You said it yourself; sleep paralysis. So in short, no, you are not being abducted by aliens, considering this is a common thread among those who
experience sleep paralysis. However, I do not know anything about the frequency of such events, and what is or is not normal. I'm sure you could find
the information online however. Basically what happens, if you do not already know, is that your body basically shuts itself off in a sense while
sleeping, keeping your limbs from moving and acting out dreams and whatnot.
This is why you cannot move, and that is the second scariest part of the experience, the first being that you sense a presence in the room, or even
see something. This is nothing more than your brain producing artifacts that aren't really there. I suppose that philosophically one could disagree
with that point, but I think it is safe to say they are "hallucinations", brought on by sleep paralysis.
This reminds me of the "God Helmet", which is a helmet that generates a magnetic field over the right temporal lobe, causing similar effects, which
proves that what you are seeing is manifested within your mind...So the problem is internal rather than external.
I am not sure if there is anything you can do about it, but realizing that what you are experiencing, during the experience itself, could go a long
way into helping you get over the fear. But the fear is an innate result of the paralysis itself, but if you experience it that frequently, I would
bet that you may be able to minimize it with practice. Of course the best course of action would be to research possible treatments or cures; things
you may be able to do to lessen the severity and frequency of the experience.
So to sum it all up, you are not crazy, and you are not being abducted by aliens. What you see as an alien, others see as a ghost, monster, etc...It
just depends on the person and their predisposition or exposure to certain stimuli, which the brain then utilizes in constructing this false
The brain is extremely tricky, and extremely versatile BEYOND average/normal experience. Don't worry. Just accept it for what it is, and know that it
CANNOT hurt you, and that may help in itself. Good luck. Let us know how you fare in the future, and do a bit of research online to see if the cure is
out there. It very well may be.
Someone mentioned attempting to document these experiences, which is a great idea, and here is why...If you set a camera up to record your room at
night, and you have one of these episodes, yet nothing is caught on the camera, this will help validate that what you are experiencing is in fact not
real. Once you consciously acknowledge this fact, it may help a lot.
But, I suppose there is that chance that an alien will be caught on your camera, in which case you should procure yourself a weapon of some sort,
because ET just phoned to your bedroom. The chance of this happening is probably about 0.000000000000001%. So don't worry. Try this if you can though,
if only to prove to yourself what myself and others are saying.
edit on 3/8/12 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)