, and humans killing humans just to satisfy that need, but legally they were within the law and they donated the meat to the locals, come on, you guys are really reaching for this one. In fact I propose that everyone who is complaining about these guys to go out and become a lion's or crocodile's lunch, they would just as soon look at you as eat you anyway, and at least you would actually be productive in preserving these animals lives. Any takers? I didnt think so, because even you value your life over an animals. So stop being an arm chair general and actually physically get out and do something for the animal. Not by imposing your views on others, but grow a garden to feed the elephants, raise pigs to be released for the lions, or whatever you feel the need to do, but whining about it on the internet does nothing but try to enforce your views on me. I happily go hunting, I am in the fish industry, I love my cat, and I love my dog, and all animals, im not garbage for that, just human.

And to finish, you mean all you die hard animal activists have never killed not ONE SINGLE animal - no flies, knats, cows, chickens, fleas, ticks, fish, mosquitoes, ants, bees, wasps, worms, slugs, rolly-pollies, spiders, mice, rats, etc? If your answer is no, then you are a bald faced liar, plain and simple. Does it make you any less guilty that you did it unknowingly or unwillingly? No, ignorance is not an excuse, if you dont believe me, break a law and let your defense be 'I didnt know' and tell me where that gets you, right in the CONVICTED line.

In Johnny Blaze's infamous words "Flame On"
edit on 14-3-2012 by phishfriar47 because: had to add 2 words that made my sentence flow correctly

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Im afraid to ask who's benefiting from these things.... The people.. highly doubt it.

And in regards to this

Some people collect dolls, some play computer games, some smoke, some drink, etc., to pursue happiness is very much a personal issue.

Endangered animals are living breathing things. They cannot be easily produced in a manufacturing warehouse. You can't go to Game Stop and buy one. Once they are gone, they are gone.
edit on 14-3-2012 by blackmetalmist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Golf66
This practice actually finances the conservation efforts in Africa but the animal rights people won't hear it so why bother.

Some people collect dolls, some play computer games, some smoke, some drink, etc., to pursue happiness is very much a personal issue.

Wow. This is just all kinds of wrong. Where to start? Kill some animals to save some animals or pursuing happiness by killing another creature for sport?

Holy Cow.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:49 PM


posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:52 PM


posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 04:07 PM
These guys were hunting for trophies, and that isn't right. Sure they gave the meat to the locals, they HAD to because that is the law. I'll bet if there was nobody watching they would have left the carcasses where they lay to rot in the sun.

I say this as an avid hunter and fisherman; but when I kill something, it ends up on my table to feed my family.

edit on 3/14/2012 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Seems there are 2 sides to this issue:

(a) man should temper his natural desire for conquest with empathy and act in balance with nature

(b) man is the dominant life form, and we can do whatever we like, by any means necessary

Which sounds more reasonable?

edit on 14-3-2012 by DeReK DaRkLy because: ...

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by relocator

Yes, but...I'm pretty sure that prior to national parks and human stewardship, the animals kinda had it under control...actually, as it were, nature had it under control.

We're the wrench in the gears...we keep thinking that it's our role. It's our role to find where the equilibrium lies and just chill the eff out. We can't keep mixing and matching predators and prey until we find the "goldilocks" balance that makes all the species in an area happy.

Let things be and things take care of them selves.

As far as the story here, I think it's pretty messed up that people have to go half way around the world to hunt animals - many of which are exclusively within the cultural purview of the local tribes (as far as if they are food or what other purpose they may or may not have to those people). If the shoe were on the other foot, I wonder how people in the Rockies would feel if wealthy Africans were flying in from their rich countries to the poor backwaters of Montana and hunting moose and bears and buffalo just for the heck of it.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by maybee
I was just reading about this on Yahoo news. I eat meat and know lots of people who hunt who actually eat what they hunt. But hunting just for sport or trophy is imo pretty stupid. Off topic but I think his youngest son looks like Eddie Munster.

I agree with this completely.

Trophy hunting is wrong, but if an animal is not endangered and it is used for meat and other practical purposes, I'm ok with it. These animals have a better shot than the livestock that is born for the slaughter. If any of these animals are endangered however, I would be outraged.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 04:43 PM
Hunting for sport is disturbing. Anyone that can seriously be HAPPY for killing a leopard and hugging a dead body is weird. Killing anything isn't something to be proud about.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Hunting for sport is disturbing. Anyone that can seriously be HAPPY for killing a leopard and hugging a dead body is weird. Killing anything isn't something to be proud about.

