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Vladimir Putin wins Russian election

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:35 PM
Well does this article point out the fact that they spent millions on webcams watching the ballet counters and boxes that anyone with the internet could watch? That's 10x more than this country does, yet we all call foul just because it's Russia?

Observers reported a number of violations during the vote across the country. Results at one polling station in Dagestan, in the North Caucasus, will be annulled due to a video recorded by one of the webcams. It showed several people casting multiple ballots. Vladimir Putin’s campaign headquarters says it will demand the cancelation of results at every polling station where such serious violations are revealed. More at -

Seems like Russia does more for a fair and open election than here in good ol' U.S. ya know, the place that stuffs "democracy" down everyone's throats.

edit on 3/5/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/5/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:07 PM
Congratulation for Vladimir Putin!!! I would have voted for him too if I was a Russian. He is the MAN and my hope for saving the world!!!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ideasarebulletproof
Well does this article point out the fact that they spent millions on webcams watching the ballet counters and boxes that anyone with the internet could watch? That's 10x more than this country does, yet we all call foul just because it's Russia?

Observers reported a number of violations during the vote across the country. Results at one polling station in Dagestan, in the North Caucasus, will be annulled due to a video recorded by one of the webcams. It showed several people casting multiple ballots. Vladimir Putin’s campaign headquarters says it will demand the cancelation of results at every polling station where such serious violations are revealed. More at -

Seems like Russia does more for a fair and open election than here in good ol' U.S. ya know, the place that stuffs "democracy" down everyone's throats.

edit on 3/5/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/5/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

Yup like here in Canada too.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:48 PM
What a surprise!! Snicker, Snicker.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by LonelyGuy

Since he only got 64% of the vote, that means there must be a whole lotta dead Russians. Somehow I doubt it.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:29 AM
I think you wanted to say: "Vladimir Putin wins Putin election"

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:33 AM
How could Putin lose with an army of young, smart, and beautiful girls behind him?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:46 AM
they probley learnded how to rig elections from the us,and putins probley saying its good to be the king!!

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 01:28 AM
there were webcams at every polling station and millions of common people watching and recording. the only place where fraud happened was Dagestan and the poll was cancelled there and is being reheld.

Plus 300,000 citizen observers and nearly all of them of them say election was very fair,check facebook or vkondkate

If there was carouseling or multiple polling the webcams would record it .so like why no evidence and all kind of hearsay?.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 02:38 AM
Congrats to Russians for reelecting Putin as the President. Ever since Putin has been in power Russia has made great strides in all fields specially in increasing Russia's image worldwide as a serious trading partner and economic gains. I hope Russia keeps improving and maintain strong relations with everyone.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Mikeyy

states should not recognize the legitimate election results

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:08 PM
How Putin really won the Russian election.

This is how Putin won the election and continues to win the Russian elections. We know that Putin is a former KGB Spy. This means that he has been trained in the ability to disguise himself so that no one will know that it is him.

I read another MSNBC article that said 107% of the votes in Russia had been returned. You cannot have 107% of the votes returned for the simple fact that only 100% of the people will have voted with possibly less than 100% voting. This means the following has happened in Russia.

Putin has deployed his spies into areas of Russia where because of Putins KGB background he has been able to instruct his spies in being able to create fake IDS and personalities where one agent would vote for Putin in one area looking like someone and would then travel to another area and vote as another person with completely different credentials thus creating two possibly even more than ten different personalities that would seem to be legal ID's because with Putin being in charge no one would check the validity of the IDs because Putin and his entire cabinet are KGB trained and would not challenge their own spies when voting irregularities surfaced.
Lets Say that Putin has 10,000 spies working for him. Each spy has ten different identifies which equals 100,000 different people from 10,000 single spies. This equals 100,000 automatic votes for Putin.

Putins spies would most likely be the Russians who move from one area to another job wise where they move often on business and are gone for several months. During these several months away from their home base the spy would actually take on the different disguises and move from one location to another voting in elections where the locals would simply know the person as being constantly on the move dealing with business systems within Russia and would never question the person as being a spy.

Putins spy network then moves through each voting district employing their disguises to vote for Putin that adds a "legitimate" 100,000 or more votes to Putins base.

Russia needs to create its own network of spies where each traveling businessmen or women that says they are traveling to town x for business would have spies in the town of destination where the businessmen is traveling to in order to make certain that the traveling businessman or woman is telling the truth and does not create a new disguise in the new town or the town that they have diverted theirself to in which they create a new disguise to vote for Putin with.

You can never have more than 107% of the vote. This means that more than 100% of the Russians voting have voted more than once and given that Putin is former KGB then there is where the extra votes came from.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Dryson

The turnout was about 60% - MSNBC has 1 possible example of a district where there may have been 107% and made a headline that makes it look like that was the turnout over the whole election.

