This is a labyrinth. The two entrances is a little unusual tho. Labyrinths are an extremely ancient symbol. Trans-culturally, they can be
associated with death (and usally rebirth), the underworld, and are sometimes put at entrances to the underworld. Hmm, guess its pretty obvious that
its a labyrinth from the url.
There are two shapes in the center.
One I interpret as a bull's head, since the minotaur is asociated famously with a labyrinth. Also, animal sacrifices are also common in rituals,
especially of this ancient period.
The triangle is actually a little more tricky IMO. On the one hand, a triangle with its broad base and peak could represent a heirarchy, which in
itself is a representation of the mythological world with its ranks of humans demi gods gods, etc. Technically its also the letter 'delta' which is
also a scientific symbol for 'change', which keys in with the labyrinth (death->rebirth) and the minotaur (a man animal combination, which is often
representation of a shaman, tho I don't know if that holds true specifically for greek mythology.)
THe superpostion of the two center symbols reminds me of the information [url=]here tho.
Notice also the association of the triangle/horns with entrances to a
tholos (a sophisticated burial mound).
here is a link to a discussion on that information in sci.archaeology with other information.
I have no idea what the deal is with the games. They look interesting, but damnit, I really would'nt want to sit around cut and pasting gibberish
into a decoder program. Seems to take the fun out of it too. Also, there aren't any 'rules' or official 'prologues' to the game no? I mean, as
far as I saw, and I didn't look extensively, the rings game just sort of happend, without and fanfare, as did the dr jim game. Is that how the games
go? THey just start without anyone knowing? What about us dumbasses eh? Where are the games for us?