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Skills Learned in Past Lives

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:24 AM
Herein I recount information I know but which I have never learned in this particular life.

1) I have always been able to feel energy from rocks and trees. I understand some Gaelic, though I have not yet studied it. I have a memory of standing with my hand on a tall rock and murmuring to it. I then have a memory of standing with my (large, male) hand on an old tree and seeing light form around my hand. My thoughts here are some form of Gaelic (I suspect Irish, because whenever I see a picture or movie of Ireland, I think “Home”, even though I’ve never actually been there). I am wearing some dark brown robe or similarly draped clothing.

2) I have always had an instinctive knowledge of herbs, plants, and homeopathic remedies. I have always known French. I have a memory of being female, gathering flowers near a stone cottage in a forest glen, then of using a mortar and pestle as I looked around at various bundles of dried or drying plants in my house. I remember naming these things and reciting mixtures of herbs, all in French. (I am strongly drawn to the south of France and have a particularly strong affinity for dried Lavender.)

3) I have always known how to hunt, trap, track, speak with animals and plants, and be Silent. I remember being a young male of the Americas. I have a memory of watching people who came from the ocean set up a camp. I also have a memory of hiding in the center of a hollowed-out tree and listening to the same people talking and trying to understand what they said. There are various sketchy memories about my home life, but I do not remember much else other than I think I got shot on the thigh somehow and then dragged by two men with big hats.

4) I have always known how to be resourceful, live off the land, birth children, build log cabins, build earthen buildings, raise and slaughter animals, make clothing by hand, cook something from nothing, fix a wagon, and find a source for a well. I have memories of being a female pioneer of Midwest USA and doing all of these things and more.

5) I have always known how to administer first aid and shoot a pistol. I remember wrapping wounds, traveling by horseback, and having a spectacularly wonderful handlebar mustache of which I was quite proud. I also remember being a gunslinger (and Really Want to Be a Gunslinger

6) I have always known about the Dust Bowl and Great Depression and how to survive without money or any prospects. I believe this was my last life before the current one. I remember being a female with dark hair, and I had two dark haired children and one light haired child. I remember the house I lived in, out in the middle of what had been my farm. I remember seeing those dry and empty fields, and I remember the dust in my lungs and in my hair and in every crevice of my house. My husband had gone off looking for work and I was comforting the children because they were crying. I remember my favorite apron, a smock-like apron of a purple flowered pattern with purple piping along the edges. I also remember some giant machines coming through the fields and some men coming to tell me I had to leave my house because they were going to do something (maybe flatten my house?). I refused to leave. But, then I have a memory of being near a dam which my husband helped build, in the Pacific Northwest USA. (I have always been drawn to the PNW, and now live there.)

Feel free to add your own past life memories and lessons learned!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:33 AM
So you know all these things or have a vague memory like knowledge of them. Such as French you can speak or read it and have never taken classes in "this" life? If so amazing to tap into abilities you have not had to study or learn in "this" life.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by ottobot

When I started to "learn" to play guitar, something my parents tell me I had begged for since i could speak, I found it more akin to remembering than learning.

Have never been able to explain it, I'm not great or an expert, but I never really had to learn.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
So you know all these things or have a vague memory like knowledge of them. Such as French you can speak or read it and have never taken classes in "this" life? If so amazing to tap into abilities you have not had to study or learn in "this" life.

French, for example, I was able to speak as a young child. I had a great-grandmother who spoke Creole French and when we would go visit her, I always knew what she was saying and would converse with her. Neither of my parents speak French, we did not use any French, but I would converse with her in French when we would visit her. I later went on to learn to write and understand the nuances of the French language in school, but I already knew how to understand and speak it before going into classes.

I know how to do all of the things I've listed and more, though I have never actually "learned" them in this life.

I don't know how to explain it other than: when I get into a situation I have never been in before, I will often have a memory of another time I handled a similar situation and then know how to respond in the situation. Except, the memory is not from this lifetime.