It is not generally a good source - far too many of their articles have similar errors.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:25 PM
Putin is only concerned with his own power base and those who worship him. If Putin was serious about Russia's economy then he would have sided with the U.S. and other countries in ousting Assad from Syria. But because he did not side with the U.N. on striking at Assad it can be shown that Putin is conducting an end around spy operation that goes something like this.

Putin is inciting the Middle East to raise prices on the oil that is sold to America and the rest of the world in order to keep the terrorist regimes alive in the Middle East while at the same type causing the economies around the world to suffer as people are not able to to enjoy what they would be able to normally enjoy if the gas prices were not as high as they are.

Russia under Putin and China are putting the squeeze on economies around the the world under the guise of forcing people to live within their means which means people are not able to drive from one side of the country to the other to enjoy seeing realtives or taking vacations.

This means that the economy suffers because people do not have the choices to do what they enjoy and who else hates peoples freedoms to do as they choose to do, Communists and Middle Eastern Countries like Iran and Syria that live under the hand of a tyrant who dictates to them what they can or cannot do.

The only countries responsible for this assault on the rest of the world is Russia, Iran, Syria and China.

With gas prices continuing to rise the increase puts a drain on the economy to the point of America and the rest of the world being forced into a situation where in order to eleviate the burden a war against Syria and Iran must be undertaken.

Both Russia and China have continued to say that such a war would be disasterous for the world but in reality such a war would remove Assad from the table and reduce Putins ability to fund his military in support of China making an eventual military move once the worlds armies are not able to afford gas to power their vehicles with.

War is the only way to make certain that progress for all nations continues because if not Russia and China's economy will slowly grow to the point of being able to use their military to effectively dictate to the rest of the world how things are going to be.

You have to remember that Putin is a former KGB Spy who has been trained in the basic spy tactic of producing convincing lies in order to make it too his objective. That objective being destroy the free markets around the world so that Russia and China can rule the markets under Communist Dictatorship where all rights and freedoms of each citizen will be determined by Putin himself and enforced by his KGB agents.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Dryson
Putin is only concerned with his own power base

Well duh!

Putin is inciting the Middle East to raise prices on the oil that is sold to America and the rest of the world in order to keep the terrorist regimes alive in the Middle East while at the same type causing the economies around the world to suffer as people are not able to to enjoy what they would be able to normally enjoy if the gas prices were not as high as they are.

Not really - he has a vested interest in keeping hydrocarbon fuel prices high because Russia exports vast amounts of them and it is where his finances come from.

I don't think he gives a rotund rodent's rectum about terrorist regimes or anything else as long as he's got power & money.

edit on 8-3-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Dryson

What regime do you live under? What country are you from.
From the BS you are putting down, especially the large post about "fake ID Puting KGB spy network" nonsense, you don't seem to know much. Unless you were there, saw it, where did you get your elaborate plan "the way it really happened"?
Sounds like serious disinformation.

Now let me tell you this. No single politic is perfect. You will never know the complete truth. That's why you look at actions and history of presidency...
Putin is no way a god nor a hero, but he did act in the interests of the country. The amount of change in Russia in 2 decades easily beats 4 decades of change in US(my opinion). And in the positive way, not the downhill crap that goes on in the western world.
The main reason why Russia is critisized is because after the default of the 90s, they spit on the banking establishment of the world and threw out western interests and influences out of the country. Yes the was lots of theft on a huge level, when govt structures were privatized, but the choice made was let it be stolen by russians. Easier to deal with them later. All political conflicts in the world are only due to either being on the side of the banking cartel or being against it.

I can list many things about Russia that were changed, but it would be a separate topic.

I would like to look at a more successful historical example of a country recovering from a total collapse.
There is a lot more crap going on in the USA and other "civilized" countries on the political front, but they always point fingers to anywhere else but themselves.

And to clarify - I am Russian, lived through the 90's, came back and forth to/from. Until you have first hand experience with the topic, don't spew nonsesnse.

On a side note, as difficult as life may be in Russia(on a medium income), I would say there is inherently more freedom than in US, with all the good and bad parts of that freedom. As a somewhat relevant example, I would love you try to speak/act with the police in US, the way people do in Russia to theirs. You'd be probably shot or get knocked out/arrested/charged(in US). So much for russian tyrrany/dictatorship.

To summarize:
I believe the outcome was known before elections. Yes the winner was expected. Yes the was a lot of show and circus(definition of political process). Putin is still the best candidate(being the pain in the ass for the Western Globalization). And the election process was a lot better/clearer than the US circus. Or does anyone honestly think that US is an example of clear/transparent election process and everything is up to free will of the people(not that it should be in my opinion)?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:59 AM
A household slave will always praise his master is the best, even if fed crumbs off the table and given a new shirt every year.

Worse, the household slave will berate other slaves in the field if they so much as look sideways.

Guess mankind learnt nothing....

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 07:55 AM
poor rossya your end is near...

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