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Do you have a cold that won't go away?

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Here in Tennessee.

My household consists of 5.

This bug as most of you mention is a two hitter. It comes back! Sore throat, stomach upset (diarrhea or vomiting sometimes both at the same time). I thought it was either strep or mono. My kids had it two weeks to a MONTH!

Yes, the winter has been extremely mild so it doesn't surprise me in the least. What concerns me is the length of time the kids were sick. White count was high a couple of days ( I ALWAYS get the kids blood checked) monocytes a little high and also BUN was a little high.

Im the type of person who wants a diagnosis. I am not into taking antibiotics unless I HAVE TO!

It has been a crazy last couple of months... we all had it but I didn't get it as severe as the rest of the household.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

Well for myself, I havent gotten sick (as in taking off work) for at least 2 years. I feel that those are getting sick are showing signs of poor nutrition, lack of sunshine vitamin D3 , lack of exercise, eating of GE or GMO foods, and not detoxifying their bodies.

I have been eating organic food only and I havent felt any better since I was 10 years old. I have lots of energy, and sleep well and don't feel highs and lows during the day.

To say the infections are increasing could be from chemtrails, or possibly from deliberate releases of bacteria from those chemtrails.

Check out how to detoxify yourself, and to avoid airborn toxins, and contact with contaminants around the day, and where to buy raw milk, organic produce, and meats.

edit on 8-3-2012 by Seektruthalways1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:07 PM
I use strauses kidney and bloodpressure drops
garlic and cayenne being principle ingredients

unfortunate side effect:
haven't had a cold since I started taking the drops

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:12 PM
Very nice thread, yes for us here hack hack hack and then repeat.

We are both sick to death with the hacking here.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:47 PM
I spent almost the whole month of February with headache, sinus, cough, and then it moved to my throat and I didn't have a voice for two weeks. This was really the first week I felt completely normal, but my husband has had a lingering thing going on. But - I haven't been sick in about 3 years, so I was due for something. I'm just glad Spring will be here soon.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:47 PM

This sounds like classic COPD. Instead of the drs curing it they give you symptom meds and suck your money forever.

Here's how I got rid of my COPD.
This illness consists of four different pathogens. Search for COPD pathogens and you'll find them.
Look up 2007 CAFL frequency list. Look up the pathogens and you'll find the mortality frequencies.
Enter those into a programmable Rife machine and run each freq for about 5 mins.

Took 3 -4 sessions to get rid of mine and 2 for my wife.
The COPD has tried to reinfect me a couple of times since, but one session gets rid of it.
Hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by stewiegriffin

I've had it. Sick, then get better than it hits again. My wife ditto. I know over a dozen people in different states who have it.

Rest. Rest rest.

I've had something, but it wasn't respiratory. It was more intestinal. It came, went away, then came back and put me out of commission for a MONTH. Mostly fever and fatigue. I do have another condition that was made worse by it, so I may have been better sooner otherwise, but still. It was a strange illness to say the least.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:08 PM
thanks for freaking me out.

I just sent the gf to the store to get me some nyquil. I woke up this morning with a head cold and now it is in my chest. It did'nt help that I have been working in the cold rain all day.

I hope i can get to sleep now, thanks

edit on 8-3-2012 by liejunkie01 because: t

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

I hadn't been sick with a cold for over 2 years. Flew back to States from Europe in Dec. and felt a cold coming on. Mostly a head cold and I got over it in 10 days or so and it wasn't that bad. Two weeks later, it either came back or caught a new one but it was a bad chest cold. Nasty thick phlegm, harsh painful cough. Got over that in about 2 weeks but didn't get my full lung capacity back for another 3 weeks after that. It hurt to take a deep breath and had a dry cough with it. I've never experienced a cold like that before.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 10:01 PM
This is strange, cause i was just telling my dad how i have had like a sinus issue for like 2 months. My nose has been runny, and i have been having issues that feel more or less like a cold for a while.

Which is strange cause i am usually pretty healthy.

