posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Helig
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow
Lets see:
Views Roe vs Wade as a mistake (and uses states-rights as justification)
Considers paper money unconstitutional
Supports Don't-Ask-Don't-tell
Wants to kill off college aid and thinks student loan programs are unconstitutional
Too many anti-environment positions to enumerate
Would see Social Security dismantled
At least 3 or 4 federal agencies that he would disband (and further increase unemployment)
I probably shouldn't even answer because I"m just not in the mood today to correct anyone's FAULTY perceptions concerning Ron Paul. I will cover a
few points that you mentioned, however:
Paul wants to allow competing currencies and believes the FED (a private central bank AGAINST our Constitution) would end up dying on its own over
time. The Federal agencies he wants to disband--important parts would be rolled over into other agencies and nobody would be losing jobs...these jobs
would be done away with through attrition--meaning if somebody quits, their job is not replaced, if somebody retires, their job is not replaced.
College aid/student loan programs--whenever the federal government gets involved in anything, the quality goes down and the price goes up! Paul admits
he worked his way through college--the government was not involved and the price was reasonable. How many kids are graduating college today with
enormous loans to be paid back, yet cannot find a job???? How many graduate high school and cannot even fill out a job application?? People/kids are
individuals and a one-size-fits-all education program does NOT work. Social security is UNconstitutional--however Paul realizes that people have been
made dependent on the program and would NOT do away with it for those who have come to rely upon it, or those who have paid in for years and will be
using the program. However, he does think those 25-years-old and under should be allowed to opt out and save for their own Social
Security would still be available for many decades to come. He plans on using the money saved by stopping foreign aid (Why are we giving money to
foreign countries when our own people are hurting, when our own infrastructure is in decay??) AND using the money saved by stopping unnecessary
military expenditures (not defense, not money for veterans or veterans' health care) to shore up Social Security and Medicare. According to our
Constitution, States' rights DO trump Federal rights...the whole country has become an upside-down, screwed-up mess!
For anything I failed to cover, there's tons of youtube videos, other forums and google searches to be utilized.