posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Okay, I tell you this:
It cannot happen under capitalism. Is in nature of capitalism to always compete and in doing this, destroy competition. Scientific innovation relies
on funding, which won't be granted unless it has opportunity to make money. Maybe it's not so bad, within unviversities, but they too must make
money, which mean being competitive, or they will fail. Pharmaceutical companies are bad - researchers within them do not share ideas and discoveries,
because this means their competitor receives profits, and not them, and they fail.
Economic strength in global scene is of exploitation and manipulation of weaker countries. Look at sweat shops in, say, Vietnam and such places. Big
rich companies employ labour there not expensive, and it gives them necessary jobs to survive, but in exchange they must be controlled by companies.
Because value of money is in its use - if these poor people stop working, they earn no money, and so money is not spent in buying goods and services,
and so their economy fails.
Is highly unstable system which serves only profits and not improvement of humanity. But this is how the world such operates, and it's detrimental so
bad. A one-world government is not conducive to this system. They need weaker countries for them to operate. Say just, stop allowing these
corporations to operate like this? Then you get rid of capitalism. It is the backbone of the world as we know it today.
Basically, my point is that it cannot happen any time soon. If at all it could ever happen. Personally, I think that human nature will never end, and
it will always get the better of all good intentions. To have one government, what you need is world peace. And I do not think it's totally necessary
anyway. As long as there is free academic exchange between all institutions, all countries, then development will happen.
Exchange of information is not bad, thanks to the internet.