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John Liar?

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posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:01 AM
I would like to know what people think of John Lear, his education, reliability and his theories. This is what i think from reading a few of his posts on ATS.

Originally posted by John Lear

It is certainly a leap in logic if not outright insanity for me to speculate that the moons gravity is 64% of that of earths or that the moon has an atmosphere equal to 18,000 feet on earth. The scientific community knows that this cannot be true because there is repeatable, documented evidence that this cannot be true.

Making statements so easily un-believable as this could be a psychological ploy. Why would he lie? Couldn't he think of a more believable tale to tell? I believe it to be a case of JL saying something so stupid and unbelievable people might actually believe it. I haven't fallen for this.

On the subject of psychological ploys, throughout JLs initial post in the JL intro thread he makes fun of his "insane", "sheer science fiction" speculations and states more than once that he should be in a mental institute.

Originally posted by John Lear
Let me put it this way, my speculations/opinions would be more accurately classified as sheer science fiction.

Originally posted by John Lear
It must be sheer insanity that would make me speculate that the moon is a very interesting place with huge structures of all kinds, bridges, towers, arches, buildings of immense size

Originally posted by John Lear
Anybody including myself should surely consider committing himself to a mental institution for suggesting that Venus is a habitable planet, with beings like ourselves, but much more advanced in technology.

Originally posted by John Lear
Note: This will be one of John Lear's last interviews before he self-commits himself for psychiatric examination in Las Vegas for his speculations/opinions expressed here on ATS.

He then goes on to psycho-analyse himself and why he has these theories.

Originally posted by John Lear
I ought to have a serious talk with myself and find out why I would speculate on such matters. Is it some deep-seated personality defect that makes me seek attention for what has been a life devoid of any type of accomplishment? Maybe the pain and embarrassment of having had such a famous father and having wasted 61 years as a useless eater myself. Maybe it was the merciless harassment of the other boys in the Swiss boarding schools that I was forced to attend. A repressed desire to 'get even with them' somehow surfacing only now and manifesting itself in weird ways. Or maybe that painful divorce in the early 70's has caused some kind of mental aberration. Not to mention my subsequent marriage of 34 years to another woman.

In all of the above examples JL is using very basic psychological ploys to "get us on his side", IMO. Humour, empathy, envoking a feeling of pity etc...

Originally posted by John Lear
What is so interesting to me is that the evidence is right smack dab in front of everybody. I'm not all that smart and I found it. Its, like, hidden in plain sight. Those that know just smile.

Oh right, so after describing his theories as, leaps in logics, sheer science fiction and stating he should be in a mental home for his ideas, he now says that the "EVIDENCE" is right there. Well if the "EVIDENCE" is there you are not insane, and you should not think you are insane, but you do, so it isn't.. And if I am wrong and it is there, show us.

What does everyone else think? I have only had time to read 3 or 4 post. But I shall read some more.

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Regulator]

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Regulator]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:12 AM
There is currently a Guest Speaker event in progress with Mr. Lear. Please look to the Guest Speaker forum for rules, and other information. After the event, other threads about the speaker will be permitted (as I understand it). It should be noted also, that Lear has been a member of ATS for some time. The thread will be locked, as a result of the following guideline...

5- During a scheduled Guest Event, we ask that you please refrain from creating or participating in threads about our guest outside of this forum. Again, this is to ensure there are no other active threads that may be confused with ongoing threads in this forum.

This is not to quell opposition, but simply to not confuse the issue with several ongoing threads in various forums. You are entitled to your opinion, but we do ask that you refrain from such threads while the event is in progress.

Thank you.

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