I can agree that Romney did not honestly win five states and that the election process is completely rigged across the nation, to ensure the
establishment pick for POTUS, no matter how the people vote for President.
While my remarks are intended to expand this Romney discussion, I would remind everyone that over a year ago, in January of 2011 immediately after to
the Arizona shooting spree that left Judge John Roll and others dead and Congresswoman Gifford shot and wounded by a bullet to the head, I stated at
that time that the fix was in for Romney by the elite as evidenced by the AZ Shooting spree.
When I began studying the ritual design and how the AZ shooting incident occurred, I eventually was able to see the ritual pentagram design that such
rituals usually and always have present as part of the ritual.
When the ritual control point led directly to a Mormon Temple, specifically, Logan's Temple in Utah, I knew then in January of 2011 that the entire
ritual which was a preparatory ritual to begin promoting nationally Mitt Romney as the select one that has been hand picked to be the next puppet
POTUS by the NWO elite.
While many will not know of the AZ ritual or the connection to the Mormon Logan's Temple, once anyone sees the temple, everyone will see "Twin
Towers" and how such towers are part of the NWO ritual because as with 911, twin towers are part of the allegory and symbolism that the NWO uses in
their rituals of evil.
I mention this background, only so that you can understand my remarks, but in January 2011, I stated at that time that I knew that Romney would be the
next presidential candidate because he was being supported by the most powerful and evil ritualist in the NWO, George H.W.Bush Sr.
The AZ shooting incident was a "Failed" ritual attempt because of the failed blood sacrifice of the virgin, 9 yr old girl born on Sept. 11, 2001,
who was not shot and killed first as ritually required.
It was this major failure of the AZ ritual that allowed me to see that as a failure, something would have to be done to regain the ritual attempt and
to do so, I knew that the Mormon magicians that had attempted the ritual had to be replaced and that is when George Bush Sr. regained control to fix
the failure.
Once I saw the political associations, the ritual, the Mormon Temple and and the failed AZ ritual sacrifice as a blood ritual offering, I knew that
because of Bush Sr. involvement with Romney that the fix was in for the next POTUS.
Today, in March of 2012 we are once again seeing Romney being supported in every way by the media and the election machine, so that he can become the
presidential candidate and the willing puppet to the elites that control him and his future.
When George H.W. Bush Sr. and Barbra Bush beginning in December 2011 gave media press releases stating publicly their political support for Romney as
the best choice for a future president, it only reinforced what I already knew about such a evil relationship based on winning regardless of any
public votes against Romney.
CBS News Link showing Bush support for Romney dated December 2011.
Video link to FOX news video of Barbara Bush speaking about the current campaign and expands her discussion about Mit Romney. Video was made March 5,
2012 and is current.
Since the fix is in for Romney, his candidacy serves to help re-elect Obama or it ensures that if Obama loses that the NWO has their hand picked man
in the White House.
Lastly, is the reminder that because I knew the AZ shooting spree was a ritual failure, I also knew with great conviction that such a costly NWO
ritual failure would require someone to pay with their life for messing up the AZ ritual that Romney was to use successfully to build his persona in
the media and in the public's eye.
Then, just like clock work, the Satanist showed their revenge, because approximately 48 hours after the failed AZ ritual, a suspicious death by fire
occurred, that I still feel is the smoking gun from the whole affair that proves someone paid with their life by being burned alive for giving Jared
Lee Loughner the shooter the wrong mind control triggers and codes, messing up the sequence of such an important NWO ritual.
Ashley Tarton, wife to an Obama aide, dies in mysterious fire Jan.10, 2011.
Romney is the NWO puppet of choice and the current rigged election results prove it. I hope this adds some background to the Romney rigged elections
issue because such corruption began over a year ago when the AZ shooting spree occurred and is not expected to cease anytime soon.
Thanks for the thread.