Nice thread so i might as well share my story. Let me just add i am a very rational person and i have never had any encounter, ufo related or
paranormal experience ever in my life except this strange 'event' i was never able to forget.
I was born on a small island with only about 800 old people living there during the winter. In the summer there are a lot of visitors, tourists,
family members etc and this particular thing happened to me in summer of '87 or '88 while visiting my grandmother, i was 6 or 7 years old. It was
very hot that day and after lunch i went to my girlfriend's house to play like i did many times before and after that day. Her grandparents house
stands on a very small hill just 2 min walking from my place, if anything you get a bit out of breath but that day i felt extremely tired on my way
there. I was sweating, my legs felt heavy and it felt like hours walking up to that hill.
When i arrived in front of her door i knocked and an old strange lady opened the door. She grabbed my arm, pulled me in and closed the door.
Immediately she yelled to someone 'we are gonna suffocate this one, bring me a blanket'
I was baffled at this point, didn't say anything just thinking who is she and where are all the people who are supposed to be in this house
(girlfriend, her older brother, both parents and both grandparents)
It was very surreal but somehow it was happening to me right then and there. I could smell this old woman and i still remember her voice and her crazy
ugly eyes.
There was also no furniture in the house that normally stands there and all of a sudden a young lady comes in from the back of the house with a
blanket. She was dirty with ragged clothes, like a slave child or something, about 17 - 18 years old.
At that point i was petrified, extremely afraid and i shouted a couple of times 'don't kill me please' and tried to hit the old woman's legs. Then
she said to the young girl 'hold her i have to get a rope'. This part is a bit blurry because i still don't understand what happened but when the
young girl tried to hold me i was able to push her, reach the door and i just ran
I remember running really really fast, down the hill all the way to my house and shaking, thinking wtf just happened to me. It took another 3 or 4
years until i got enough courage to walk up that hill again on my own. I never told anyone about this because i knew the place i was in was not really
her house, the old lady was not my friend's grandmother and most important i knew every single one of the elderly people in the area and have visited
their homes since the day i was born. This was something else, but what, that sh## puzzles me even today, almost 25 years later.
It could have been my imagination, the heat got to me somehow but even now it feels like a very real 'event'.
It could have been an OOBE but i never had a similar experience to compare and when i read other people story's they are all aware of being out of
body, i was definitely not.
It also could have been a time split, something i read about here on ATS, but i will never know for sure i think. It does make a nice ATS story so
thank you for listening.