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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by The Sword

If WE pay taxes, we should get something out of it or why bother?

The typical taxpayer will always receive less value than he has paid. That is why it is much more fair to take out insurance (or not) and not pay for everyone else to live in high-risk areas.

Of course on the salary you are on you receive more value than you pay, so as Golf66 pointed out, this is a major source of bias in your political views.

I'd rather keep it

Ron Paul has... ...the completely wrong idea when it comes to disaster aid.

Does not compute.

If you prefer to keep it and take out your own insurance without the government babysitting you and holding your hand vote RP.

edit on 5-3-2012 by DrinkYourDrug because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

No, thats why i said get the proper insurance to live in that area. and its not like mega-farmers dont get enough subsidies anyways. Dont ask me to pay for you're risks.

Also, the wheat basket and tornado valley are not synonymous... Idiot.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:34 PM
MOST/ALL Politicans start showing their true colors when it gets closer to elections. Once a politican gets elected in office they start by doing things to make it look like they are going to change the world and make it better when in reality we get thrown under the bus our opinons aren't heard and nothing happens and nothing changes for the good of the country. All it is, is the same cycle of making promises that change will happen when in reality promises are broken and nothing happens and stuff gets worse in this economy!!!

All politicans believe and care only in these two things and those are:
1. Only care about themselves and nobody else.
2. Only care about the money they make for being in office.

And about the insurance thing what if their are people who can't afford insurance so I really isn't their fault and they should get help after the disasters because it would be ridiclous if the ones who couldn't afford insurance in the first place get no help at all. Not their fault if they chose to live in disaster states they chose to live there they probably have family so why would they want to live somewhere when they want to be close to family!!!

My opinon enough said!!!

edit on 5/3/2012 by Dare3 because: more info.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:43 PM
I know this might be hard for some people to wrap their brains around, but the way Ron Paul wants to do it would actually leave victims with MORE aid, not less. Go ahead people, keep giving the fed more power... hell, why not just hand it all over to them. You'll find out real quick just how little they actually care for you.

It sickens me the way things get "spun" to easily confuse the majority of the public into believing the lies they are being sold.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Dare3

And about the insurance thing what if their are people who can't afford insurance so I really isn't their fault and they should get help after the disasters because it would be ridiclous if the ones who couldn't afford insurance in the first place get no help at all. Not their fault if they chose to live in disaster states they chose to live there they probably have family so why would they want to live somewhere when they want to be close to family!!!

I'm sure their family will take them in then. If not, charities perform the same function as coercively funded aid in a much more civilized and moral fashion.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by DrinkYourDrug

Oh sure, vote for another politician. That will solve all of our ills!

Let's see how your messiah performs if elected. The way things are going, he isn't going to be.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:47 PM
And by the way, I live in hurricane alley. Over half of my income every month goes to insurance because I live in a high risk area. If I wanted to, I could move. Simple as that.


Why am I so angry? Because 40% of my total income goes to taxes to pay for everyone without insurance, while the majority of my 60% that's left goes to pay for my own insurance. After paying for mine and everyone else's, I have 10% to left live on. I actually have less spending money than people in poverty getting food stamps and sucking the teete of america off of my dime, because I choose to spend my money responsibly.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by DrinkYourDrug

Truth that good insight forget about charities haha thanks but still believe its alittle ridiclous on all this matters that are happening in this world!!!

edit on 5/3/2012 by Dare3 because: spelling.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Under Water

Because 40% of my total income goes to taxes to pay for everyone without insurance,

I really do not have time to respond but here it goes.

Fema's bubget is only 1.8 billion dollars for 2012.

if we have a federal budget of $3.7 trillion and Fema's budget is only $1.8 billion, what percentage of the overall federal budget is prioritized for disaster relief?

I will let you do the math since you have your percentages down to the T.

I beleive that you meant that 60% of your taxes goes towards wars and foreign affairs.

Only a super small percentage of any of our tax money helps out people in a disaster torn region.

But hey, Your selfishness shines through and I truly hope that you are not the person in need one day, because from the sounds of it you would rather "off" yourself (or to put it lighter, suffer unnecessarily) then to take advantage of the programs that was instiututed with a tiny fraction of your tax dollars.

Do the homework.

edit on 5-3-2012 by liejunkie01 because: or to put it lighter, suffer unnecessarily

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:28 PM
I have delt with FEMA when a tornado went through our town. FEMA came out and did an assesment and since we had insurance we didnt qualify. No biggie and understandable. What I did see FEMA do was a great job of clean up, on thir terms of course. The town put the contract up for bid and a local company bid on the project to pick up debris. Bid price 60k. FEMA said they would not help the town pay for this because it wasnt done under their specific bidding guidlines, so they rebid the contract using FEMA's guidelines. Low and behold the contract was bid out for 200k which FEMA paid the majority of, but suprise suprise the only company that met FEMA's criteria was on out of state out fit who drove their trucks down and brought their manpower down to clean up. The job could have been done faster and kept the money in a town which needed it. FEMA is just another excuse to grow the tax payers debt and distribute money to those who have the right friends.Oh and the FEMA inspector that came to our house lived in Puerto Rico and was flown up here to do the assesments.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by Under Water

Because 40% of my total income goes to taxes to pay for everyone without insurance,

I really do not have time to respond but here it goes.

