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Why Are You People Making Ron Paul Out to be a Lunatic?

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:35 AM
Fantastic news. Ron Paul supports people like John Birch, who supports the Constitution. Let's go ahead and associate Dr. Paul with every type of organization that has or holds conspiracy theories, even the ones that are no longer such, and we can all put it to bed.

Why are some of you so damned desperate to make this man out to be a lunatic? We are supposed to be fighting for Constitutional governing, a return to the foundation in principles of the founding fathers. Yet here you are bashing the only candidate in many years who actually wants to see that to fruition? You seem fairly dead set in keeping this country in the hands of frauds and RINO's (Republican in Name Only) who continue to send our soldiers to war, allow the Fed to print money like there is no limit, force people to purchase a product in the name of billions in profits to PHARMA, impose legislation that literally rapes the Bill of Rights and makes every single person in this nation subject to warrantless searches and arrests.

We have surrendered 100% of our liberties for a false feeling of security yet some of you would spit in the face of the only man on record to vote against every single thing I mention above. What the hell is wrong with you people? Romney is a carbon copy in policy to the usurper that resides in the WH currently. Newt has a trail of deception and corruption a mile long behind him, hoping to continue it at the highest level of power. Santorum is straight off his rocker and was labeled one of the most corrupt in Congress two years running. His own state refused to put him back in office, yet some of you want to see him in the WH?

The way I see it, you can find good and bad in every single person in this country. Bar NONE! Ron Paul may have a different view of the way this country should be governed, but it is entirely based on the Constitution. Not one of the other candidates can attest to that by their actions, nor their voting record. If you people want frauds to get the GOP nomination, you might as well re-elect Obama. It will make no difference if anyone but Dr. Paul gets the nomination!

Yes, I refer to him as Dr. Paul out of respect because he is a Doctor, someone who has earned this honorable designation.
edit on 4-3-2012 by NowIsThe because: spelling

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:41 AM
I am no expert in US politics, but it seems to me that Ron Paul is the last hope the US has of remaining a viable power. In the UK, we have a man called Nigel Farage who is very similar, and like Mr Paul, Farage is our last hope of remaining a viable country.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:46 AM
Yeah reading all the U.S political threads that I can, I don't get it either.
People are crying out for real change and yet don't want to vote for a person who has the possibility of bringing it about.
With things being in the proverbial crap house almost everywhere at the moment, what would people have to lose by voting for Ron Paul?
The worst that can happen, is more of the same. But then your going to get that even if you vote for one of the others. But with Paul at least there is a 50/50 chance of things getting better than how it is now.

Because Ron Paul is pretty much out on his own with what he believes, he probably is perceived as crazy by some.
But it is good to see how much progress he is slowly making.
edit on 4-3-2012 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:57 AM
Ron Paul has some great ideas, chop the tentacles of money siphoning off, chop war off, chop dependence on foreign oil off, etc, etc, etc, great ideas, he really needs to be placed in a position in the White House cabinet so he can help achieve these goals. Who makes him look like an idiot? Idiots like David Letterman, he said he looks a person who witnessed a UFO, the audience laughed. Ron Paul's ideas are almost anti-political, which makes him a bad politician in that respect, the tentacles can't be chopped off because they are controlling the political world. It would be nice though if someone in power listened to his ideas and used them.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Flighty

Yes, he is making progress, even with all that there is pushing against him in the media. To answer your post, I think it mostly boils down to people not researching for themselves and learning about the political system. People have been conditioned to believe what the media tells them and want to vote for the perceived winner. I was brought up to believe that voting is both a right and a responsibility, that you are supposed to vote for the person who you think will best lead the country. I do not believe in voting for the person who I think will win but for the person I believe in, even if I have to write their name on the ballot (that is a legitimate right of ours). I do not fall for the line that voting for a candidate from another party is throwing my vote away, and I do not believe I have to vote for the "lesser of two evils". I believe that if my vote counts for no one else, it counts for me and my conscience. I was also taught that if you do not vote, you should not complain. I have too many complaints not to vote.
edit on 4-3-2012 by NowIsThe because: spelling

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:30 AM
The people who make Doctor Paul out to be a lunatic are the people who pat themselves on the back and keep telling themselves that everything is okay and that things are getting better. Unfortunately these are the type of people that no matter how much you try to wake them up, they will not realize the situation until it's too late. Ron Paul is a diamond in the rough. You never hear of someone as consistent and all around American as him in politics. He speaks a lot of sense. I can't think of a single policy I don't agree with him on. It's a scary thing to say this may be our last shot to not F everything up.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by NowIsThe

I totally agree with you.
Elections are treated like football matches rather than a serious process with our votes being a stake in the outcome of our own and our loved ones lives for next 3-4 years. Not to mention the Country's as well.
I vote pretty much like yourself , after a lot of research and tuning out the white noise that the media spews out.
So I can make a decision based on facts without all the propoganda thrown in.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:52 AM
I know this is slightly off topic, but it would help me to understand it better, could someone explain to me in the most basic way how a state caucus works, we have no such system here and it is hard to know what is going on over there. Thanks

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:05 AM
I personally think that Ron Paul is a good man; and one of the very few politicians who really does care about "we the people."

