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Terror Drill?

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posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:05 PM
I live in Suffolk County, New York. Which is on Long Island for those of you who do not know.

Anyhow, last night around 7:30, or 8 o'clock I was eating with a friend at the Marina. We were just watching the boats go by when suddenly I noticed over the causeway 5 lights. I watched the lights for abit, because they were just hovering there, in a V formation... then eventually they dispersed. 2 heading my way, 2 headed the opposite direction, and one (the middle one) staying where it was. It turned out that the 2 helicopters headed my way were USCG heli's. Below the helicopters were 2 CG patrol boats aswell (most likely from the CG 1st Aux. base right across the causeway). While we watched the CG helicopters fly overhead 5 SCPD ESU trucks passed by, along with 3 squad cars, 4 fire trucks, and 4 ambulances (none of the cars had sirens on). A minute after that, one of the Marine Police* came up to us, and told us we were going to have to leave the area, so we did. Infact on the way back home I remember saying outloud to my friend, "man theres alot of cops out tonight". Because on the way home I had counted an unusually high amount of cop cars. I live 2 blocks away from the 3rd Precient... so seeing cop cars around the area is not unusual... but this time... there was a MASSIVE amount of cops in the area.

Today I haven't heard anything, or read anything in the news about what happened there. Could they have been doing a terror drill, or something like that? There was nothing there that we noticed that required such a massive response! The marina was pretty dead... we were pretty much the only car there.

I'm currently seeing a coast guard recruiter about getting into the CG Acadamy anyway. (I wanna have a CG career, hopefully as an AST. I'm a USLA cert. lifeguard (ocean, not pool), so its really what I want to do.) Do you think it would be abit nosey if I asked if he knew what was up?

* Let me just mention that when I say Marine Police, I don't mean MP's like the army, or USMC has. Suffolk County has their own "marine police" that work alongside the state police to watch over the Marina, Docks, Piers, Boardwalks, Beaches, causeways, etc.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:16 PM
where in Suffolk County are you (I'm from out east myself)?

The coast guard where I grew up runs drills all the time. I've seen them practicing all kinds of stuff in and around Moriches Inlet but I've never seen helicopters (not sure if they even have em with the air base nearby).

What I think is strange is having a cop come over and tell you to clear the area. What kind of a test is done, in a public area, without alerting the public. Are they working on their crowd control skills? If so, then inciting fear and panic first would be a brilliant test of their abilities to remove and control unsuspecting crowds.

Military exercises are run out east all the time. That plane that blew up/was shot down over westhampton was originally believed to be shot down by our own planes running thru exercises.

Maybe there was another ufo in the area (moriches inlet had one crash there (supposedly) and the pine barrens fire a few years ago was supposedly a crashed ufo or a diversion to keep people away from a crashed ufo clean up).

I wouldn't go into the CG, tell them you want to sign up and then ask what was going on the other day. Can only hurt to be too inquisitive.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:20 PM
Might have had something to do with the guy that the police & FBI are looking for who threatened to kill the president.

Supposedly they had a big chunk of New York sealed off to try and protect him. Perhaps the CG was providing air support.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:24 PM
suffolk county is about an hours drive from NYC and that is in ideal, no traffic conditions.

If the guy from upstate NY was heading to the city to kill bush, he wouldn't go thru Suffolk County, unless he was really lost. If that's the case, Bush shouldn't be so worried.

I was stuck in traffic last night thanks to the street closings. That much chaos for one man and yet, when they shut down the grid around the Citicorp building, there wasn't much of an impact on the traffic.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:29 PM
Sorry, I'm not at all familar with NYC. I am slightly familar with Northern New York though.


posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:31 PM
Yeah, I'm aware that the CG does drills out east, but around here (in the Democrat point/Robert Moses area) Its rare to see them do things this big in nature. It's REALLY rare to see CG helis around here period! I see alot more of the dark green ANG helis around here instead. They're alway flying up, and down the south southshore.

The biggest thing involving the coast guard that recently happened around my area was when some fisherman ran his boat into the sandbar, and started taking in water by gilgo beach. The CG just dewatered his vessel, and sent him on his way.

PS- Yeah, it takes about 50, to 70 minutes to get into the city depending on traffic conditions.

PSS-I'm right in "the heart of the south shore" as the town likes to put it. I'm in BayShore, which is in the town of Islip.

[edit on 21-9-2004 by oui]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:05 PM
Remsenburg is where I grew up.

When I was a kid I was rescued by the cg. Out fishing with my dad a friend of his and a friend of mine. September day, sunny and crystal clear. A fog dropped in out of nowhere and 15 or so boats were stuck at the inlet. We couldn't see far enough ahead to navigate around the bars that blocked the inlet. The bars produce waves up to about 15 feet , depending on the tide. CG came and announced that we should all follow them in thru the channel. CG then proceeded to get stuck on the bar and pounded by the waves. Second boat came and took the kids and women into the cg station. I was 10 at the time so I was taken in. Scary 14 hours.

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