ETA: I also do a lot of things unconsciously. Like, I "tip my hat" to people... but I rarely wear any type of hat and I can't remember ever wearing a hat with a brim out in public. It's just something I do automatically. And, I'm female.

edit on 3/8/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:46 AM
I have always felt that I should be able to sit down at a piano and just play it. It was really surprised to find out how hard it was for me to "relearn" to play.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:03 PM
I have had visions from when I was young. One I was on top of a hill, overlooking a valley. It was a beautiful view, I was 8 when I had that one, another I had when I was 10 of standing next to a house made of dirt and grass looking into the distance at an approaching storm. A few years ago I was flipping through the channels and saw a show on pbs about sod houses on the prairie. Freaked me out a bit.
When I was 13/14 I dreamt that I was standing in a house, holding a baby when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see 3 soldiers in red uniforms and got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I started to run to the back of the house when I heard 2 shots and woke up. I had another dream from earlier in that life of being a yound girl, maybe 11/12 of just putting on a jacket to go somewhere with who I think were my brother and sister. Im sorry I dont think I have any skills carried over but I wanted to share anyways. I love the topic of past lives, and like to read other peoples memories.

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:26 PM
So far, the only thing I've found that I seem to know, without any training, instruction, etc. is how to ride a horse. I must be tapping into some kind of past-life knowledge, as even the first time I rode, I was like a natural and knew exactly what to do to get the horse to go and do what I want.

It was actually kind of bizarre to tell the truth.

I guess I could add carpentry to that list too though. I was building things with wood from an early age without any kind of training at all, and it was all pretty sturdy and sound. I understood how to brace things, etc., even though I can't see any reason I would have known it would need such things.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:03 PM
I do not have any skills or vivid recollections like you do from past lives.

However, I went with a numerologist about a month ago, and based on the numbers of my birth and name, she made me a whole map of who I had been in my previous lifetimes. Some of the things she said I had been, rang very loud and clear in me, as I am really into most of the topics she said.

She told me that I had been a member of the Spanish inquisition and that had killed many people in the name of God, and that, upon realizing the atrocities I had committed, I killed myself.

She also told me that I had been a jewish philosopher, a rabbi in Spain and that some of the findings I had reached during the course of my studies, motivated me to kill myself again.

She told me that I had been a celtic priestess that was burned at the stake in Ireland.

In another lifetime -or so she said- I was an aztec princess and hundreds of years later I owned an hacienda during the Mexican revolution.

She said that I once was a very famed geographer and historian that travelled the world over and died at sea. At this point she asked me if I was fond of maps; I have a huge world map on the wall next to my bed, pinned with all the places I have been to.

Maybe this numerologist was playing with my gullibility, but the point is that I have always devoured literature regarding must of the topics she delved, about the Celts, Aztec mythology, I love most figures of the Mexican Revolution and have always, always abhorred organized religion (while I consider myself deeply spiritual).

Who knows!
edit on 8-3-2012 by RadioKnecht because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by RadioKnecht

Maybe this numerologist was playing with my gullibility, but the point is that I have always devoured literature regarding must of the topics she delved, about the Celts, Aztec mythology, I love most figures of the Mexican Revolution and have always, always abhorred organized religion (while I consider myself deeply spiritual).

Who knows!

Well, unless you were wearing some Aztec jewelry, have a visible Celtic tattoo, and were wearing a t-shirt that said, "Pancho Villa Was The Man!", she could only have known if you had already told her.

Thank you for sharing your story. I know that exact feeling, there are just certain things that feel right.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
So far, the only thing I've found that I seem to know, without any training, instruction, etc. is how to ride a horse. I must be tapping into some kind of past-life knowledge, as even the first time I rode, I was like a natural and knew exactly what to do to get the horse to go and do what I want.

It was actually kind of bizarre to tell the truth.

I guess I could add carpentry to that list too though. I was building things with wood from an early age without any kind of training at all, and it was all pretty sturdy and sound. I understood how to brace things, etc., even though I can't see any reason I would have known it would need such things.

You needed to know it because you had occasion to use it this time around!

Yes, it is "bizarre" in the sense that it isn't something people "normally" speak about.

But, I think it is something that humans are supposed to have. I mean, we do have instinctual knowledge that has been passed down to us from our earliest ancestors.

