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Teenage insider Exposes MindControl NWO propaganda in School

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:45 PM
I saw this video, and I have to admit I was impressed by this kid, who cant be any older then 15 and already knows that there is something going on in the his school, and the world.

I personally home-school, and I know that many people out there do not have the capability of doing so, but that doesn't mean that you have to leave ALL learning to the schools, be sure to take at least 10 minutes a day, and share something that you know, you can make a difference.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Never, EVER tolerate people who say it is unacceptable to treat them the way they treat you.

We were all told that if you are "doing the right thing" you have nothing to worry about cameras, so why don't authority figures like having cameras pointed at them?

There is only one logical explanation for that...

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:00 PM
Existing thread here.

Does provide some unique incite into our education system.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:07 PM
As a high-schooler I can totally relate. The education system is totally flawed beyond belief. Some of you would not belief the sort of things we learn, are forced to learn, and are forced to believe. Why do I have an American Government book that doesn't even go past the '04 election???

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Turq1

I saw that the video was uploaded recently, though it seems it is older than last week the message in my opinion is timeless, plus the thread you linked to is 3 yrs old


posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Notice that the NWO is in "Chapter 33".

See it at 3:54 in the video !

Many people teach their kids how to investigate the "opposites" of the teachings.
(the correct answers are right there many times !)

Always follow Your instinctive human nature. It is difficult for "authorities" to identify suppress, and therefor very effective.
(but never tell "them" you are doing this !)
You WILL be targeted and discredited and made to look like a fool.

Books and (most) Teachers seem to be following a pre arranged agenda that originates from a central authority.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:17 PM
The term "New World Order" does not necessarily mean what everything thinks it means, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the illuminati, mind control and whatever else conspiracy theorists have come up with, or the government taking over the world. It doesn't even have to mean something bad.

"Teenage insider Exposes MindControl NWO propaganda"

Should be:

"Teenager Accuses People of MindControl NWO propaganda based on no real evidence or facts"

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:34 PM
I looked up the book. It is-or at least a version of the book...
American Nation- History of the United States by Carnes Garraty (site shows the 11th edition)

Crimes and Misdemeanors


Reagan's vice president George Bush became president in 1988, and immediately faced the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. Bush sought to strengthen the American position in the "new world order" that was to emerge,

Search of "new world" on the book's site featured in the OP video.

While no secret of Bush's NWO or nwo depending on conspiracy or not-(one example) agenda, to see this in school book/s, interesting to say the least.

edit on 9-3-2012 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:07 AM
I am sorry to say that I am sorely disappointed in this poor young man's abject lack of creativity. His slavish imitation of Alex Jones and others in the formatting and presentation of the video is disturbing.

Like the adults that he imitates, he has made a neat little video with slick formatting and music meant to stir the emotions, when in fact, the video has nearly 0 information in it other than to point out the big scary words, 'New World Order' in his text book.

All of this renders his mindless imitation quite ironic. Baaaaa much?

Listen, the last thing we need to be doing is breeding another little cadre of these schlock conspiracy performance artists. Right?


posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Wow impressive kid! (must frequent ATS!)

Just wondering if he's suffered any backlash from the school for posting this vid, & if so what?

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by jewells
Wow impressive kid! (must frequent ATS!)

Just wondering if he's suffered any backlash from the school for posting this vid, & if so what?

Backlash? Really? I'm a teacher. We spend a lot of time complaining about the textbooks and curriculum maps we have to use. I find all kinds of mistakes and inaccurate information in our textbooks all the time. I show my students the inaccuracies when I find them.

He said the teachers laugh at him when he brings up the NWO. Well, it really depends on how he's presenting his information to them, doesn't it? I saw his video and laughed too.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 10:49 AM
I find it sad that people (even a teacher??) are laughing at a KID who is trying to not only keep himself informed, but trying to inform others as well. Just sad.

So the kid used his webcam to make a brief video about the ridiculousness they're teacing in our public schools, outlined a few of the things that HE SEES as invasions of personal liberty as well as the intentional dumbing down of our students................................ WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?

So it isn't in the format that you want it to be in? Make your own video.

He doesn't put forth any "factual information or evidence to support the video title" - I'm sorry but I'm not that old, I graduated high school in 2000. We certainly didn't have a chapter about the New World Order in our history books. I was shocked to see that - and the title of the chapter DOES give us some information - especially since he goes on to show that NAFTA is one of the first things discussed in the chapter.

So the video doesn't have the bells and whistles of a MSM report, big deal. Most of know how the MSM works anyway - this kid has more factual info and truth than 90% of MSM reporting...

Good on you for making the video, Mr. High School Student. Keep looking under every rock and leave no stone unturned. People cannot live in the dark forever, and the more people that we have, like you, in this world... the better. Keep it up and deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 11:49 AM
Good for the kid. While there wasn't anything particularly ground-breaking in this vid, I'm still proud to see that he's questioning his environment rather than blindly accepting it.

The fact that school faculty can record the students but the students can't record their teachers is an abuse waiting to happen.

