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Mysterious Cars Around Seattle

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Furbs
So you saw two government workers and decided to make a thread about it on ATS.. and that thread is a HOT THREAD?

Who is running the asylum?

I think these were what I saw, pretty damn sure.

I'm not really a paranoid tense type of person but I do have reasonable suspicions about govt agents. I don't give a crap what my fellow citizens are doing unless they are blatantly hurting someone else, but spooks and stuff don't deserve clemency.

Anywho, this thread got so crazy, some really good replies and I think we found out what the yellow stickers were. I doubt anything more will come of this, it could have been a coincidence, we'll just have to wait and see. I'll let you guys know if anything else happens.

FYI I'm not a fighting type of person so I'm not going to intimidate someone. I'm fairly skinny and use my brains to stay out of trouble if at all possible. Yea, that's not cool all of the time and I need to stand up for myself more sometimes. Society's raised a generally weak generation and I'm part of it. I do what I can.

As for what "the man" looks like, I think that should be obvious. They look well-equipped, nice clean clothes, suits, clean cars. They look like they have money, but hardened hearts.

There are a lot more odd occurrences in my life lately but for now I don't think they would apply directly to this situation, I would just be trying to force things to fit into a "I'm being followed/spied on" paradigm just for ATS

Let's just chill out and move on to more pressing matters, I'm thankful for the replies but god damn.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
should've yanked him from the vehicle and had a nice little "discussion" with him...

often changes their minds and they dont want to play anymore after that...

Try that in America and you will get shot, stabbed and possibly just have the crap beat out of you or just arrested for breaking and entering at the least. May get you for car-jacking attempt if they really are in a bad mood.

If you ever feel like your being followed in a car make sure, take many turns to the point where you know they are following you. Take them to a road that is not busy away from the city traffic then stop, put it in reverse and floor it. They will more then likely panic and try to back up fast and loose control doing so. When they do just stop, slam it in forward and drive away. Don't allow your car to hit theirs because most newer cars have a full shut off switch and you will be stuck with them.

I learned this a long time ago when my dad had to do the same when two guys were following us home, from him picking us up from school. You should have seen the look on their faces when my dad ran them off into a very deep ditch. My sister is very good looking and they probably had bad intentions for her. My dad also called his cop friend when we got home to let him know where to find the two scumbags. No cell phones back then.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:50 PM
I had to figure out how to sign back in for this thread . Its like my mind gets read as I too am becoming increasingly annoyed by strange white vans and van taxis being parked in our street opposite where I log into these sites .

Im going to ask what they are doing there next time or decide to park behind them and folow them when they take off or just put long nails under their tyres from behind so they cant see me .

Sp all creepy crawling van parkers , beware !

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Anusuia
I had to figure out how to sign back in for this thread . Its like my mind gets read as I too am becoming increasingly annoyed by strange white vans and van taxis being parked in our street opposite where I log into these sites .

Im going to ask what they are doing there next time or decide to park behind them and folow them when they take off or just put long nails under their tyres from behind so they cant see me .

Sp all creepy crawling van parkers , beware !

Take some photos and put them up in this thread. So we can compare the type vehicles that may be being used to monitor people.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:56 PM
Detective level cops in a plain car?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by yurichan
The annoying vechicals are white Vans and a particulary annoying one is a taxi van with the guy just sitting there . All the other taxis are running around the place .

On that same day on this parkstreet there was a very dark car with tinted windows , verytinted windows , and a lady sitting in it doing that banging away thing .

And on another day a few days earlier there were these two freaks older men sitting in their blue sedan , both withpeak caps on and sunglasses . That really annoyed me .

Im a little worried as there are about 3 pre schools and child care centers that operate on the edges of this park .

Maybe I shold start taking down license plates numbers .
The annoying white van taxi always parks in the same place where he can get a view up to my balcony .
Im not good with downloading photos , but I should learn if im going to be a citizen defender / spy

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Socrato

I'll chime in for a few

We er I mean They are not following you. If we , er They wanted info on you , you would not know we I mean They were there.

In all seriousness , probably just regular state people doing their jobs. They are all around all the time.
Then again there might be little more info gathering right now helping other departments if they are short of hand.
if you have a high profile politician coming to a town near you. Checking routs, highrises, one shot points, escape routs, tunnel system entrance/exits , and so on and so on.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:04 AM
Sounds like census workers to me.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Socrato
The license plate on the car was strange in that it had a weird yellow sticker where the "year tab" should have been. Regular license plates here have a month and year tab in the top right.

Does anyone know what these might have been or has anyone had similar encounters?

Actually I have. My work vehicle has one. OMG!

It's a "permanent" registration sticker.
edit on 3/15/2012 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/15/2012 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by Socrato
reply to post by amongus

He very well could be. I haven't exactly been discreet in my rantings to him in the past and my warnings to him to get out of the NSA and be careful to not get involved in a false flag. He also recently posted comments on my blog, which isn't specifically "anti-govt" but it does lean towards "general awakening/throwing off our chains" type of thing.