But i don't know if it has to do with anything other than allergies and such. But maybe i'm wrong, if enough people suddenly started feeling this way then yea. I'll read through the thread some and see whaddduppp

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

I've no remedy to offer, but will lay out my personal guidelines that have kept me reasonably sick free.

1) I rarely eat at public establishments. I'm not suggesting that public restaurants are a bastion of contagion; however, this choice reduces the number of people who interact with the food I eat.

2) I do my best not to touch my face (e.g. eyes, mouth, ears) when in public.

3) I typically carry a handkerchief to open doors.

4) I always wash my hands right before I eat.

5) If someone appears to have a respiratory illness I find somewhere else to be other than near that person.

Hmm, how to put this ... I've no phobia in terms of germs, but I do have a healthy respect for the down-time germs and what not may produce in my body. So when I began to do these things listed above I'd often forget or do whatever out of habit--it took some discipline to instill. Moreover, I occassionally get humorous glances for using a handkerchief to open a public door, but others' unspoken opinions about my preventative measure is the least of my concerns.

In summary I think the best safeguard is preventive measures you practice on a daily basis. Simple things which, unfortunately, requires some discipline to make happen. Granted none of these practices will guarantee you'll not get sick or inadventently pass along illness, but they do mitigate risk. Realistically, that's probably the best we can hope for.

All said I hope you feel better sooner rather than later because being sick, well, sucks.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Kovenov because: typo

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

I have had cold cold for almost 2 months now. It's finally going away it feels like.

I have been taking echinecha and garlic tablets every day and it seems to be kicking it away. Eating raw garlic cloves or putting them in a soup really help clear you up.

This should help fight infection
edit on 9-3-2012 by ugahm because: more

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I'm in NC and my kid has been having this cold thing for over a month. Started upper then moved to lower, lower got better, still stuffy though. Wont go away.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by stevcolx

I agree with Stevcolx. This has been my remedy for years now. I used to get viruses multiple times a year. i haven't been to a doctor for that problem since 2004?. Do your RESEARCH, these items have a long history of use and many testimonials. I also haven't had a flu shot ever.

Now if i could get rid of my migraines that would be awesome. To date i haven't found a natural cure for those. Only natural ways to deal with the pain and nausea. Meditation and someone else's reiki helps too.

love and light, blessings to all

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

For me personally, I use 4-5 drops of 500 ppm per full glass of water(16 oz or so). I drink 2-3 daily when sickness starts, usually gone in 3 days, start to feel better w/i one day. I do not use it daily. for me a tablespoon is overkill, but it depends on your ppm.

I use this method to treat puncture wounds on myself and other infections do to cuts. i just soak the infected part a couple times a day. maybe drink one glass internally Since learning about this, i have had some serious wounds get healed without the use of one antibiotic.

This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor, and make no claims as such. If you are sick see your doctor.

love, light, and blessings to all.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by jgarcya
reply to post by Char-Lee

For me personally, I use 4-5 drops of 500 ppm per full glass of water(16 oz or so). I drink 2-3 daily when sickness starts, usually gone in 3 days, start to feel better w/i one day. I do not use it daily. for me a tablespoon is overkill, but it depends on your ppm.

I use this method to treat puncture wounds on myself and other infections do to cuts. i just soak the infected part a couple times a day. maybe drink one glass internally Since learning about this, i have had some serious wounds get healed without the use of one antibiotic.

This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor, and make no claims as such. If you are sick see your doctor.

love, light, and blessings to all.

All sounds good. I make mine very weak so there is no taste I hate taking it when i can taste the silver. it works so i know i am doing ok and we don't need to use it but maybe a every other month or so a dose.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Antibiotics? My wife and I are in our late sixties and our deteriorating immune systems are certainly suspect. However many who have had these symptoms lately are much younger, even teens who seem to be suffering from this whatever it is. I don't know their antibiotic histories but it is something to take into account

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by GeorgeH

Thanks George, I'll look into it.

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