Newborns know how to hold their breath and "swim" when put in water, as well as "walk" when stood up.

When you practice a skill long enough, you gain muscle memory and are able to perform that same skill - even if you've not practiced the skill in years.

It would stand to reason, then, that there are some types of knowledge which aren't bound to the body and might conceivably come along with the spirit as it travels through lifetimes.
edit on 3/8/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Benoit84
I have had visions from when I was young. One I was on top of a hill, overlooking a valley. It was a beautiful view, I was 8 when I had that one, another I had when I was 10 of standing next to a house made of dirt and grass looking into the distance at an approaching storm. A few years ago I was flipping through the channels and saw a show on pbs about sod houses on the prairie. Freaked me out a bit.
When I was 13/14 I dreamt that I was standing in a house, holding a baby when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see 3 soldiers in red uniforms and got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I started to run to the back of the house when I heard 2 shots and woke up. I had another dream from earlier in that life of being a yound girl, maybe 11/12 of just putting on a jacket to go somewhere with who I think were my brother and sister. Im sorry I dont think I have any skills carried over but I wanted to share anyways. I love the topic of past lives, and like to read other peoples memories.

Yes, I am always very eager to hear and captivated by other people's past life memories.

Yours sound very vivid. The fact that the sod house was "normal" in your dream, but that you didn't even know about them until much later tells me that it was more likely a memory than just a dream.

Thanks for sharing!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by windword
I have always felt that I should be able to sit down at a piano and just play it. It was really surprised to find out how hard it was for me to "relearn" to play.

Haha, I've had those moments. "Hands, why won't you do what I know you can do?"

Yes, it's funny that you can be surprised to learn that you can't remember how to do something which you've never actually learned to do.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by ottobot

When I started to "learn" to play guitar, something my parents tell me I had begged for since i could speak, I found it more akin to remembering than learning.

Have never been able to explain it, I'm not great or an expert, but I never really had to learn.

Yes, that's exactly the type of thing I mean.

Is there a particular type of guitar music you excel at, or which is easier to play than others?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ottobot

Thank you so very much for this, starred and flagged as this is the least I can do for you, gonna add you as a pal as well ok?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 04:49 PM
I am more curious then, you say you remember being able to hunt, fish and trap. Have you tested these skills or you just feel you know them?

Now you say you remember being different people (past lives). Can you actually track one of your lives to a specific person? You have given several different people and said the last was possible in the depression. Have you ever gone to the places you believe you went as this person? Or are they more like visions?

I have started to believe that certain abilities, I have, and have seen in other people that come naturally may be a form of DNA memory akin to something like muscle memory. And that this is where the belief in reincarnation stems from. Perhaps some people are able to tap into this genetic memory accessing so to speak the past lives of their ancestors either physically, emotionally or in some cases mentally (visions, or actually memories).

I have never had any indication that there are past lives and I am not sure I believe that there are. As there is only anecdotal personal belief of unconvincing evidence. But to me genetic memory makes sense and I am not sure if it has ever been studied or mentioned before in past-life discussions (Maybe I am the first lol).

So I hope to not come of as rude I am just skeptical and this is the first time I have ever addressed anyone with the claim of a past life (never really interested me before now). But having an open mind and a belief that there is something there, if not reincarnation than DNA encoding, so please take no offense.

PNW Rocks of course

edit on 8-3-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by abeverage

It's important to look at all possibilities for this phenomena of remembrance. The mind is "the great beyond," and "the final frontier."

I, sometimes have dreams that are so clear and vivid, it is as if it were real. I experienced them as if it were real at the time of the dream, and then sometimes later, I have to deliberately partition my brain into reality/dream, as sometimes they leak.

I have memories of past lives. There is a distinct difference in perception from a dream, no matter how real. It's like an epiphany that usually relates to something occurring in present time.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 07:33 PM
To ottobot: yea I remember thinking 'why would anyone make a house out of dirt and grass?! Eww' haha I think things like that can be some of the best forms of validation. Its nothing fancy, probably not many people know bits of history like that. To abeverage: Ive heard that theory too, and find it to be just as interesting. Either way, its cool to have glimpses of the past!

