posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:29 PM
I begin with saying, Christians, please do not take what I am about write as an insult to the individual. It is what is taught that is flawed.
My main issue, when discussing these subjects, is that people reference the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This story comes from the Torah and
was incorporated into the Bible. Christians are taught to have tunnel vision and nothing outside the twisted and ever edited version of not only the
Torah but other books/writings/oral stories. One can not have a complete vision of a fruit simply by looking at its seed. I realize that some
Christians have looked outside this tunnel thus the references to the Book of Enoch for example, and that is exactly what one must do in the attempt
to put these stories together in order to see the whole picture.
As the story begins, Adam was the fist man of God(Elohim, the creator God, who demanded supreme position as the one true God, ie monotheism) , however
Eve was not the first woman of God. The first woman was Lilith. Lilith was Adams mate and together they produced Cain, her first born, as well as
other children. Lilith wanted to be as an equal to Adam and began to fight for this right. As the story goes the straw that broke the relationship was
sexual in nature as Lilith desired to take control rather than simply accepting it. Thus she was cast out of Edin along with her children, save Cain,
as he loved and was devoted to God. Then came Eve and was accepted as a woman of God. She gave birth to Able, her first born, as well as other boys
and girls but we are concerned with only Cain and Able here.
Now Cain loved his half brother with all his heart and as the story goes, God told Cain and Able to sacrifice the one thing they loved the most. Cain
came from a different philosophy as his mother was Lilith(we will get to where she came from in a moment) and blood sacrifice was not foreign to him.
Able was a shepherd and so loved his sheep, therefore sacrificed his best sheep to God. Cain loved his brother the most and sacrificed him to God not
knowing this new God did not want human sacrifice.
God understood Cains sacrifice but wanted to show that human sacrifice was against him so he cast Cain from Edin with a mark upon his forehead to show
he was of God. Some stories say it was to protect him from the evil doings of other men and other stories say it was a mark of immortality and Cain
still walks the Earth. Either way he was cast out of Edin to his mothers original people, the children of Set.
Set was an Egyptian pagan god of the underworld or the dark. The people and civilization were considered not of God and out of the light because of
their pagan beliefs yet their civilization was vast thus giving Cain essentially any mate he desired as in any civilization of peoples. Adam, Lilith,
and Eve were considered the first Man and Women because they were the first to accept Elohim as the one true God, not because they were the first of
all created. Eves-ill(evil) was to question Gods spirit of guidance and she returned to free will by her choices ignoring the guidance of spirit and
thus began to Sin. As Adam followed suit they both fell from spirit into the darkness of Sin.
Sin, was the Egyptian god of night or darkness akin to Set and ruled over the 7 fates, also known as the Anunaki, and later became the 7 deadly sins
in Christianity. As the story ends it is the return to service and the unquestioned following of the guidance of spirit, giving up free will, that one
returns to Edin and within Gods grace.