posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by bg_socalif
I'm bi racial too, actually i guess I'm just an american mutt... I have european, irish, italian, cherokee, african.. and really probably others as
well... The thing is I look more white than not.. blue eyes, brown hair and real tan skin even though I live north.
Your right with the older white and black generations.. both sides are racist.. but with the younger generations it has been my experience blacks are
far more racist because they are always on the verge of calling everyone else racist.. I have been jumped for looking white and I have been
I had nothing to do with or ever benifited from slavery and neither has any one I know. Yet growing up I was made to feel that I should feel sorry and
even responsible.
Then we have Black History month.... and I've always wondered why?... why not white history month.. and would that be racist to have white history
month. Then there is Affrimative action which in my opinion only continues the division of the people and is very racist. There is BET channel on
cable... what if there was WET no pun intended would black people be ok with this or would they go up in arms. Now Al Sharpton is on tv.. why not a
klansmen on... I mean its just retarded.
Racism is born from ignorance and hate.
Where do you find the most racist... I think all we have to do is look to washington dc... right there in our government. I fully believe all those
old rich bastards that are in office are almost all racist... why wouldn't they be, they have never had to live outside of the box. They come from
strong lineage and wealth that their family surely earned off the backs of slaves and poor.
Then they use the race card to get what they want. Twist facts to turn people against each other instead of them. Obama is a racist for using the race
card and/or not squashing the allegations of racism when the public doesn't agree with him.