However....I see the "writing on the wall"...Mitt Romney has been chosen by the majority of the trillionaires and billionaires of this country...he is the one that will get the nomination.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:16 AM
We all know who has something to gain by defaming RP! If TPTB cannot do it in person, they will send someone to act in their stead. To be against Ron Paul, you have to be against his policies. That should say plenty of anyone who attacks him.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:23 AM
Because he IS a lunatic. bwahahahahahaha

Oh, that only works when Ron Paul does it?

Get over yourselves. Ron Paul has some good ideas and some bad ideas, like every politician.

I absolutely cannot trust someone who published BS newsletters purposely aimed at appealing to the lunatic fringe and brazenly denies having anything to do with them.

Sorry Paul fans, this isn't the 18th century. No revolution for you. Your candidate is a crook like all the rest, you're just buying his empty right-wing claims.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Justwork

It's pretty simple. Whoever is running the vote makes up the rules as they go along to fit whatever need they have at the time. If they don't succeed that way then they just make up numbers for the vote count they want to get and that's that, case closed.

If you want the actual rules and regs, no one in the known world actually knows them and can explain them.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:36 AM
Its that along with good ideas he has had a long list of off the wall crazy ideas. Like selling the national parks to developers and telling people if they are sexualy harassed at work they should just quit etc. Add to that his followers tend to be loud and over the top so he just comes off as a bit odd himself. I do not think he is a lunatic, I think he is a politician and is willing to say certain off the wall things he would never do just to secure followers. Just a typical politician making promises he has no idea how to keep.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
Because he IS a lunatic. bwahahahahahaha

Oh, that only works when Ron Paul does it?

Get over yourselves. Ron Paul has some good ideas and some bad ideas, like every politician.

I absolutely cannot trust someone who published BS newsletters purposely aimed at appealing to the lunatic fringe and brazenly denies having anything to do with them.

Sorry Paul fans, this isn't the 18th century. No revolution for you. Your candidate is a crook like all the rest, you're just buying his empty right-wing claims.

He DEFENDS the CONSTITUTION ! That may mean nothing to you or the other candidates but means the world to true Americans

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:45 AM
Ron paul scares the political string pullers because he actually stands for what the people want.
And he is not just a baby kisser for the public eye..He threatens the corruption that the political world
has become and is going to be attacked as a nut job..
that is why even if it got down to the wire with him in the final face off.. he would just get scrubbed
by a few vote loss,, just to make it look like it was a close race. when indeed.. the real count was well in his favor.
edit on 4-3-2012 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Justwork
I know this is slightly off topic, but it would help me to understand it better, could someone explain to me in the most basic way how a state caucus works, we have no such system here and it is hard to know what is going on over there. Thanks

Here's a thread that does a pretty good job of explaining it.

Some information on how the Iowa Caucus works

Back on topic...

I can't understand how anyone that has heard Ron Paul speak could not be interested. Of course, that could be the problem. There has been so much downplay on him from the media that people don't bother to listen for themselves.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
reply to post by Justwork

It's pretty simple. Whoever is running the vote makes up the rules as they go along to fit whatever need they have at the time. If they don't succeed that way then they just make up numbers for the vote count they want to get and that's that, case closed.

If you want the actual rules and regs, no one in the known world actually knows them and can explain them.

I don't doubt there is voter fraud happening. The overt blackout of Ron Paul in the media and during the debates makes me believe the accusations surfacing that voting machines are rigged, ballots are missing, precincts are not being counted and rules are being changed on the fly...are entirely plausible. These accusations I would have a real hard time wrapping my head around if I wasn't paying attention.

I hope this does not discourage people from voting. We need to come out in droves to prove in numbers that Ron Paul is our President Elect. There is no way they can hide able bodies. They might can hide votes but they cannot hide people.
edit on 4-3-2012 by NowIsThe because: typo

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by caladonea

I don't think that's completely set in stone yet.

It will likely be an -OPEN- convention, something we haven't had in a real long time. With the delegates Ron Paul will get, he can win in that scenario.

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