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Has Reality Set In for Paulites Yet? What Will You Do??

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by spacemanjupiter

The way I see it Ron Paul is the only person that has a chance of fixing this country. If I can't vote for him then I will not be voting for anyone at all.

See...this is where you lose me. If RP is our saving grace then why would you not vote for him as number 2 in command??

Wouldn't you rather see RP have some say in what goes on?? He would preside over congress and could still create needed change. VP doesn't have to be a lame duck position. 
edit on 13-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

I would not want Ron Paul in the number 2 spot under a photogenic plastic smiley faced yes man who possesses a fraction of Paul's intellect and integrity. Ron Paul speaks from his heart with integrity and consistency. The others spew drivel and rehearsed pablum which they think their audience wants to hear. And you have not noticed the difference between Paul and the other three?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by seabag

excuse me, what is a romney?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by psyop911
reply to post by seabag

excuse me, what is a romney?

Its a form of extremely docile dog known for its relatively low intelligence and vaguely stupid demeanor.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:37 AM
Well, if RP doesn't get in, it just shows how stupid and blind America really is. Sure, give us 4 more years of spending, cronyism and backing the banks and corporations instead of the people. THAT'S what we need. Actually, it probably doesn't matter who gets it, we are going down hill and picking up speed.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:39 AM
It seems RP is more popular, but the system is set up for him to not win regardless.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by seabag

the reality is that the system is so corrupt and most people are so brainwashed that there is a snowball's chance in hell that we will come out of this better off. People who laugh at Paul's message will be laughing all the way to the slaughterhouse. The only hope I have is that he will run Independent.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:20 AM
Has reality sunk in that the GOP has done everything they possibly can to rig the vote for Romney? Absolutely. It was never a fair race to begin with.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:51 AM
What reality? Oh you mean the one where it doesn't matter who you vote for in this rigged game the country will continue its death spiral? Yeah been in that reality for quite some time how bout you?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:08 AM
I have a better idea. Instead of letting them tamper with the elections every year, how about this:

If Ron Paul loses the LEGIT way, then fine, this country is f'ed up and needs a wake-up call.

If Ron Paul loses because they cheated the election, I say we revolt. Enough of this $hit!

Life is good, but living in fear is NOT WORTH LIVING.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:19 AM
I think the only people that could take Obama in a debate are Rick or Newt (Newt is FLAWLESS in debates.) I AM a Paulite and reality HAS set in for me. At this point i'm just trying to get Obama out of there, the problem is - I don't want Romney in there at all. As the race has been picking up and Paul has been falling behind, I have taken a liking to Santorum.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:37 AM
OP, All you have served to do here is look like RP's buddy who you have no faith in, but wish well. If you can deflate the faith in a candidate, by sewing again this "he has no chance" all the while expressing your distaste in other candidates with no expression of confidence for any of them then you are a psy-op or just an establishment puppet.

Our system works, the way to fix it has never been brought into the homes of the voters. The good old boys never encouraged us to learn it, so outta sight outta mind, and then voters feel futile and go back to their personal distractions.

It's not Common knowledge, the way to get a vote to work, is make sure you and your friends run the party, and then only then with publicly documenting it at every caucus do you have new blood in power, and voters properly represented by the untouched/unbought new blood. (Which is newly elected county level GOP/DEMS/INDY Delegates) Regular voters can become them, and that's the strategy.

Cronyism, has a flipside it's called educated citizenry. Paul party took ALL of Las Vegas County Republican seats, because they learned it was the only way to matter, From The Paul campaign. It's going to happen, anywhere Paul has reached. That wasn't a fluke.

Anyone who wants Paul to Win, needs to become more than a Voter they need to "OCCUPY POLITICS" by becoming one of their county leaders at the Political Level.

Go sell your brand of BS somewhere else. DENY IGNORANCE

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by cuervo

Vote for Obama again. In a heart beat. GOP lost their chance to get some libs on their side when they threw their lot in with Mittens O'Bomney.

