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Whats up with his eyes...

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by mosheh24
They have made a ritual out of harassing you weekly, in fact that don't even remotely sound like Jehovahs Witnesses.

Your into Alien stuff, post on ATS, a group of 'Jehovahs Witnesses' every Saturday stop by to 'Talk' to you and only interested in you and seemingly no other members of your house, always asking about personal private matters. None of the encounters I've had even remotely sound like that. Instincts telling me they not who they claim to be....

In ANY of these visits were you ever given a Watchtower Book? Considering all your visits by them you should have because every time I'm visited I always get a book given that goes to the trash because genuine Jehovas Witnesses will almost always have Watchtowers on them to hand out during there Harassment runs around the blocks.

I was going to post a decent response, But Mosheh24 there took the words out of my mouth.. Or at least put to words thoughts I was having, too.

I've made the mistake once of asking a Jehovah's witness to bring me one of their bibles (purely for comparison and research) when they came knocking. While I enjoyed having the slightly less edited version of the bible for free, The witnesses themselves became a pain in the arse. They returned again, and again. I dealt with it much like you did, OP, By talking nicely about fringe topics (or more often than not just pretending not be home).

Still, my Jehovah's witnesses always returned the topic back to "Jehovah". I find it very strange yours did not. Stranger still was what you saw from one of them, of course, but I'm no alien expert and could offer nothing in the way of answers. Obviously the experience was disturbing. That alone should tell you that you should no longer speak with them, and certainly not allow them into your home.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:10 AM
actually they never gave me a watchtower magazine come to think of it... but they did give me a mini book that basically summarizes each chapter in the bible. and I'm really starting to think there wolves in sheep's clothing i mean the Jehovah witness are driving in a 2012 sonata i mean what job could they possible have other than pestering people...

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Teriq
actually they never gave me a watchtower magazine come to think of it... but they did give me a mini book that basically summarizes each chapter in the bible. and I'm really starting to think there wolves in sheep's clothing i mean the Jehovah witness are driving in a 2012 sonata i mean what job could they possible have other than pestering people...

JW's do not get paid for being JW's, they do not believe in making money based on the teachings of Christ who gave freely, they may or may not ask for donations to pay for the books they give out, but they all have their own jobs.
edit on 11-3-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Teriq

Do yourself a favour and tell them clearly "please don't come back, I don't want to talk any more" Or if you're at the fed up stage already then a loud "piss off, weirdos" might work even faster.

They're like parasites once you start talking to them and letting them come back. Who cares about their eyes? If you weren't mistaken then it's probably the only trick they have to impress you with anyway. If you keep talking to them the next thing you know you'll be holding their bible and reading passages out loud to them in your own living room, wishing they would fock off so you can watch telly.

Get a dog and sic him.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:14 AM
Ahem, this is not a "how to deal with Jehovah Witness" thread, it's a "how to deal with a guy with alien shaped pupils". One wild idea: point an infrared light at them. Human pupils won't react but alien eyes might be sensitive to I/R and either make them blink or change iris shape.
edit on 11-3-2012 by DohMinion because: Missing "

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:25 AM
If you engage with JH's witnesses in any way when they come to your door, they take that as interest and will keep coming back until you either sign up with them or tell them to blatantly # off. A few weeks ago a couple of them knocked my door, everyone around here just slams the door in their face, I thought i'd be gracious and exchange a few pleasantries with them and bid them goodbye. Because the first words out of my mouth didnt begin with f and end with off, you could see them getting excited and they said 'ok there is some interest here' and started quoting the bible at me.
I politely started to withdraw from the conversation and wished them a good day. The very next day at 9.10am they were back and through my intercom said 'You seemed quite interested yesterday, we've brought you some literature to read'. The best way to deal with these people really is to tell them to get bent. I've since bought a sign for outside my door that says among other things 'no religious instruction wanted' not heard a thing since. They're parasites and their reputations are well deserved.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:53 AM
Hi…newbie here, Dohminion my eyes would react quite spectacularly…they would go jet black, and I can tell you it would bloody hurt me as…’ I’m being serious here’…and even though I’m actually not a violent person I’d probably ‘smack’ the person responsible. So would that make me an alien ????

