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Anonymous' Explanation for Resignations

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:07 PM

All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as the world’s political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S. Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt why they looted our hard earned money.

News Flash

I don't have much of an opinion to give on this blog entry of now, however I found it very unexpected and wanted to share and discuss it with anyone who was interested. It would seem that Anonymous, or some faction of it, believes the Galactic Federation of Light is real and is somehow responsible for the "collapsing of the dark cabal" that we're seeing?

The main reason I found it so interesting was because I remember reading on a GFL website, BEFORE the resignation threads, about this so-called "collapsing" but dismissed it as nothing. Now I've seen those threads on ATS, then this entry today on an Anonymous blog, and it was like, one of those synchronist-ic moments.

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, it makes for some interesting conversation, so enjoy. (:

*Hope it's the right forum &all that jazz.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

It sounded completely awesome until I got to the whole GFL bit....

Eh, let's hope the rest is true - yeah?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:25 PM
I notice on Main Stream News that Icelands Prime Minister (or someone of note) has been charged with neglect over the Countries interests in the 2008 Financial Crisis and being accused of not having concern for Icelands' future. The Trial is now ongoing.

Yes I think there will be more arrests and rightly so. Anon get's some bad press and it's ironic because we all come to sites like this or dream of someone having the punch to fight our corner - then when they come along they get slated.
It's so Ironic.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by b3l13v3

I know, it seemed a little out-there for them, but, I guess time will tell? I would love to know that everything's toppling down, I'm ready for a better world.

All we can do 'till then is do our part denying ignorance, spreading information, and otherwise contributing to society the best we can - the rest will follow if it is meant to. I suppose, (:

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:31 PM

These advanced ancestors of the human race appear just as we do, although there are other beings that we shall meet as well that do not look like we do. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us make the changes we all know deep down inside need to be made. These beings are the original planners of this world, and are the same advanced civilizations that built many of the great archaeological mysteries such as the pyramids in Egypt. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are their ancestors, all of us.

^^ From OP link.

Hmmm.. This will be interesting to see play out whether there is truth to any of it or not. If Anonymous is digging it's banner into this...area of interest. I'm not quite sure what to make of that.

I'm not entirely comfortable with the description the link article uses though. There are words in the cobwebs of childhood lessons about false Gods and Prophets...that ring bells. I think Skepticism is the least for me.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by quedup
Anon get's some bad press and it's ironic because we all come to sites like this or dream of someone having the punch to fight our corner - then when they come along they get slated.
It's so Ironic.

They appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner. They are a lynch mob. The general public sees them as what they truly are. It is they who are delusional about what they are, common criminals.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

And the government isn't a lynch mob?

Seriously, I'm not following here. I'll take a little anarchy over a fascist dystopian dictatorship at this point in my life, because that's exactly what the world is headed towards.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

Already posted and found its way to the recycle bin but not because of Anon being responsible for the resignations or the like, but because this is related to the Galactic Federation of Light, and anything about the GFL on ATS gets locked, deleted, or sent to the Hoax bin.

See link for more info,

In any case, the GFL is basically a beneolvent ETs that are supposedly here right now watching and helping mankind. They leaave messages through channelers who write down all these messages. Heres a link to their site showing over 80 banker resignations. When that news broke on ATS the 100+ flagged thread only knew about 25 of them with more threads being created with the newest info, but these guys already knew, check out their link here,

What's really crazy about this GFL thing is that all these people who channel messages from the ETs have been doing it for years now, producing new messages everyday, 7 days a weeks, 365 days a year. If they're full of crap they really are going out of their way to try to fool people. Or all of these people are bat poop crazy, which by their YT videos many do seem to be

Anyhoo, there it is

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

Ben Fulford meets David Icke? Bring it on!
Reptilian (?) arrests sounds like a good thing to me and I for one am waiting patiently.
ETA Bah! Just read previous posters reply. Too good to be true. I should have known...
edit on 5/3/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:53 PM
Sounds more like Alex Collier decided to jump on the Anon bandwagon. This doesn't sound like Anonymous at all.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

Already posted and found its way to the recycle bin but not because of Anon being responsible for the resignations or the like, but because this is related to the Galactic Federation of Light, and anything about the GFL on ATS gets locked, deleted, or sent to the Hoax bin.