Well if you’re a lib you’d vote for Obama anyway, right?

I don’t know any libs who lean libertarian/constitutionalist.

Barry voters typically hate the constitution…it’s an obstacle!

LOVE the post seabag! Simple and straight to the point. The democrats are ok with democracy, as long as it helps them get what they want. When that stops happening, they will go after what they want by any means neccessary. (This behavior is seen in 2 year old child)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by LiberLegit
I think the only people that could take Obama in a debate are Rick or Newt (Newt is FLAWLESS in debates.) I AM a Paulite and reality HAS set in for me. At this point i'm just trying to get Obama out of there, the problem is - I don't want Romney in there at all. As the race has been picking up and Paul has been falling behind, I have taken a liking to Santorum.

I call BS.... if you are a Paul Supporter 1st you don't self proclaim yourself as a paulite, 2nd you support paul because his stance on the FED and the Constitution and Wars.... NONE of the other canidates aproach those issues and this is why Ron Paul supporters will not support any of them...

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by seabag
A waste of my keyboard...once again SeaBiscut

edit on 13-3-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by cuervo

Yup. I'll vote for Obama ... again.

Sad really, that the Republican party is at such a disconnect from the people it's suppose to "represent".

Also, after seeing all the blatant corruption with the primaries and caucuses (seriously ... Alaska? WTF? A slap in the face of anyone who knows the REAL numbers) , I'll probably go back to Democrat status for good.

Eff the GOP and their crooked asses. For reals. I'll go broke as a Democrat and run this country into the ground before I see another Republican in office.
edit on 13-3-2012 by tyranny22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Reasonable "Paulites" (like me) know he doesn't stand a chance. The reason is because it hasn't got bad enough yet. The important thing is that the message of liberty reaches people, and more people are on board than the 2008 election. Hopefully after the next 4 years of tyrannical, miserable progressivism even more people will wake up to reality and President Ron Paul will be realized. Until then I will just keep doing what I've always done... keep educating people in my life, keep stocking up on ammo (oh no, an extremist!!!) And control the things that I can control. That's what I'll do.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by akalepos
Has it set in that even if he landslided the popular vote, that someone else would emerge as the victor?

That even if he were elected president, and that if he actually lived up to his word, that he would be assassinated by the Global Chimp Empire?

We were shown in that Bush/Gore showdown that what the able people want, they get.

Do you really expect me to believe that the Elmer Fudd Sock Monkey was reelected by popular vote?

With all the allegations of fraud throughout this process, it is hard to determine what has really taken place.

If true, it adds more value to the conclusion that our voting process has been annihilated, and our vote truly does not count.

If false, then it shows that we have even deeper problems than simple election fraud.

It would show that as a voting public we have become so simple minded that any weasel that comes along that can excite the emotions and twist things up for us with their little one liner memes as if they had said something, "causes" we the masses to begin nodding our heads in agreement over nonsense, as if we were all mental/emotional slaves, unable to think for our selves.

The senate was formed with the mandate of quieting down the passions of the masses. I see no one making the attempt and haven't for years now.

No one who is running has said anything that really convinces me that they have the US in mind. I need to hear things like: "Maybe it's time that we rethink our policies regarding GAT and NAFTA to some degree where we participate less, in favor of a genuine american industry." We were hard sold that by Clinton, a dem, and were told how good this would be for america. What america? Not mine.

No one who is running has said anything about rooting out unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional laws that protect our individual rights and ... our livlihood. They only mention constitutional values when it works to their advantage, the same as any other trashy con I have ever met, and I dare say that you have ever met.

There is much that I need to hear in order to get my dumb little one vote.

The founders thought that the american people would stay educated enough and well informed enough to dissuade all the types of things that we have been privy to over the last few years. They were wrong. They did not anticipate that the nation might actually become a nation of dimmy dum dums. Not only not well educated, but not really well socialized either.

I am not saying that we are a bunch of bad people. Not at all, Its just that the majority of us can't be trusted on the wall above the gate in the middle of the night.

