You say you want a revolution
well you know...we all want to change the world
They say you'll change the Constitution
well you know...we should free our minds instead...
You know its gonna be
Break out your tie died shirts again, flower power is back!
OHH were soo disenfranchised,,,ohh we the people have NO power over our government...ohh the government is out to get me.....
OOHHH the bellyaching....
OOhh weve just forgotten how civics and elections actually work here.
Why dont you get together and start signing recall petitions if you dont like your congress person?
Why not recall the govenor of your state if you think he screwed up (hello california)
why dont you all vote for nader or that nobody bandnarik or whatever his name is?
Why dont you block the streets in a non violent work stoppage?
Why dont the majority of citizens pay closer attention to the "booring" politics?
Why do you keep voting career politicians back into office?
The tools of change already exist and lay at your lazy feet.
Why is revolution nessisary?
Just hold your representatives more responsible and accountable.
vote with your wallet as well...
lets not forget the corporate monsters either....they have serious power over us all as well as government influence....
Hmmm, democracy or corporate hegomony?
This sounds like the typical, liberal, go around the rules because we dont like them strategy....
lets not use the system to enact change, lets throw it out and make it up as we go....
out with the old, in with whatever the minority decides.
sounds like anarchy or rule by an elite un represented few not democracy.
Dont try to work together, dont try to find ways to bridge differences, dont be inclusive, be exclusive...
draw your line in the sand,
you either with the revolution or against us.
Did you guys switch to being republican neocons? Cause your message sounds remarkably similar.
If you people feel as if youve "lost" to your own political process, im not suprized that your soo ready to flee from Iraq and surrender to the even
scarrier form of totalitarian thoecracies.
[edit on 24-9-2004 by CazMedia]