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 07:10 AM
Terig.. I’ve seen diamond eyes before, although I did not think it was scary…it happened when I was a kid about 9-ish, This really tall guy saved my life, he got me out of the river after some older kids thought it would be cool to drown the little one…he apparently came out of nowhere dived in got me to the bank side and gave the other kids and I quote ‘the evil black eye’d stare’ and told them to leave. When he looked at me I saw these amazingly blue diamond shaped eyes and felt safe and peaceful, so don’t judge the book by the cover.. maybe they are just checking you out, (your reaction perhaps???) as you said you are really into alien’s and stuff.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 07:13 AM
Wanna know why they keep coming back? You told them all that crazy stuff, they think you are 'searching', so you've gave them an opening to come back.

It probably sounds crazy to them just as it does to us. They don't actually believe what you do.

As for the eye's, well if you're not 'mistaken', then I don't know what to say about that.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:25 AM
I don't honestly know why people are so rude to JW's. When they show up I simply tell them that I belong to another religion, that I'm confirmed in that religion, and I’ve taken an oath to God to be of that religion. They pretty much leave me alone since then, though they will sometimes still drop off their booklets. They pretty much just want to know that you are saved, and if you indicate that you are, then they don't bother you anymore.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by puplelight
Hi…newbie here, Dohminion my eyes would react quite spectacularly…they would go jet black, and I can tell you it would bloody hurt me as…’ I’m being serious here’…and even though I’m actually not a violent person I’d probably ‘smack’ the person responsible. So would that make me an alien ????

Cool. Maybe that makes you a hybrid... AIEEEEEEEE! Just kidding. I'm not talking about a strong light, something similar to the infrared signal of a standard tv remote or, a bit stronger, a video camera in night vision mode.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:47 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:50 AM
A good way to get rid of Jehovah callers,
if they are not your thing,
ask them the following,
and they will quickly leave......

After Cain killed Abel,
in the book of Genesis,
he went to the Land of Nod
and took a wife.

1. Who named the Land of Nod,
and after whom or what?
2. Who did he take for a wife?
A monkey?
His sister?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Interesting story. I would never even let it get that far. I'll be like "Get him Boy".

Soon as they see the dog and his teeth, they run to the next house to bother.

They would be lucky if I don't throw water balloons at them.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:59 AM
I'm not talking about a strong light, something similar to the infrared signal of a standard tv remote or, a bit stronger, a video camera in night vision mode.
that would still land you in trouble with me...don't even leave the t.v on standby, that little red light gets in my eye line, hurts my eyes and gives me a major headache...

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:03 AM
If you say your some 'alien expert' maybe they are not JWs at all. Maybe its the MIB trying to get you into religion and stop the searching and studying alien life. Jus watch out theyll erase ur memory

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Teriq
actually they never gave me a watchtower magazine come to think of it... but they did give me a mini book that basically summarizes each chapter in the bible. and I'm really starting to think there wolves in sheep's clothing i mean the Jehovah witness are driving in a 2012 sonata i mean what job could they possible have other than pestering people...

Jehovahs have been showing up at my house every Saturday since I have moved into my new house. And every single time they come they show up in a brand spanking new Hyundai full size car. They must have a deal with Hyundai to supply all the minions of doom.

And I haven't noticed diamond eyes. Thats some freaky s**t if true.
edit on 11-3-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by olliemc84

Originally posted by Teriq
actually they never gave me a watchtower magazine come to think of it... but they did give me a mini book that basically summarizes each chapter in the bible. and I'm really starting to think there wolves in sheep's clothing i mean the Jehovah witness are driving in a 2012 sonata i mean what job could they possible have other than pestering people...

Jehovahs have been showing up at my house every Saturday since I have moved into my new house. And every single time they come they show up in a brand spanking new Hyundai full size car. They must have a deal with Hyundai to supply all the minions of doom.

And I haven't noticed diamond eyes. I will look closer when they show up later today

It's Sunday today
Looks like the didn't come on their usual day for you. Maybe they've given up

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:36 AM
I have some bad news.

When his pupil changed he was marking you. You're screwed now!

What did your mother tell you about talking to strangers? You should have listened to her!
edit on 11-3-2012 by stewiegriffin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Teriq

Hi there Teriq how are things of late? I had a quick look at what animals do not blink and it came up with snakes i related this to reptilians so perhaps this is a safe assumption however that depends if your an avid alien believer which I am not so much of keep an eye on those two smile and wave to them say hello be friendly.

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