posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Hello ATS,
So last night I slept on an air mattress. It was cold, uncomfortable, and I did not sleep very well to say the least. I slept in an unfamiliar place
in which I had stayed once befor, but was not drunk or under the influence of any drugs. Also, there were two clocks that were ticking that were
annoying the crap out of me and the more I thought about them the more they annoyed me.
I finally got to sleep after a couple hours of tossing and turning and my dreams were horrid. I had one dream in which I was driving with my
girlfriend and two of my other close friends. We got into a car accident and I was the only survivor and had a very guilty conscience throughout the
entire dream. I felt extremely anxious and I woke up in a cold sweat.
My next dream I was at class and my professor asked me why my eyes were so red and the professor, who is actually a very nice and personable
professor, accused me of being a demon and I was shunned into some sort of demon room where several kids on campus who were possessed were all in.
Now, this scared the S*** out of me because all the kids around me were possessed somehow, but I was not. Ultimately, the demons ate me alive and I
woke up after one of the demons snapped off my main heart artery.
So, I guess my question to you guys is: Does your sleeping conditions and environment affect your dreams? I mean I was in no way uncomfortable with my
surroundings, just uncomfortable conditions.