One candidate "claimed" that he didn't "know anything" about the NDAA. Why would anyone in the country vote for someone who knows nothing about the constitution REALLY, but pretends to but is unwilling to weigh in in favor of the population of the untied states? He acts more like an enemy than a friend.

Paul seems to be the only one trying to keep the promise for us, and if there is no election fraud, then it would be true that almost no one cares about the constitution and so by default do not rate any protections granted. But they probably don't care. What seems to be important to them is that like mindless automatons, or possibly simple morons, they care more for the entertainment value of the ad hoc and bandwagon groups of fallacies that do nothing but yank the emotions around. We are more like volunteers than victims, collectively.

Maybe that's been a lesser goal pertinent to the larger picture that entire time. I don't know.

Possibly a vote for Paul is a vote for Obama by default. But it just seems like it makes no difference which party is in charge. We, meaning THEY, will keep us on the course of nursing on the nipple of this weird global plan, to the expense of us all. Only one person hints at the endemic problems and possible solutions.

How much more of it do you want?

If you knew that your life was at stake here, would you act differently?
edit on 12-3-2012 by akalepos because: awkward

Hmmm... "untied states"? Was that a Freudian Slip or a reflection of how we are in relation to one another?
edit on 12-3-2012 by akalepos because: (no reason given)

I simply have to quote this so as to bump it further down the post line. I hope more people will read this now as a result of this lil bump. This poster has got a LOT of good points. Passion comes through in spades.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by muse7

Don't worry buddy, us Ron Paul supporters won't let your ilk take over without a fight.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Clearly Paul appeals to a small distinct segment of the population. That's it and that has always been his problem.

He's spot on with some of his ideas and blindfolded while standing in left field with other ideas. Paul is not an ideal Presidential candidate because the majority of people can't relate to him. Its Simple. Make him Treasury Secretary any day of the week!!! POTUS?? No surprise. He's never had the numbers.. It is not his time.. and he does not have that much time left...
edit on 13-3-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:20 AM
I would rather vote for no one than Santorum or Romney, they are both dirt bags as far as I'm concerned. I'm not a "Paulite" as you call it, but I agree with a lot of what he stands for and if I had to I'd right him in on the ballot. I'd never vote for those other two, they are nothing more than a 'politician' which is a four letter word in my book.

I have always been registered independent, but registered republican this year so that I could vote in the caucus, that's how important I thought it was to help Ron Paul get on the ticket over any of the schmucks that the republican party throws at us. But then again I like Ron Paul and I can't help but think to a quote by Douglas Adams "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." So with that in mind I almost hope that Ron Paul isn't capable of being made president because that would make him dirty just like all the other politicians. I can't think of a single politician that I trust! I wouldn't even trust the president to babysit my children and party has nothing to do with it, I wouldn't have trusted G. Bush to watch them either.

I would say I'm disillusioned with things, but I'm not. I'm disgusted and angry that we have so many worthless piece of crap choices being thrown at the people and that people honestly believe that anything will change. I don't care if it's Romney or Santorum, the only thing that will change is which way the corruption faces. It will face the republicans and conservatives vs. the democrats and liberals, but it's all just crap no matter which way it is. No one is going to change a damn thing, no one is going to fix anything, they will spend more and screw up our country equally in their own right. I don't even know that Ron Paul could fix this mess, even if he had better intentions than anyone out there.

I think we can all agree that the government in general is a problem in many different ways. However Santorum was a senator and Romney was a governor so we essentially are asking two people who are a part of the system and the problem to fix the system and the problem. They ARE the problem, of course they are not going to fix anything.

Why isn't there more focus on the people we vote in at state levels to better represent us? It's like people forget that these idiots go on to Washington and are not always voting in our best interest, they don't represent us as they should. So why not start fixing the problem at the lower levels. Sorry, I don't mean to go on and on, this is about Ron Paul. Even if he isn't on the ticket, I'd right him in long before I'd vote for those other two idiots. Hell I'd right in Elmo before I'd vote for Santorum or Romney.

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