Fema's bubget is only 1.8 billion dollars for 2012.

if we have a federal budget of $3.7 trillion and Fema's budget is only $1.8 billion, what percentage of the overall federal budget is prioritized for disaster relief?

I will let you do the math since you have your percentages down to the T.

I beleive that you meant that 60% of your taxes goes towards wars and foreign affairs.

Only a super small percentage of any of our tax money helps out people in a disaster torn region.

But hey, Your selfishness shines through and I truly hope that you are not the person in need one day, because from the sounds of it you would rather "off" yourself (or to put it lighter, suffer unnecessarily) then to take advantage of the programs that was instiututed with a tiny fraction of your tax dollars.

Do the homework.

edit on 5-3-2012 by liejunkie01 because: or to put it lighter, suffer unnecessarily

I guess I should clarify, yes, a portion of it goes to others without insurance. The rest goes to ss that I will never see when it's my turn, and to wars I don't agree with. In fact, i'm all for us taking care of ourselves instead of putting in a pot that is being abused by the vast majority rather than the truly needy. and yes, I would rather off myself, than STEAL from others if I'm too stupid to pay for insurance because I would rather spend my money or cars, clothes, tv's, phones, and gold teeth I can't afford while complaining i have no money for insurance. Cry me a river baby, i'm sick of it.

Oh but i'm the greedy one because i pay for everything myself and don't expect others to pay my way, yeah, that makes perfect since.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Under Water

I would rather off myself, than STEAL from others if I'm too stupid to pay for insurance because I would rather spend my money or cars, clothes, tv's, phones, and gold teeth I can't afford while complaining i have no money for insurance.

Exactly my point.

Your arrogance, selfishness, and ignorance for the tuly needy shine though.

My teeth are rotting out of my head. I have a 98 Dodge Neon with 150,000 miles on it and I just drove 100 miles to work this morning.

My Tv I bought in 1997 and I am still using it to this day. I have old torn and tattered clothing because i refuse to spend outrageous money on a piece of overpriced cotton made by a foreign individual.

I have no money for insurance because I am busy trying to make the best of my situation and am improving it as we speak.

So your stereotypical remarks are totally out of touch with many people's predicaments including myself.

By the way, I appreciate your tax money help for putting me through school to try to better myself...Or I guess I could be still working at my old dead end job making only $10.75 an hour after working there for more than a decade.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:40 PM
It may sound heartless, but these enclaves that were hit by tornados are mostly heavily Republican areas.

GOP voters want Government out of their lives until there is a disaster, then they go running to the Government for assistance at the first sign of trouble.

I totally agree with Dr. Paul, there should be no Federal money for this, this is why we buy insurance. Insurance (certainly for floods) is bought from the Federal Gov't. This is like saying to the insurance company "oh, I never bought the available insurance, but now I want you to pay for all my damage".

Personally, I live in an Earthquake zone where there have been two massive fires in the last ten years.

I have theft, earthquake, fire, flood, and evacuation insurance. For $100,000 tenants coverage it costs me less than $30 a month. If I lived in England or USA, I'd have terrorism insurance as well.

People might laugh - when I DID live in England I did actually have "act of terrorism" insurance on my car. I actually had friends in UK who had to claim on this after their car was damaged by an IRA bomb in central London. If they didn't have the additional insurance, they wouldn't have been covered for the damage.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by The Sword

Oh sure, vote for another politician. That will solve all of our ills!

I don't wish to be governed any more than you do, but be assured that RP will govern the best (and least).

reply to post by liejunkie01

I beleive that you meant that 60% of your taxes goes towards wars and foreign affairs.

Only a super small percentage of any of our tax money helps out people in a disaster torn region.

Coercively funded wars being a much larger evil doesn't negate the argument against coercively funded aid.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by DrinkYourDrug

Coercively funded wars being a much larger evil doesn't negate the argument against coercively funded aid.

It seems that most here think that there is a huge amount of money involved in disaster relief.

I was putting in perspective what amount of money is spent on disaster relief compared to the Federal budget as a whole because everybody seems to think that helping a family to put a roof over their heads and food in their childrens bellies is breaking the bank.

All it takes is a little more education on the budget and less rhetoric from uninformed individuals who obviously speak before they get the facts.

I used the wars as an example because it seems to be the place where a major portion of our taxes are going. Definitely way more than disaster relief.

Helping out our countrymen and women should be the first priority. But it seems that lining the fat cats of the crooked insurance agencies is a higher priority in most(some) of the responses on this thread.

Do people actually turn their head to the corruption and political lobbying for corporate gains that the insurance companies are partaking in every day?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood by his libertarian beliefs on Sunday, saying that victims of the violent storms and tornadoes that have battered a band of states in the South and Midwest in recent days should not be given emergency financial aid from the federal government.

"There is no such thing as federal money," Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. "Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me."

"The people who live in tornado alley, just as I live in hurricane alley, they should have insurance," Paul said.