See link for more info,

In any case, the GFL is basically a beneolvent ETs that are supposedly here right now watching and helping mankind. They leaave messages through channelers who write down all these messages. Heres a link to their site showing over 80 banker resignations. When that news broke on ATS the 100+ flagged thread only knew about 25 of them with more threads being created with the newest info, but these guys already knew, check out their link here,

What's really crazy about this GFL thing is that all these people who channel messages from the ETs have been doing it for years now, producing new messages everyday, 7 days a weeks, 365 days a year. If they're full of crap they really are going out of their way to try to fool people. Or all of these people are bat poop crazy, which by their YT videos many do seem to be

Anyhoo, there it is

Courtesy of the End of Line Club...

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Swills

Yeah, it seems like no one remembers the good 'ol 08 fiasco with Blossom Derpchild.

And, it seems like a good time to do it; ATS's quality has decreased past the point of Blossom Goodchild's claims of a massive spaceship appearing.

This place has became infested with disinfo trolls and pointless debate, any relevant information is instantaneously sent into a furious spiral of infantile rhetoric and the moderation seems to do nothing about it.

Give me a star if you want to see the ignore function come back.
God forbid I actually voice my opinion anywhere on the internet anymore....

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by quedup
Anon get's some bad press and it's ironic because we all come to sites like this or dream of someone having the punch to fight our corner - then when they come along they get slated.
It's so Ironic.

They appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner. They are a lynch mob. The general public sees them as what they truly are. It is they who are delusional about what they are, common criminals.

you gotta lighten up bud
anonymous is not a delusional self appointed hero/vigilantly common criminal the are just an idea

and in response to quedup they are the dream. they are not fighting in our corner for us, they are us.
they are those of us willing to fight the cause and obviously would hide their identity
so superhero's ever release their identity? (iron man is not a superhero, he's a super douche who'd get wrecked by spiderman)

point is they are unorganized because in order to defeat this established system that is supressing us we need to use tactics to defeat them

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:19 AM
Holy hell..... 'Galactic ANONYration of Light' anyone???

My blood pressure sharply dropped when the light beings came into the "newsflash"...

And they didn't even give Maitreya any play! Benjamin Creme will not be too happy...

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
It is they who are delusional about what they are, common criminals.

They're not common criminals, so it's you that has the delusion.

They have the power and the ability to change things for the better, and they already have done in many cases. If you want examples try googling the wiki page on them then researching each section. I'm not wasting my time trying to point it out to you if you think that's purely what they are, because that's just ignorant. Aren't you here to deny ignorance?

They're not perfect because nobody is, but they've helped many people and will carry on doing so, despite what you or anyone else says.
edit on 6-3-2012 by robhines because: altered

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

This would be awesome if it were true.
Only time will tell....

(Where's that extra amount of patience I tucked away?)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by nihonjindesu08

I don't have much of an opinion to give on this blog entry of now, however I found it very unexpected and wanted to share and discuss it with anyone who was interested. It would seem that Anonymous, or some faction of it, believes the Galactic Federation of Light is real and is somehow responsible for the "collapsing of the dark cabal" that we're seeing?

LOL. They might be Anonymous, but $50 says they're not pre-Chanology. Pre-Chanology Anon were not New Age, and they sure as hell weren't Lightworkers. They were savage, racist, sociopathic assholes.

I personally believe that the GFL, specifically, are a hoax. That doesn't mean that I'm entirely averse to the idea of a collective of ETs who've got our backs, to varying degrees; Kali knows, we'll need it to get out of the current mess.

The GFL is probably a good enough name for them as any though; or would be if Ashtar/GFL wasn't already associated with a number of scams and broken promises, in terms of talking about landing and then not, etc. In terms of the groups I've heard of, I'm primarily open minded to the idea of either the Plajaren/Pleiadians, and the Andromedans; although I'm actually big fan of Bashar as well.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Broken promises or changed timelines? There is another supposed channeler ( this is his own blog ) who's 'sources' often go into more detail on the fluidity of the future than anyone on the GFL site. Even with that said there are many coincidental (?) accuracies posted in his blogs over the last couple years.
The gist of both of those sites though is that they (they being the ET Federation) would need us to be 'ready' for them and we're not...yet.
Also, nothing I've read here in the past couple of weeks has really surprised me because I read them from those two sites before they ended up here. I guess you could say that I'm testing all three of these sites against what is actually happening in the world and against my own intuition and experiences to see how everything continues to pan out.
edit on 6-3-2012 by awakendhybrid because: fixed

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

Already posted:



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