posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 03:29 AM
Great story, as I had wondered what it was like to attend a caucus. But it is sad that many of us complain, but do not actually take action. I used
to be quite active in local politics, helping candidates to get elected, but then I got disgusted a couple of years ago, and told them not to call me
anymore. And this was probably going to be the first presidential election where I did not vote.
But you are right, if we do nothing, then nothing will change. So I suppose I will vote, but it will probably be for Ron Paul, which here in Oregon
will be a wasted vote, as by the time we vote in the Pacific Northwest, the candidates have been chosen, but at least I will be making a statement.
Reading your story reminded me of why I never missed voting in a presidential election, because I always believed that if you do not vote, you have no
right to complain.