Cool Video. I wanna see more. It would make an interesting story. Reminded me of some kind of deleted scene from Super 8 . Obviously its a fake
but someone put some real effort into making this. Probably a film student project. Nothing to get excited about.
first I want to say: Please excuse my insufficient english skills. I'm usually a "lurker" here, but that's the first time maybe I can help you out
with this video.
I'm pretty sure this was part of a viral video called "What's in the box", the sounds you can hear in the previously posted video are from Half
Life 2 (imho).
There is a little bit more behind this website, maybe you find it out, it's not easy! Here is a discussion about this site (spoiler alert!):
"What's in the box?" Looks like something I would totally watch. Just the trailer and like sort of weird and cool at the same time. The effects are
high tech, but it's got the 3-D type thing going. Thanks for sharing.