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would they ever build a GAU-8 or similar equiped MBT?

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posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Two things and I hope they have not been covered:

1) The recoil: ITs so bad that the A-10 actually slows down. If it carried an unlimited supply of ammo, it could actually slow the plane to the point of a stall if it were on continuous fire.

This was actually covered earlier.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:34 PM
Text Black A 30mm gatling gun is waste of ammo in the ground role, A 50 cal is a hell of a weapon though. There is a gatling fifty called the Ge-cal 50. The weight and size and ammo consumption of a GAU is prohibitive . The vulcan photo has it about right the apc is packed with ammo and a resupply will be needed. Precision guided munitions and very accurate optics are the way to go. Not just smart bombs but shoulder fired weapons, the future combat weapon w/ grenade launcher is an example. But really 50 cal HEDP is devastating two or three near misses would surprise you if you guys could witness it ---destroy an aircraft, smoke an APC/IFV eliminate a RPG or MG position. I've seen Ge-cals with three barrels said to crank out 2500 rpm. Now thats way more than you usually need, good trigger control is neede , you don't have all the time in the world to get more ammo. Marine Corps has purchased a small number 0f M-3 50 cals these acheive around 1000 rpm as opposed to the M2's at around 500

[edit on 30-9-2004 by bign]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by bign
Text Black A 30mm gatling gun is waste of ammo in the ground role, A 50 cal is a hell of a weapon though. There is a gatling fifty called the Ge-cal 50. The weight and size and ammo consumption of a GAU is prohibitive . The vulcan photo has it about right the apc is packed with ammo and a resupply will be needed. Precision guided munitions and very accurate optics are the way to go. Not just smart bombs but shoulder fired weapons, the future combat weapon w/ grenade launcher is an example. But really 50 cal HEDP is devastating two or three near misses would surprise you if you guys could witness it ---destroy an aircraft, smoke an APC/IFV eliminate a RPG or MG position. I've seen Ge-cals with three barrels said to crank out 2500 rpm. Now thats way more than you usually need, good trigger control is neede , you don't have all the time in the world to get more ammo. Marine Corps has purchased a small number 0f M-3 50 cals these acheive around 1000 rpm as opposed to the M2's at around 500

[edit on 30-9-2004 by bign]

Wow, I would really love to get behind one of those!


posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by bign
But really 50 cal HEDP is devastating two or three near misses would surprise you if you guys could witness it ---destroy an aircraft, smoke an APC/IFV eliminate a RPG or MG position.
I wouldn't bet about capability to penetrate any heavier armored APC/IFV.

Also in general couple hits wouldn't be able to destroy aircraft unless you hit the pilot or aircraft's only engine. (but of course it will damage)

And I don't think there are any .50cal HEDPs so could you provide links.
HEDP means fragmenting body with shaped charge:

This multipurpose (armor piercing, explosive/fragmentation, indenciary) ammunition would be closest to HEDP.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 09:58 PM
I haven't really looked for links I just know what I know but.. The round was originally [and probably still is in some parts] as the Raufoss or Raufos round. .It really is a cut above the rest, it originated I believe in Norway and is manufactured here under license by Olin I believe. And I misspoke when I stated that a near miss would take out all that I listed . It would only take out an APC or hard target with a direct hit at limited range. If you want your 50 cal to really rip up armor switch to SLAP ammo . But, in closing I must again state that a multi barrel weapons ammo consumption is it's achilles heel. The ASP 30 has been deployed on a trial basis here and there and, things are kept pretty quiet about it but, some of the shrouded guns on Abrams that have been photo'd are under wraps for more reasons than sand and dust

[edit on 3-10-2004 by bign]

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