I agree completely. Those who kill for sport are missing something essential in the spirit they try to fill with the chemical rush of the kill. If they were really the Great Hunter they claim or wish they were they would go hand to hand. A child can pull a trigger doesn't make him a man.

The total disregard for the lives and right to life other Earthlings we share this planet with is not only arrogant it is a sad reflection on the spiritual evolution of man. To kill for sport is a sad reflection on the man or woman who carries it out. There is no honor here. As sons of an apex businessman they could have lead a different path of example. Instead have shown their breeding for what it is. Bloodthirsty and without soul.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

Wow. This is just all kinds of wrong. Where to start? Kill some animals to save some animals or pursuing happiness by killing another creature for sport?

Holy Cow.

Speaking of cows, I raise and harvest my own as well; it is something that gives me pleasure - happiness knowing I raised my own food. Knowing they had a good life and that in the end they met it respectfully. It's legal - it’s my choice - it’s not for everyone.

Happiness is very much personal - drinking is legal, I do but not to excess - some do. Their choice who am I to judge.

Question - have you ever been to an African game reserve? I have, worked with the wardens at one training them with Special Forces in tracking and sniper techniques.

The animals are managed very well and the money they make selling the tags to those who can afford the high price (sometimes 5k or more depending) is used to run the place pay salaries and such.

They only allow the hunting of excess young males who would disrupt the balance of the park by fighting for territory. They also hunt older males and females as they make revenue from their deaths rather than just let them die off of natural causes.

Who cares what other people do - as long as it’s legal. People would be so much better off if we stuck to worrying about our own actions than those of others.

Cheers – I respect your opinion as I do anyone’s but I draw the line there.

Respecting an opinion is not the same as agreement nor the ability to limit the actions of others based upon it.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:39 PM
Well I disagree with the statement that shooting an animal dead with a high powered rifle is hard. It's actually very easy. Just ask a sniper you say. well I've talked to plenty of my friends who are snipers serving and unless the shot is from farther away than 300 yards (900 feet) yeah right the trump boys are shooting farther than that. It's actually pretty damned easy. There is no skill involved. I've put a 108 lbs girl behind a 308. being her first time she had no problem hitting a phone book at 400 yards and the phone book was in an elevated position. (about 200 feet high) It's not hard. if you think it is then I argue you ain't the greatest shot. shoot an animal at 600 yards and yeah maybe there is sport in that. Shooting an animal because you need to eat. nothing wrong with it. Shooting an animal because you can't find anything else better to do is just an obvious example of ones insecurities.

If you want to pretend your a great hunter than go out and stalk a deer. learn to read the terrain. learn how to mask your scent. learn the animals psychology. Actively hunt the animal. don't sit in a blind for a day and wait for something to pass by. get within 25 yards of the animal and then shoot it.

Shooting animals in semi confined spaces. with highpowered rifles at 200 yards while some native tracker is holding your hand and telling you literally everything to do is not sport nor any measure of ones shooting abilities. It's cowardly and pathetic.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

Originally posted by kosmicjack
Hunting once had a purpose and in some cultures and locales it still does. But not for this Trump kid. He's a remorseless spoiled child and these poor animals are paying the price for his selfish indulgence.

reply to post by jibeho

FYI: It's the 21st century.
edit on 14/3/2012 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

So, its pile on Trump just because he's a Trump. Pile on the entire Big Game Safari Industry Please. No one gave a rats bum until these pics of Trump's kid showed up. Typical.

Complain to the UN if you don't like it. Until its illegal, he's free to hunt and free to pay handsomely for it.

Safari hunting is nothing but one big canned hunt and is an embarrassment to real hunters. All it does is make people who can't hunt think they are some big time hunter.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:42 PM
I know of some big game they could shoot.

He goes by the name of Donald Trump.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Wait...this is news? But the Obama regime allowing hunting of endangered bald eagles isn't?

So you have a problem with Native Americans practicing their religion? They are only allowed to kill up to two eagles and that's it. I guessed that is what you were talking about seeing how you didn't provide a link.

Feds Say Wyo. Tribe's Bald Eagle Permit a First

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