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Chinese build 30-story skyscraper in just 15 days

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posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:02 AM
Chinese build skyscraper in just 15 days

Having already set the record of erecting a 15-story building in one week, Chinese construction company Broad Group decided to take it up a notch--assemble a 30-story hotel in just 15 days.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This feat has western architects and engineers shocked at how rapidly they could deploy prefab building components on this scale. This is from the same firm that designed and built the Ark Hotel, a 16 story building erected on site in only 6 days.

Most of the reaction to it has been "it can't be safe", but from what I understand, from engineering conferences here, is that this is a very safe design and extremely well planned construction, that will more than adequately handle potential quakes in that area. It's only shortcoming is in looks, but even it has a certain purely logical beauty.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:04 AM
Yea I still wouldn't trust it. How many violations are there to get a building up in a few days. Besides, they are probably talking about the main structure, and not all the wiring, electricity, plumbing, etc.
edit on 10-3-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:06 AM
The Chinese also build the majority of our manufactured goods in half the time.... but that junk always breaks just as fast as they made it :p

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:08 AM
I can just imagine the obituaries section:

Chung Li: 42, dead of falling from beam

Mei Ping: 35, dead of electric drill accident

Yu Kung: 46, dead of falling from beam

Li Pong: 50, dead of falling from beam

Kim Yung: 32, dead from falling toolbox

*list goes on to include another 30 people , 12 of which fell from a beam*

Hey, if you rush a job, something's gonna get hurt, whether it's you or the building.
edit on CSaturdayam474708f08America/Chicago10 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Wow, pretty amazing. I wonder how long they took to pre assemble and manufacture the modular pieces. I see from the video that everything was assembled in 15 days, but everything must have taken months to pre assemble.

Update: (theoretical)

I played with some numbers to figure out how much time they spent to pre assemble the building
Here are my assumptions
a) 93% of the building is pre assemble (Broad Buildings Co. Reference)
b) they worked 24 hr / day
c) they worked 7 days / week
d) it takes 6 times longer to pre assemble / pre fabricate than to assemble

To get the "Legos" lined up, it took 3 years, 6 months, 1 week, 3 days

It's just a guess, but it's pretty fast too

edit on 10-3-2012 by Glargod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Glargod

The construction picture looks like building blocks (lego style). i would assume the construction time only put into account the finished "blocks" being locked together.

Probably took a few months to manufacture all of the "block" pieces i would assume.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by InsideYourMind
reply to post by Glargod

The construction picture looks like building blocks (lego style). i would assume the construction time only put into account the finished "blocks" being locked together.

Probably took a few months to manufacture all of the "block" pieces i would assume.

lego blocks...what a comparison..just stop..

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:49 AM
didnt they have a good hand in building the american railroad .never got in the pictures though .

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by wlord


Modular construction, a "new" thing being developed by engineers who grew up with Legos, incorporates many of the principles of the popular children's toy.

It's being done in everything from buildings to submarines. The newer ships on the drawing board for the USN are modular. Entire sections of the ship can be swapped out (for now, that's just to speed up maintenance - fewer ships can provide the same foreign presence while their modules are rotated out for more extensive repairs/upgrades that the entire ship normally must stick around for). In the future, I expect the concept to be used to tailor ships to their missions.

The designs aren't inherently weaker/stronger than traditional techniques. That all depends upon how things are linked together and the integrity of each segment.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Modular construction is hardly a new concept....Think Tihuacano and all those huge building blocks totally fitted together.....these too are "modules"
But i admit when used in construction of technological artifacts we have been making some innovations.
The availabilty of all kinds of different home and building modules is increasing rapidly.
My son was building units for the oil sands which were to be stacked into three story complexes for living quarters.....each was about the size of a mobile home....designed to fit into these structures a whole piece at a time....they were shipped for a thousand miles and assembled on site....This company is now experimenting with school and other type units.....Its a modular future......
You should see the modules they set up in extreme cold climes too.......
As they cannot bed these on concrete due to perma frost melting.
They set the building up on four or so foot steel posts...this lends itself to modular units well.......
Iqaluit in Nunavit is an example of such buildings.......antarctica as well has modules that are set up this way....

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

reply to post by Starchild23

Actually they had no injuries during this job, their safety record was just as impressive as the erection of the pre-assembled components.

The resulting construction is also considered by many engineers here in the West to be as safe if not safer than typical construction, where hundreds of structural members, each manufactured in a steel yard, have to be assembled in the field with less control over the weld quality.

Another take;

China Constructs Sustainable Skyscraper… in 2 Weeks?

One’s first and foremost concern in regard to this building, and its unique methodology, would be that of safety, with an overwhelming conclusion that there is no way such speed could come without a cost to occupational health and safety standards. This is especially relevant given China’s highly criticised ‘Blood Soaked GDP’, a vulgar statement referring to the country’s recent spate of infrastructure accidents allegedly associated with careless construction efforts caused by speed.

That may, however, be incorrect, and T30 in fact boasts qualities that suggest the opposite. Like the former Ark Hotel, the onsite injury list has been at zero. In addition to that, the China Academy of Building Research has assured utmost structural soundness, going as far as to confirm that the building has been constructed solidly enough to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:14 PM
If there weren't so many parasitic and unnecessary middle men in our western world, we would have efficiency such as this. However it's all part of the plan. Sound Regulations are tossed out the window here in America so someone can add a new bi-regulation which makes some middle agency some money.

China will outdo America in turning it's country around from an industrial to post industrial society. Especially if they use their man-power in an intelligent fashion. Robots for specialized work, will end up making us de-clawed cats with no yarn to play with.

The Powers that be would have us sit it out until they replace our jobs with machines, or labor from a country where they get cheap manpower for the dollar or euro.

Hate to say it, but as far as the course of the western world is going we will be skill-less bottom feeders in 50 years, only good at enjoying pleasure and pop-culture knowledge.

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