Also, it's getting pretty blatant when they put "new world order" into school books. However I'm not even sure if the NWO are the bad guys. It could be the OWO using deception and pretending to be NWO so I'm a bit on the fence with that.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by circlemaker
The fact that school faculty can record the students but the students can't record their teachers is an abuse waiting to happen.

I wish that everyone who complains about schools and teachers all the time had to spend a week with a teacher and then had to go solo in the classroom themselves for an additional week. It'd be enlightening for you.

It won't be my problem any more after this year. I disagree with a lot of what we do in public education, however, it is the absolute worsening of morals, behavior, entitlement, and a complete lack of responsibility on many levels that has caused me to leave. Society is going down the drain and I've seen it get worse every year. At one point, I thought I could stay and make a positive difference, but it isn't worth it. I'm at the point where I think all parents should have to be directly responsible for educating their children, and public schools should be done away with entirely. We have to take every thing that walks through the door, and while 90% of the kids are great, the 10% that aren't make it hell. And, once you meet the parents of that 10% you feel sorry for the kids because their parents are usually scum. In fact, I often gain a new respect for those particular kids after meeting their parents.

Anyway, students can't do what they want in schools because nothing but chaos would occur otherwise. A school should not be a democracy. Rules are necessary. Some are stupid, but in my district, a committee made up of teachers, administrators, and parents actually makes and votes on rules and dress code for each school. Without rules, whatever problems you think exist in public schools now would look like a walk in the park compared to the depravity of what things would be like without them.

In fact, school faculty can't record any students as they please. Parents must sign a waiver for that to occur because they're minors. The only time a teacher can record students without the waiver is to critique their own teaching, and the recording must be destroyed after. Schools, being public buildings, can have security cameras installed. They are crime catching devices and teachers don't have access to the footage. The fire marshall can come and look at the footage in order to catch whoever pulls a fire alarm, for example. Plus, schools can have hidden cameras installed too. However, those are to catch administrators and teachers if an investigation is on-going. I know of at least one principal who was fired after being caught drinking in his office (after hidden cameras were installed in his office by the school district). Students are not allowed to record, because they are also recording other minors. It's not rocket science.

We live in a litigious society. This is why public schools are so concerned about such things and make rules.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by LeSigh

Though I understand where your coming from, it is a fact that children are in the care of the education system a whopping 8 hrs a day, in which whether or not a child is unruly, parents are legally obligated to keep those children in the school.

Sure most would like to keep their kids home, but thats not how it works even though homeschooling is not illegal, the system makes it very difficult.

Teachers over the years are more aware of what the system and children have become, and frankly, if your a teacher, its your job, to deal with it, only teachers/administrations can make a change in the system.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:38 PM
I am sure as he got older he was able to make friends and find out the only NWO that ever existed was in profesional wrestling.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:44 PM
Thank you so much for this post! It gives me hope!! Not all in this generation are dumbed down idiots who only care about entertainment and gadgets. What a bright, aware, thoughtful young man! His parents should be very proud. I'm sure they are.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Xoanon
I am sorry to say that I am sorely disappointed in this poor young man's abject lack of creativity. His slavish imitation of Alex Jones and others in the formatting and presentation of the video is disturbing.

Like the adults that he imitates, he has made a neat little video with slick formatting and music meant to stir the emotions, when in fact, the video has nearly 0 information in it other than to point out the big scary words, 'New World Order' in his text book.

All of this renders his mindless imitation quite ironic. Baaaaa much?

Listen, the last thing we need to be doing is breeding another little cadre of these schlock conspiracy performance artists. Right?

But what if what he's saying is true? Will you put your disdain for form over the actual substance?


posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I don't know where you live, but where I live, the system makes it ridiculously easy to home school. There are so many options available, even in the public school system. Students can get all of their high school credits on-line through my district, and only have to come in occasionally to take certain exams- just as one example.

I have a lot of friends who home school and send their kids to a local Latin School for one day a week. None of them have told me of any difficulties in being allowed to home school.

Also, frankly, it isn't my job to deal with absolute crap every day, nor should it be. If you think teachers are the ones with the power to change this, then you need to wake up to reality. Nothing is further from the truth. We are told what we can and can't do, what we're allowed and not allowed to do. But, as I said, it won't be my problem any more come May. I've gone above and beyond paying off whatever debt real or imagined I have ever owed to this society. It's your turn now.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by LeSigh

Im originally from NYC, and homeschooling is unheard of in the cities at least. Being a teacher isnt about the angelic kids, but about teachers that are looking to make changes in a kids life, whether it easy or not.

You may not like the way things are but you choose the job, and the fact that your leaving due to it getting worse is of course your choice, and a good one at least, many teachers will remain and be unhappy, while things get worse.

The "education" system is rampant with laws that seem to make things harder for all involved, they change the rules constantly and everyone else seems to pay the price.

Either way, I applaud the teachers, students, faculty, and law makers that are waking up to the "system".

Peace, NRE.

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