Paul said there was a role for the National Guard to restore order and provide care and shelter in major emergencies, but that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) led to nothing but "frustration and anger.". 102533838.html

I would rather my tax money be handed out to my fellow americans, then to be thrown overseas..... lets help out the friggin world but not our own country.....

I thought that Ron Paul was for the people?

Oh, I get it,,,,,,,,,he is, only if you have insurance.......

You people are duped..........Paul is a crony just like the rest of the rich............

My mother went through the FEMA thing,,,,,they helped her out after a tornado tore her mobile home apart with my sister in it..................

I have no complaints with FEMA.............only rich jerks that want to rule everything......

For the people

Politicians of every make and model suck


No wonder America is in such #ty shape, poor reading comprehension, and understanding

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I was putting in perspective what amount of money is spent on disaster relief compared to the Federal budget as a whole because everybody seems to think that helping a family to put a roof over their heads and food in their childrens bellies is breaking the bank.

I got the impression it was more the principle of it people were against. I'm sure those against coercively funded aid are also very strongly opposed to coercively funded wars.

I have no money for insurance because I am busy trying to make the best of my situation and am improving it as we speak.

I apologise in advance, because there's no way to not come off rude in the point I'm making, but it doesn't sound as though you have much assets of value to insure anyway. I don't know what the premium would be, but you seem to manage to pay for an internet connection (considered by most to be a luxury while insuring physical assets of worth more of a necessity).

In any case, I'm more than happy to donate to charities providing relief after natural disasters (it makes me feel good). But to have any amount of money taken from me for the same purpose via coercive means leaves me with nothing but resentment.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Good job winning those votes Ron Paul

"Hey Tornado victims...I know you lost your house, your car, some of you lost family members...but you know what...screw are on your's your own fault for building your house in the path of a tornado. Yes you have paid your taxes...but I don't believe in giving out federal boo hoo...cry me a river about not having a place for you and your family to sleep. You idiots should have had insurance...if you didn't...oh well."

Ron Paul supporters are right...he is consistent...unfortunately being consistently crazy isn't a good thing.
edit on 4-3-2012 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)
That's not what he's saying at all, but some of you are intentionally perverting his words the states have been disempowered by the feds, the feds need to let the states have their own resources and stop interfering in everything

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by Under Water

I would rather off myself, than STEAL from others if I'm too stupid to pay for insurance because I would rather spend my money or cars, clothes, tv's, phones, and gold teeth I can't afford while complaining i have no money for insurance.

Exactly my point.

Your arrogance, selfishness, and ignorance for the tuly needy shine though.

Ok, let me slooooooow down for you. I wasn't talking about he truly needy, i was talking about the low lives who are cheating the system and stealing from the needy!!!!

WHY, WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THIS EASY CONCEPT???? I honestly can't "out" the cheaters, the real trash, the worst of the worst, without being accused of hating the needy???? I don't hate the needy? I hate those who steal from them! I have no problems helping those in need, I do however have some serious issues with giving up my income to those who are not in need, and are only interested in getting a free ride because of their greed and laziness.

My teeth are rotting out of my head. I have a 98 Dodge Neon with 150,000 miles on it and I just drove 100 miles to work this morning. My Tv I bought in 1997 and I am still using it to this day. I have old torn and tattered clothing because i refuse to spend outrageous money on a piece of overpriced cotton made by a foreign individual. I have no money for insurance because I am busy trying to make the best of my situation and am improving it as we speak. So your stereotypical remarks are totally out of touch with many people's predicaments including myself. By the way, I appreciate your tax money help for putting me through school to try to better myself...Or I guess I could be still working at my old dead end job making only $10.75 an hour after working there for more than a decade.

Good for you. I have missing teeth, drive and old beat up kia, and live in the ghetto. I can't go in my own yard for fear that I might get shot. i'm trying to move, trying so hard, but don't know if we can get a loan to get a new house and move my family somewhere safer. yet i work an average of 16 hours a day, and my salary comes out to less than minimum wage, but because i own a small business, the government penalizes me (self employment tax) and taxes me well below poverty. So I work my butt off to raise myself slightly above poverty and the government takes so much from me that they just kick me back into it. I don't want to hear your sorry stories. I have enough of my own. And do you see me out there on food stamps? No. Instead, I'm taking a long look at my business, and trying to figure out what I can do to make it more profitable. I'm taking chances. I'm being innovative. I will succeed because I have ambition and the will to win. I won't take no for an answer and I refuse to settle with the hand I'm dealt. I believe in creating my own destiny and I won't expect others to carry me. I take pride in carrying myself. I am an american. I believe in the american dream.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Under Water

Ok, let me slooooooow down for you. I wasn't talking about he truly needy, i was talking about the low lives who are cheating the system and stealing from the needy!!!!

Here is a direct quote from you.

I would rather off myself, than STEAL from others if I'm too stupid to pay for insurance because I would rather spend my money or cars, clothes, tv's, phones, and gold teeth I can't afford while complaining i have no money for insurance.

So exactly how am I supposed to take that kind of remark?

I have no money for insurance at the moment.

If you would like to avoid further confusion I would suggest being a little less steriotypical and use a rational thought process to get your point across.

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