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by DARREN1976
reply to post by ottobot

Thank you so very much for this, starred and flagged as this is the least I can do for you, gonna add you as a pal as well ok?

Yeah, no problem. Thanks for reading!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I am more curious then, you say you remember being able to hunt, fish and trap. Have you tested these skills or you just feel you know them?

Well, the first snare I ever made was of long grass, and I caught a toad. I can sneak up on animals. I spent a lot of time outside as a child and, yes, I have tested these things.

Now you say you remember being different people (past lives). Can you actually track one of your lives to a specific person? You have given several different people and said the last was possible in the depression. Have you ever gone to the places you believe you went as this person? Or are they more like visions?

Now those are some good questions. I can't remember my names. In this life, I don't even remember my name half the time. People will call me by my given name and I don't even know they are talking to me until I remember that "my name" is the name they are calling out. :-/ At the same time, I don't know what my name IS, other than the one that I have always been called in this life. It's weird.

I think in the last life my name was Mary or Marie because I remember the man talking to me at the door saying, "Marie, don't you do that." Or something to that affect, and he had a very pronounced accent. It seems like the husband's name was William or Lloyd, but I have no way of corroborating that or proving that I'm not just using my imagination on that. I have been to Oklahoma, and it is very familiar to me, especially some of those long empty stretches of road.I have also been to a number of dams in the PNW and the one that seems the most familiar is the Grand Coulee Dam. Again, though, I wouldn't know where to start when looking for people who worked on that dam.

I have started to believe that certain abilities, I have, and have seen in other people that come naturally may be a form of DNA memory akin to something like muscle memory. And that this is where the belief in reincarnation stems from. Perhaps some people are able to tap into this genetic memory accessing so to speak the past lives of their ancestors either physically, emotionally or in some cases mentally (visions, or actually memories).

Yes, I have thought this as well. It does make a lot of sense.

I have never had any indication that there are past lives and I am not sure I believe that there are. As there is only anecdotal personal belief of unconvincing evidence. But to me genetic memory makes sense and I am not sure if it has ever been studied or mentioned before in past-life discussions (Maybe I am the first lol).

No, that makes sense, I can see it being a reality. There are so many things about DNA and the human mind that are unknown to us. I just don't know how I would have memories of certain ancestors over others.

The people I know the most about, I have had multiple dreams of. Like, in the dream I was living the life, I was the person. And I would forget about it, but then have another dream of being the same person, doing something else. So, I don't know what else to say.

But, I can tell you that when I first had a dream of "Mary", I thought it was just a long dream. I was going to turn the "dream" into a short story, so I started researching information about the Dust Bowl. Guess what? I found pictures of the same machines I had seen in the "dream":

Check this video at 0:30 - this is what the fellows outside my house were doing. At 2:23, there is a guy riding a bulldozer - there was one of these right in front of my house and it looked exactly like that.

How is it possible for me to remember this stuff, when I didn't even know that they'd had earth movers and bulldozers and dump trucks in the 1930s? I mean, I knew there were tractors, and I'd always liked 1930's pickup trucks... but crawlers? I'd never even thought about it.

So I hope to not come of as rude I am just skeptical and this is the first time I have ever addressed anyone with the claim of a past life (never really interested me before now). But having an open mind and a belief that there is something there, if not reincarnation than DNA encoding, so please take no offense.

No, I don't think it's rude to ask questions. I have many questions myself. But, I can't discount my own experiences. I have no way of proving or disproving my memories. So. I listed some of the things I remember. Because I do remember them, somehow.

PNW Rocks of course

edit on 3/9/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by abeverage

It's important to look at all possibilities for this phenomena of remembrance. The mind is "the great beyond," and "the final frontier."

I, sometimes have dreams that are so clear and vivid, it is as if it were real. I experienced them as if it were real at the time of the dream, and then sometimes later, I have to deliberately partition my brain into reality/dream, as sometimes they leak.

I have memories of past lives. There is a distinct difference in perception from a dream, no matter how real. It's like an epiphany that usually relates to something occurring in present time.

What kind of memories do you have, besides the piano playing?

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