Well, not to say you asked for it...but you sure are going into the shark cage with chum on you.

Too bad the United States no longer has free speech... or free press (wikileaks)... or 4th amendment protection...
edit on 15-3-2012 by clonebrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Socrato

Well, these days a bug isn't even required for domestic surveillance. Even here in Fairbanks, Alaska everyone I know has digital phone service at home. It probably wouldn't be too hard to splice into the existing coax cable entering a house and put a transmitter on it similar to a cell phone (Without even needing to go into a house).

At that point, pretty much everything you do can be monitered. They could probably even see what TV shows you're watching.

Plus, most everyone these days uses cordless phones. That can probably be tapped into from the street in front of your house. If you use bluetooth, you're pretty much screwed as far as security goes. Bluetooth is proven to be extremely easy to hack. You can literally go to any street corner in the U.S. and sit there with a laptop and monitor everyone's bluetooth connections without needing to place any hardware in someone's home.

Printers & scanners are another weak link in the chain.

It's to the point now that the old days of breaking into someone's house to place phone tapping hardware and bugs is over. It isn't necessary and it's too risky. Especially since we're talking about domestic surveillance.

One important thing to remember is that Americans can be investigated by the government for something as ridiculous as one's political views - without a warrant. This has been publicly admitted. The entity that conducts these investigations is the Department of Homeland Security.

DHS now operates dozens what are now dubbed "fusion centers" all across the U.S. in every state and in most of the larger cities. Fusion centers are usually inconspicuous buildings - no signs, no hint of what they're used for. The only things you might see are well-dressed individuals, nice cars and the occasional government license plate - if you're lucky.

Fusion Centers are essentially intelligence melting pots. Fusion Centers recieve intelligence and information from a variety of different sources - Local Police, Private security firms, the FBI, etc.. They then process that data and decide what to do with it, whether it be send it to the CIA or notify someone in the NSA. (or nothing). It's basically a go-through for coordinating who needs what intelligence.

Now, keep in mind this is operated by the Department of Homeland Security. There is no government oversight but plenty of funding. If an agent at one of these Fusion Centers thinks my political views are suspicious, they can investigate me without a warrant and without any other agency, federal or local, knowing it ever happened. This has happened before on multiple occasions only to come public later. There is documented proof that this has happened even if there is no public admittance by DHS.

Fusion Centers spawned out of the 9/11 disaster to better coordinate intelligence between federal agencies. But now, Probably 99% of local politicians don't even know what Fusion Centers are or where they're located in their own cities. Much less what they're doing day in and day out. DHS doesn't have to answer to any other agency or government entity. The system was set up for this very purpose - to cut through the red tape and act on domestic intelligence if the need arises (due to 9/11). But who makes that distinction? Since DHS fusion centers can act independently, they do.

The CIA would say they typically don't get involved with domestic intelligence gathering except in only a couple very specific situations. Of course, These days most domestic intelligence is gathered by private security firms contracted by the government for the very purpose of domestic spying. That instantly cuts through all the bureaucracy and legal red tape. I would imagine DHS uses a similar approach. Especially since no other federal agency need be involved.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

What you describe here sounds like a captive audience.

All the evidence shows the whole big brother thing is a crooked deal.

Take every opportunity to fill their little heads with the details that prove beyond any doubt that anyone taking part in this spying on the public scam is a traitor.

If they want to listen, tell them everything they don't want to hear. I know where their lifestyle ends, I've seen it firsthand. A miserable existence, no true friendship, no loyalty. Shame is all they have coming to them.
edit on 15-3-2012 by Kester because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by BlasteR
reply to post by Socrato

Well, these days a bug isn't even required for domestic surveillance. Even here in Fairbanks, Alaska everyone I know has digital phone service at home. It probably wouldn't be too hard to splice into the existing coax cable entering a house and put a transmitter on it similar to a cell phone (Without even needing to go into a house).

At that point, pretty much everything you do can be monitered. They could probably even see what TV shows you're watching.


Echelon is legal under the new "war on terror" chain of US laws, I'm not sure where the rest of the world stands in the legal realm of this new information age but in the US, police, including federal agencies such as the FBI and CIA no longer need court order warrants to collect personal communications and private data on people, And that's what the domestic side of the war on terror is really about. The law now allows warrantless search and seizure in the United States and around the world. Overseas the war is about oil and drugs and what ever other black op budget fund raising the Military Industrial Complex can find.

Cell phone companies, ISP (internet service providers, the people you pay to get the internet) under US law have to give customer usage records with request from police and and government agencies, with out court order, illegal under the 4th amendment of the constitution by the way but to hell with the constitution when we have terrorist running around.. right? Come to think who really are the terrorist anyway? Perhaps its the very same police that crack skulls of peaceful demonstrators, or the military leaders that torture people under the banner of freedom?

Even the private sector is in on the whole information gathering band waggon. Google announced the largest information database gathering operation a year or so ago to provide the number one search engine database ever assembled.

Facebook tells you in its user agreement that what ever you post becomes their property and they can do what they want with it, even if you don't post anything or grant permission to use said data, information and or property. Even if some one, say a friend or family member, posts something about you facebook can still use it with out your permission for what ever purpose they see fit. Also you should know that facebook was funded by the CIA, no joke you should read more books.

Police departments and the US Government are using website such as facebook, twiter, youtube and what ever else to gather intel on people, its the newest trend in the private intelligence business world.

Its just too bad that our governments are not as transparent as all of us are now, but then again I don't think most of the people here could handle the truth about whats really going on. Most people would rather continue talking about race, religion, who's right, who's wrong and who looked best on TV last night, who won the game, the mc rib, poker night, dirty socks, crusty underwear, that chicks but, that dudes hair...

its better that way.. right?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by clonebrew

Echelon is legal.....

To combat ridiculous statutory revenue collecting scams enter into Lawful Rebellion.

Statutes are rules which only apply with consent. Their purpose is to generate revenue. For many generations, morally challenged twerps have benefitted financially from the enforcement of statutes. Legal refers to statutes. The legal system is a grubby, shabby scam.

We all know the Law. We wouldn't want those things done to us. Law is no harm, theft, fraud or damage. Even the animals show knowledge of Law. Lawful refers to Law. Because we all, (with the exception of little children and the mentally ill), know what Law is there is no need to write it down. This is the crucial difference between Law and statutes. There are so many statutes no one individual could possibly know them all. Hence statutes have to be written, or we wouldn't know when to pay revenue to the parasitic classes.

The generations of morally challenged twerps who have willingly chosen to enrich themselves through the various avenues the legal system offers rest their entire case on one simple lie. They call statutes Law. Bwahh ha ha is all I can say to that.

Lawful rebellion is to live Lawfully without consenting to statutes. Many people give us their take on this. John Harris being a Kingly example. There are many others. They all have their own angle, look into it and develop your own view.

Note carefully that slavish obedience to the legal system results in the impression that violations of Law are permissible in some circumstances. The problem with that is Law works on a much bigger scale than the simple human experience. We will all face justice for our transgressions of Law sooner or later, one way or another.

The legal system is just a business. Save money, become a Lawful Rebel.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:22 AM
You people here on ATS do realize that you have made it easy to track you..... if in fact you are being tracked. Every post you make, or email or conversation in print can be tracked and will pop up on an email board of the tracker, much like when the forums you belong to send you continuing comments from forum topics that YOU receive on your own email. Be wary of your conversations with others, and watch what you say. Word your topics in such a way as to not include 'subversive' content...... just saying.....

Hate speech or just thinking out loud can land you in trouble as ...... Hate, which can be prosecuted in certain circumstances. Speaking openly about family members in certain government positions which require secrecy must be avoided..... 'loose lips sink ships' Your sometimes 'big mouth' can be an inadvertent queue to some organizations tracking and looking for information for their causes.

ATS is a perfect place for those wishing harm to the US, to gather info and the pulse of America.
ATS'ers...... WATCH YOUR MOUTH........... or you may have this sort of activity hound you.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:06 AM
So you see all these unmarked cars with strange plates and people that are driving are dressed to the nines...they seem to be centered around you and you aren't worth following but have a brother whose NSA...yet you come here to ask about this...CALL YOUR BROTHER, TELL HIM THE STORY, THEN COME WASTE OUR TIME WITH THAT CONVERSATION. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR FIRST AND LAST CALL ABOUT THIS!!!!! So I call BS.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:22 AM
The yellow sticker entitles them to park in handicapped parking spaces. This is not in itself suspicious, but it might be useful for undercover surveillance work.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:20 AM
I have a yellow sticker on my van plates as do others whose tags were bought last year. I can't take you seriously unless you come up with what was so strange about it. Are there different color tags in each state each year. If so what state is issuing purple this year?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:48 AM
Relax. The sticker has to do with new car requirements under Washington State's clean car emission standards. See this web site:

The stickers reflect that the cars were purchased out of state, don't satisfy Washington State's clean car standards, but that the cars will only be in Washington State temporarily. The sticker is yellow so a Cop knows to pull it over to check to see how long it's been in the state.

These people were probably Google employees with cars temporarily registered in Washington State as they were working to update Google's street data bases. Google has employees that actually pinpoint mailbox addresses to insure they GPS coordinates synch up.

When the government really wants to watch you, you're not going to know about it.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by OzMan63
Relax. The sticker has to do with new car requirements under Washington State's clean car emission standards. See this web site:

The stickers reflect that the cars were purchased out of state, don't satisfy Washington State's clean car standards, but that the cars will only be in Washington State temporarily. The sticker is yellow so a Cop knows to pull it over to check to see how long it's been in the state.

These people were probably Google employees with cars temporarily registered in Washington State as they were working to update Google's street data bases. Google has employees that actually pinpoint mailbox addresses to insure they GPS coordinates synch up.

When the government really wants to watch you, you're not going to know about it.

When the government really wants to watch you, you're not going to know about it

I would disagree with this statement. I think that most people would know if they were being watched at some point even by the Government.

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